“What just happened?”

“I don’t know! Aomi Daiki didn’t even touch the basket! ”

“Shi Shen also said that he won’t let him score, I feel that he is very confident!”


The discussion in the field continued, looking at the people on the field, the anger on the face of Coach Hara Zekerd under the field was not concealed, in his eyes, the Qingfeng Daiki in front of him did not play well at all, otherwise he would never have thrown a ball like that!

May Momoi on the side naturally didn’t know how to persuade, looking at the game on the field, the worry in her eyes was even worse, the game continued, and the ball returned to Makoto’s hands because of Aomine Daiki’s miss.

Looking at the stone god in front of him, Hinata Shunpei threw the ball at the stone god without any hesitation, and the opposite was a person who was entangled in anger and tiger eyes, and naturally there was no way to hold the ball.

It’s just that all this is nothing to do in the eyes of the stone god, his eyes narrowed slightly, and the look in his eyes looking at Qingfeng Daiki in front of him is more intriguing.

“I don’t know what you did, but the last goal was my mistake, and you were wrong about what you unilaterally decided not to let me score!”

Qingfeng Daiki’s tone was also cold, the stone god naturally knew his thoughts, the corners of his mouth were imperceptible, if the person in front of him still thought that it was his mistake, then in the future, such mistakes would appear frequently!

While holding the ball and running towards the direction of the opposite basket, Qingfeng Daiki in front of him sank slightly, his legs were slightly bent, and the haze in his eyes seemed to wrap up all the stone gods.

The game continued, and the eyes of the audience under the field were even more focused on the person in front of them, and the cold light flashed in the stone god’s eyes, and the next moment he ran directly towards the direction of Qingfeng Daihui.

Near the position of the three-point line, looking at Shi Shen without any hesitation, he jumped directly, Qingfeng Daiki had already gritted his teeth, and the next second he stepped forward directly without any hesitation.

“It’s a deception!”

Listening to the almost roaring voice of the person in front of him, Shi Shen did not have any expression on his face, and the ball in his hand was transmitted directly, and for a while everyone focused their eyes on the person in front of him.

Watching Qingfeng Daiki raise his hand instantly, Hara Zekerd under the field frowned slightly, if there is no accident, this ball in front of him will definitely be capped up, for the ability of the person in front of him, Hara Zekerd is naturally clear.

It’s just that what everyone didn’t expect was that the ball in front of them instantly transformed into countless ball shadows, and each ball shadow seemed to carry a cold ball wind, and Qingfeng Daiki frowned almost instantly.

Looking at the surprise in the eyes of the person in front of him, the corners of Shi Shen’s mouth only slightly hooked, “This is my gift to you!” ”

Stone God’s words Qingfeng Daiki did not listen to his ears, now his eyes only left the ball shadow in front of him, with the initial impression, Qingfeng Daiki did not hesitate to face the ball in front of his palm.

Just the moment the palm fell, seeing the mockery in the eyes of the stone god, Qingfeng Daiki’s face instantly became gloomy, and all the shadows of the basketball behind him gathered together in an instant, falling into the basket together, looking at the ball in front of them, the audience under the court did not know what to say for a while.

Hara Zekerd under the field stood up directly, and the eyes of the stone god in front of him had a stunned look that he did not expect, all the shots of this person have repeatedly refreshed his cognition, and what surprised him even more was that even Daiki Aomine, who had entered the state, was difficult to be the opponent of the stone god.

“What’s wrong, can’t you do without this?” Shi Shen’s eyes narrowed slightly, looking at the person in front of him, Qingfeng Daihui’s brows wrinkled fiercely, and the unwillingness in his heart continued to expand.

The voice became more and more low, even the footsteps also accumulated strength, fiercely glanced at the person in front of him, Qingfeng Daiki turned and left directly, the person in front of him such a reaction field The Tonghuang player on the field naturally looked in the eyes, but at this time no one knew what to do.

“Captain?” Susa Yoshinori’s face was obviously embarrassed, “Do you still want to give the ball to Aomine?” ”

Such a question was naturally too boring for Shoichi Imayoshi, and he nodded slightly, and Susa Yoshinori in front of him threw the ball directly in the direction of Aomomine Daiki.

The audience under the field can naturally see that Qingfeng Daiki can’t wait to attack again, but for himself there is no such expectation, everyone knows the strength of the stone god, and losing to the stone god is almost a recognized thing for the audience under the field.

Really, I haven’t felt like this in a long, long time! The corners of Qingfeng Daiki’s mouth were slightly hooked, and compared to other Tonghuang players, there was no sense of defeat in his eyes.

Shi Shen’s eyes couldn’t help but narrow slightly, in the body of the person in front of him, there was no possibility of losing at all, maybe this kind of love for basketball in all circumstances is the most shining place of Qingfeng Daihui!

It’s a pity that the opponent he met was himself!

Seeing that the people in front of him were still rushing with great momentum, and the unruly aura swept across the entire stadium, the stone god’s eyes couldn’t help but narrow slightly, and the palm was even more heated, thinking of being able to directly destroy the person in front of him, the whole person couldn’t help but boil.

Come on! Qingfeng Daiki also roared, and for a while everyone focused on the two people in front of them, for fear of missing any wonder.

The stone god’s attention was completely focused on the ball held in Aomine Daiki’s hand, and the ball dance just now obviously reduced his physical strength a lot, but there was not the slightest fatigue in Qingfeng Daiki’s eyes.

Shi Shen is naturally clear, his ZONE is squeezing his potential while consuming much more physical strength than himself, no matter how wonderful he is now, I don’t know at any moment, all the fatigue will come together in a posture that he can’t imagine at all, and that time is his most desperate moment!

The corners of the stone god’s mouth, who has already thought clearly, have long been habitually hooked, so that the game of cat and mouse is really suitable for himself!

Looking at the ball that Qingfeng Daiki directly shot, the stone god’s eyes widened instantly, and he directly stretched out his hand without any hesitation, for the stone god’s sudden action, Qingfeng Daiki did not hesitate to ask for a false shake, but the stone god recognized his thoughts in an instant, and once again deprived Qingfeng Daiki of all his five senses with one move.

The familiar feeling struck again, and Daiki Qingfeng didn’t have time to adapt and couldn’t discern his direction, and in the eyes of the audience below, the person in front of him was just stuck in place.

Hara Zekerd stood up directly, looking at the people on the court with a complete incredulity in their eyes, and what flashed in his mind was exactly what Daiki Aomomine shot at the beginning.

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