The audience on the field looked at the field curiously, and the sunspot in front of him raised his head, the determination in his eyes did not change, and for a while everyone’s direction was focused on the person in front of him, and Dai Chihiro couldn’t help but narrow his eyes.

“If you want to replace me as the sixth person, then ask me if I want to!” Listening to the words of the person in front of him, Dai Chihiro’s brows frowned almost instantly, and the moment he turned his head, looking at Seijuro Akaji’s affirmative eyes, the corners of Dai Chihiro’s mouth were slightly hooked.

In the next second, without any hesitation, he rushed directly towards Kuroko’s direction, and such a person in front of him who was not strong in all aspects of hard conditions naturally would not let Dai Chihiro have any threat.

The performance of the people on the field was naturally able to see in the eyes of the audience, and the eyes of the stone god couldn’t help but narrow slightly, and Reiko Aida couldn’t help but sweat.

For a moment, everyone’s eyes were focused on the person in front of them, and Kuroko also landed the ball in his hand directly to the ground without hurrying, and the audience in the audience instantly closed their voices, and everyone looked at everything in front of them nervously.

Bang, listening to the sound of the ball in Kuroko’s hand landing directly to the ground, Dai Chihiro’s brows twisted fiercely, and the hand that quickly stretched out rushed directly to the direction of the ball in Kuroko’s hand, at this moment, Riko Aita under the field stood up directly from her seat, and the tension in her eyes was not concealed.

The performance of the person in front of him seems to be completely expected by Kuroko, the corners of his mouth are directly hooked, and there is no hesitation in the next moment, a sudden dash, and the audience under the performance of the person in front of him is naturally completely in the eyes.

Dai Chihiro instantly widened his eyes and couldn’t believe everything in front of him, and at a certain moment, only the sound of the ball colliding violently with the floor remained in his ears, and he felt as if he was in a stadium where there was no one.

It was this slightly stunned kung fu, the figure in front of him seemed to suddenly disappear in front of him in an instant, and his own resistance seemed redundant, the sound of collision in his ears was still the same, and the moment the audience cheered, Kuroko had come behind him.

“How is it possible! Doesn’t it mean that Dai Chihiro can suppress Kuroko? ”

“Did that person really disappear in front of him?”

“What a bizarre operation! What the hell did Kuroko do? ”

The players of Luoshan under the field couldn’t help but discuss for a while, but everyone who was sincere seemed to breathe a sigh of relief, and on the field, the audience below the field was not enough to notice, and the curved stone god inadvertently hooked by the corner of Seijuro Akaji’s mouth easily captured.

“For the first time, your team is so far behind.” It was obviously a questioning sentence, the person in front of him elaborated without any negative aura, looking at his always proud look, Shi Shen did not pay attention, his gaze was still on Kuroko’s body.

Unlike the sincere players watching the game from the field, his eyes did not have any expectations, and even if the people in front of him could not understand, Shi Shen still knew that what he wanted to do was only to stimulate the potential of everyone.

After Kuroko broke through Dai Chihiro, he took the ball directly without any hesitation and rushed towards the opposite basket, and the audience in the court focused all their eyes on the person in front of him at this moment.

That sunspot who used to be the shadow of Diguang Middle School was also the most dazzling light on the field at this time!

Looking at the person in front of him, Qingfeng Daiki who has been standing behind the gymnasium’s gaze is particularly complicated at this time, of course, he did not expect that Kuroko Tetsuya would have such a day, Momoi May on the side involuntarily turned his head, looking at Aomine Daiki in front of him, full of worry.

“Hurry up and defend, what are you still doing here?” Shibu Reiyo’s voice carried a little majesty, Akaji Seijuro did not speak, the instructions of the person in front of him were obviously what he had to follow.

Thinking of this, Hayama Kotaro rushed directly to the direction of Kuroko without any hesitation, and the exposed tiger teeth carried an unruly aura, and the performance of the people on the field, Reiko Aita under the field was also in the eyes.

Her lips involuntarily clenched, the thoughts in her heart naturally did not say it at the first time, but her eyes had already betrayed herself, turning her head to look at the same nervous look of the Vulcan Daigo on the side, and Riko Aita only felt that a dense layer of cold sweat had emerged from her palm.

“It always felt like he was deeply familiar.”

Although Riko Aida did not speak, Shinji Koganai on the side said nothing, and Reiko Aida involuntarily observed the reaction of the Vulcan Daigo, but fortunately the person in front of him did not pay attention to it.

Of course, she knew what the familiarity in Shinji Koganai’s mouth was, and the Kotaro Hayama in front of her was just a wild nature like the Vulcan Dame.

It is precisely because of this that Riko Aida’s heart is even more nervous, and there is no doubt that the match in front of her will be the most severe!

The eyes of the audience were completely focused on Kotaro Hayama and Kuroko, and although the man holding the ball had broken through Dai Chihiro in a fantastic way, it was curious what tricks the person in front of him had.

Looking at Kotaro Hayama, who always had a smile on his lips, Kuroko’s brows furrowed tightly, but there was still no stagnation under his feet, and he accelerated directly without any hesitation in the next moment.

Kuroko’s reaction was naturally something that Kotaro Hayama did not realize, his eyes became sharp in an instant, and his shot was faster and more ruthless than Dai Chihiro, looking at the actions of the person in front of him, the audience in the audience couldn’t help but gasp.

“Come on Luoshan!”

“Kotaro, don’t let us down!”

“Give Makoto a little color!”

The players of Luoshan under the field have already boiled irrepressibly, and the situation of Luoshan’s big lead has no tolerance for any counterattack by Cheng Rin.

Their thoughts Kuroko Tetsuya was naturally very clear, and at this time, he was not even the slightest bit afraid, and the moment his eyes touched Hayama Kotaro’s outstretched hand, Kuroko instantly raised his head.


Hayama Kotaro’s eyes instantly straightened, and before he could react, Kuroko’s figure disappeared in front of him, looking at the reaction of the person in front of him, the audience in the audience directly boiled.

There is no doubt that Kuroko Tetsuya once again directly staged the drama of disappearing in front of Kotaro Hayama, looking at the appearance of the people on the field who were directly stunned, the players in Raksan under the field could not help but be slightly stunned.

Only Dai Chihiro on one side, looking at Kotaro Hayama in front of him, his eyes were full of disdain and cruelty, at least now, he was not alone in being taught by the shadow of the former emperor.

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