“That guy’s name is Atsushi Ziyuan, and he used to be a starter midfielder when he was in Diguang!”

“Also a member of the Miracle Generation!”

As soon as Kuroko’s words came out, he directly quieted the big guy who was originally noisy.

“Another generation of miracles?!”

“No wonder it’s taller than the coach, look at that head, I’m afraid there is 210!”

“It’s a miracle generation coming together today, right? Oh, no, Kuroko is the sixth person, so there is still one that did not come…”

A group of people began to chirp again, but Kuroko seemed to remember something, looking at the stone god walking in front with a strange expression.

“Ziyuanjun was actually hit by the coach.”

“Atsushi Ziyuan, 208 cm, about 100kg, is now the center of the basketball department of Yangquan High School, and has absolute dominance on the inside.”

Shi Shen suddenly spoke, “The traditional center playing style, nerve reflexes, height, arm span, bounce and strength are far beyond ordinary basketball players, relying on the unique physical fitness in the interior line has a wide defensive range beyond the average center, aggressive on the offensive end, and has had the experience of scoring a hundred points in a single game in the past!” ”

“I… One hundred points…”

Hinata and the others felt terrifying when they heard it, as if everyone in the Miracle Generation had a talent for jealousy.

“What the coach said is true, Kuroko?”

Hinata asked a little dumbfounded.


Kuroko shook his head, and it could even be said that the coach had more detailed information about Atsushi Zihara’s basketball than he did.

“That guy will be your opponent in the future!”

Shi Shen said and turned his head and smiled, “Celebrate winning Haichang, take you to eat barbecue today!” ”

Ishigami knows that there is a free barbecue restaurant nearby.

Well, for free… The premise is, to finish eating.

“Oh yes!”

A group of people listened to the secretion of liquid in their mouths a little faster, “Fragrant and rich barbecue!” ”

Looking at the excited look of these guys, Reiko Aida couldn’t help but shake her head, with her understanding of the stone god, estimated this meal… There are!


In the Kaijo basketball hall, Huangse and Midorima have returned to the hall, the members of Kaiso have long been disbanded, the onlookers have also left, and the four of them are left in the huge basketball court.

“Huangse, it’s really ugly to lose.” Qingfeng looked at Huang Se slumping beside him with a tired expression, and pouted in disgust.

“Xiao Qingfeng, don’t say the same as you haven’t lost to that guy.” Even though he was frustrated, Huangse did not forget to fight back.


“That guy, it’s really too strong!” Huangse looked up at the ceiling, feeling that everything was so unreal.

“So, fate decides everything.” Midorima had a prophetic tone, “Because of the single style of the two of you, fate will naturally not choose you!” ”


For Midorima’s often god-like words, the three of Momoi directly ignored it as always.

The sudden sound of footsteps from the door made the four people look up in unison, and an unusually tall figure approached the basketball hall.

“Oh, you’re still there.” Atsushi Ziyuan opened a new pack of delicious bars and approached the corner where the four of them were.

“Little Ziyuan?”

“You’re here too?”

A few people greeted each other, but Momoi’s mood rose a little higher, “Zijun, why are you only here now?” ”

“Oh, lost.” Ziyuan Atsushi’s face was a little dazed, “I found a coffee shop and slept with dessert, little yellow boy, your school is too big.” ”

“The game is over.”

“I know.” Ziyuan Atsushi looked around, and his gaze fell on the scoreboard that had not yet been taken away, “Little Yellow Boy really lost? ”

“That’s not it.” Midorima said seriously, “I lost badly, and Huangse cried after the game.” ”

“Little Midorima, are you finished?”

“I lost by 22 points!” Atsushi Ziyuan was a little surprised, and quickly returned to a calm face, “That’s really miserable.” ”

Huangse felt as if he had been poured salt on his wound again.

“Zijun, how do you know that Xiaohuang lost?”

Momoi looked at Atsushi Shihara, who was not very surprised, and his expression was a little strange.

“I met the little black boy before, and they’re going back.” Atsushi Ziyuan stirred the delicious stick in his mouth, thought about it, and asked, “Is it because of that guy who is still quite tall and has bandages on his hands?” ”

“Stone God.” Midorima pushed his glasses, then pointed at Huangse and Aomine, “They both lost to that guy.” ”

“Did they all lose?” Ziyuan Atsushi’s face showed obvious shock, “Xiaoqingzi actually lost!” ”


Seeing that Midorima directly took out the defeat of the two and spoke, Qingfeng snorted coldly in dissatisfaction.

“Zijun, how do you know it’s because of Shi Shenjun?” Momoi felt that this big boy, who was a little natural, seemed to be a little unusually smart today.

“Ah, he led Kuroko and them back, I walked on the road and didn’t notice bumping into him.”

Atsushi Ziyuan threw away the delicious stick he had eaten, took out a packet of potato chips from his pocket and tore it open, “That guy is very powerful, I was hit by him, and I broke several packets of snacks… ”


Several people directly ignored the chatter behind Ziyuan Tun, and looked at Ziyuan Tun, who was eating potato chips with wide eyes.

They are very clear about Ziyuan Tun’s physical strength and strength, but in the case of hard fighting, Ziyuan Atsu is definitely at the overlord level among their miracle generation five.

And that stone god was actually able to knock Atsushi Ziyuan down while walking!

“It won’t be…”

Huangse smiled stiffly, “His figure looks like that!” Although he is also strong, he is compared to you…”


Atsushi Ziyuan added, “At that time, he seemed to have taken two steps back, and his strength was really strong!” ”

Just two steps back?!

“Speaking of which, Huangse.” Qingfeng seemed to remember something, and glanced at Huangse, “When he came on the field in the third quarter, he seemed to have always carried his two gauntlets, right?” ”


“What arm guards?”

Several people were a little strange, except for Qingfeng and Momoi, no one here had ever seen the stone god’s golden bracer.

“Are you talking about the bandage he has on his hand?”

Midorima asked.

“It’s something under a bandage.” Qingfeng said lightly, “The equipment for training strength may be at least 30 pounds. ”

“30 pounds!”

Both Huangse and Midorima were shocked and said with some difficulty, “You mean he fought with 60 pounds of weights?” ”

Seeing Qingfeng nodding, several people suddenly fell silent, and for a while there was only the crunching sound of Ziyuan Tun eating potato chips.

“That guy, can’t be inferred with common sense.” Qingfeng saw that several people who did not speak all of a sudden said to themselves, “Miracle generation, heh, we have met an opponent!” ”

Who would have thought that these former proud sons of heaven would actually be so excited for the same person to watch the game.

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