“Of course! Of course! ”

After witnessing such a battle, the only trace of concern in the principal’s heart about the stone god was gone.

Although the three-ball duel between Shi Shen and his old friend just now, in fact, he basically couldn’t understand it, but he understood it deeply.

Makoto has found the treasure!

Moreover, the headmaster unconsciously had sufficient confidence in those plans and goals on the stone god plan, which was a sincere blessing, how could he say no?

But just after agreeing, the principal also realized that it was wrong, after all, the old friend was still standing on the side, and the current coach, the old friend’s daughter, was also standing on the side, and the words he blurted out seemed a little unauthentic.

“It’s just…”

The principal looked at the father and daughter of Keita with some hesitation, obviously he was overthinking, because the painting style over there was simply not a world.

“Good daughter, daddy is really strong!”

“It was me who was careless for a moment and let that smelly boy take advantage!”

“You also know dad, I’m old, and my reaction is a bit slow…”

“I really haven’t used my full strength yet!”

“Hey, Riko, Riko…”

Reiko Aida didn’t want to look at her father, who was explaining beside her, and directly slapped Aida Keita’s face and pushed him to the side, and approached the principal and Ishigami in a few steps.

Riko Aida’s eyes have been wandering on the body of the stone god, and after a lot of rapid again, she finally spoke: “Hello, I am Riko Aida, and the current coach and manager of the basketball department.” ”

“Stone God.”

The stone god nodded and was considered to be acquainted, and this slightly cold reaction did not make Reiko Aida feel uncomfortable.

“Principal, I resign as a basketball coach.”

Reiko Aida’s tone was full of sincerity, and she turned her head to look at Shi Shen, “It is fitting that the strength of Shi Shen-san is the basketball coach.” ”

Riko Aida’s unsolicited resignation was something that the principal did not expect, but he nodded approvingly and thought, “Jing Hu’s daughter is so sensible!” ”


As soon as the principal wanted to announce, the words had just come out, and he was interrupted by Shi Shen coldly.

“Then it’s up to you to be the manager.” Shi Shen said lightly.

“Manager? It’s true? ”

Reiko Aida was a little surprised, because according to the general coaching tradition, everything is based on oneself and cultivating one’s own team.

After Reiko Aida decided to resign, she actually planned not to participate in the basketball club in the future, although she was very reluctant, but she wanted to see Makoto make achievements, so she had to make a trade-off.

Unexpectedly, Shi Shen still let her stay, and still continued to serve as the manager of the basketball department.

“Because of your eyes.”

The stone god looked directly into Reiko Aida’s eyes before moving away after a few breaths, and said meaningfully, “It’s the same as your father’s.” ”

Eyes, eyes!

Of course, Reiko Aida knew what Ishigami was talking about, and she recalled the plan written by Ishigami, which did not mention her eyes with the efficacy of ‘human flesh X-rays’.

It’s not a secret, but it’s only known to a few people.

“He actually knows this!”

The principal was very depressed, and he was forcibly interrupted by Shi Shen again, remembering that Shi Shen had been interrupting himself in the office before.

Therefore, this time the principal learned to be smart, he did not continue to speak, but waited until the two looked like they had finished speaking, and then coughed twice: “That, since this is the case, then it is so decided.” ”

The headmaster tried to keep his words to a minimum, lest the stone god might interrupt him again.

“With Shi Shen as the new coach of the basketball department of this school, what about you, Reiko, continue to serve as the manager, and the two of you will be the heads of the basketball department in the future!”

The four of Shishen moved from the basketball hall to the principal’s office, and the position was confirmed, of course, a formal contract was required.

And because of Shi Shen’s original request, that is, to serve as both a coach and the main starting force of the team.

Then Shi Shen must also enroll in Chengrin High School and become a student in the high school.

Shi Shen signed the contract given by the principal without the slightest hesitation, and overall it was already very favorable.

Entering the first grade, of course, this is just a student status;

Served as the coach of the school basketball department and the director of the school basketball department;

At the same time, tuition fees are free, and there is a salary equivalent to that of senior teachers;

Assign a single apartment for teachers, and rent and electricity are free of charge;

Then there are also subsidized takeaway meal subsidies;

It is necessary to be like teachers without excuse, 8 to 6;

It is necessary to manage the basketball department well with the assistance of manager Reiko Aida, and actively participate in the game, train players, develop players, and promote players;

The contract period is one semester, and the violation of the contract content, violation of laws and regulations or job-hopping within one semester is a malicious breach of contract, and the corresponding liquidated damages shall be paid.

If you win the competition, the prize money of the competition is shared by all members of the basketball department, managed by the manager, and distributed by the coach and minister, namely Shi Shen.


This contract is quite a good contract for the current situation of the stone god, and many of the contents are actually not attractive to the stone god.

However, it solved the most critical problem of clothing, food, housing and transportation at the moment of Shi Shen.

The signing was completed happily, and the principal’s office, which had been busy for half a day, was left with only the principal.

Ishigami still needs to configure some daily necessities to familiarize himself with his new residence, and the father and daughter of Keita Aida, who were called to help, naturally went home.

On the way home, the figure of the stone god in Reiko Aida’s mind lingered, just because the stone god brought too much visual shock.

Reiko Aida even rehearsed the wonderful process of the last two balls of Ishigami and her father over and over again in her mind.

Interestingly, after following his daughter out of school, Aida followed his daughter closely along the way, telling his ‘reason’ over and over again.

“Riko, Riko, don’t ignore Dad!”

“Reiko, dad wants to give that smelly boy a chance to practice, can’t you see?”

“Lizi, Dad really hasn’t even played half of his strength.”

“Next time, Dad will definitely defeat that smelly boy in front of you!”


I don’t know if it’s because of Aida Jinghu’s noise all the way, or it may be that passers-by cast strange eyes, and Aida Reiko suddenly stopped and didn’t say a word.

Aida Jinghu suddenly noticed that the atmosphere was not good, and immediately shut up, thinking that his daughter was really angry.

“Hey, Daddy.”

Reiko Aida said without looking back, “Actually, that stone god didn’t use all his strength. ”


Aida Jingtora was caught off guard by his daughter’s words, of course he knew that Shishen did not use his full strength, which could be seen from the fact that he defended his own attack after deliberately losing the ball.

“In the game, so you may not find out.”

Reiko Aida raised her arm and waved, “At that time, he was carrying two weight-bearing equipment on both arms for strength exercise. ”

After that, Riko Aida took another step and walked silently towards the house.


Aida Jinghu really didn’t notice this, and it was only after his daughter reminded him at this moment that he remembered that this was really the case.

His face suddenly stiffened a little… He suddenly found that he seemed to really underestimate the strength of that guy!

“This… This stinky boy… Ay! ”

“Forget it, forget it, lose and lose!”

“It’s not that I haven’t lost!”

After a long sigh, Aida Jinghu’s eyes added a little more joy, and he caught up with Reiko Aida one after another.

“Hey Lizi, what shall we eat in the evening?”

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