Black Dragon Code

Chapter 68: Transfer

Compared with the amazing Green City Legion, Caesar has only two clans around him-the orcs and the wolves, which seems a little too cold.

I can't help it, Caesar thought.

还 How else can I fight? The fighting level of the two sides is not at a level at all. According to this situation, even if he can stop the green dragon, he will be killed by the endless strange army.

Until now, he didn't know the reason why his opponent Roy would release the blockade. The original captive at that time wanted to be frank-"The reason why Roy would let the wolves and the dogheads go to the Dulu Basin, I want to hold the black dragon awaiting the arrival of our ally Sylvia. "

In fact, before this, the Black Dragon had anticipated danger, but greed was the most terrible original sin. He took a lot of time to subdue the Gnoll clan, and did not immediately evacuate, resulting in such consequences.

Of course, this is only Caesar's wishful thinking. Roy's arrangement is unknown to him. In fact, he will retreat sooner or later. The young nobleman was determined to bury the army here at that time. Force the green dragon to come.

As long as the two sides are at war, this result must be the result. This is a dead end and cannot be cracked at all.

I ca n’t stop thinking about it, but the reason is because Caesar is not strong enough.

Roy had power, capital, and support. All this was enough to support the young aristocracy. After several defeats, he could still win the final victory. In contrast, Caesar now only needs to lose once, and that is nothing.

His past reflections flickered through his heart, and Caesar shook his head and turned back to his heart—now it is not the time to consider these, he has more urgent real problems that need to be solved.

The black dragon looked around, looking for the weak point in the enclosed environment of the "fish cage bird", trying to find the loopholes, and then led the remaining relatives to flee.

In the face of absolute power, it is necessary to counsel.

However, as he looked around, he accidentally found that the orcs had all raised their weapons, the fire of war was burning in their eyes, and even the children were holding spears they had picked up from somewhere on the ground to break the spear, ready to fight the dead.

The wolves were no exception. Under Hogg's leadership, they all made deep wolf roars.

On the opposite side, the beasts of the Green City Legion also showed their fangs.

These stupid guys, really plan to die ... Heilong thought, he has picked a suitable position and is ready to break out.


However, just before Caesar was about to take any action, he suddenly stumbled--his lines were robbed, which he did not say.

At this moment, the old wizard Suff, who has been very indifferent since the last attack on the army camp, made a sudden noise. He stepped forward, staggered forward to Caesar, and stood in front of the black dragon. His hands did not shine for a long time. The bone stick began to bloom again.


The next moment, the old wizard displayed the mighty power of the green dragon. His sparse hair fluttered wildly, and the mana tide seemed like a boiling rippling wave, rippling with gray ripples.

For a moment, the situation roared.

"What's going on?" Caesar was surprised.

This is not the power that a wizard can have at all. In his check device, the value of the old orc keeps increasing, and finally reaches a level that is almost comparable to Sylvia.

"Elements ignite."

Compared to Caesar's puzzlement, the green dragon, who is also the caster, is very familiar with this. At a glance, the **** orc even ignited his own tide of elements, and obtained a powerful mana far in the short time.

This is a taboo spell that even Sylvia has only heard of its name, but has failed to master, and as a taboo spell, its cost cannot be afforded by all casters in Elladia.

Plutonium Ignite is an irreversible spell.

This also means that from the moment it is cast, until the end of the caster's tide is burned clean, the terrible spell will not stop during the entire process.

It means the end of the caster.

"Really pitiful." Green Dragon pouted, not too surprised.

Even with such terrible spells, the sad orc wizard has barely reached the point where he can reach himself. It is simply a dream to want to rely on this little power to fight against the great poisonous mother.

What's more, how long can it last by relying on the power gained from combustion.

Thirty seconds? One minute?

Sylvia looked down at it all.


The word dropped, the old wizard's bone staff moved sideways, majestic mana distorted the space, and the Void Portal that had just disappeared shortly before ... appeared again.

But this time the portal is on the side of the black dragon.

"Boss!" Gal shouted.


Tsuff did not look back, repeating his words.

的 His voice is as hoarse as ever, without arousing ambitions and bitter hatreds, as plain as the lake.

Ignoring environmental influences, Sifu's tone is the same as when he is in a peaceful and harmonious clan, and when talking with his family, Caesar, and Luna.

The kind of stability with husky is exactly the same.

"Burning Storm (Dragon)."

Of course, it is not that simple. The moment Sylvia saw the appearance of the Void Portal, Sylvia knew what the other party was thinking. It was impossible for them to escape smoothly, and the magic of dragon language soon raged.

As the most famous magical creature on the mainland, the dragon-like magic of dragons can be regarded as the best in the world. This time, Sylvia is not trying to squeeze the power of the black dragon, but to block the opponent's full blow.

The roaring embers storm eclipsed the heavens and the earth, and covered the entire battlefield with a layer of dark red.

However, it was blocked.

的 The mana barrier built by the old wizard blocks all the meteorites and flames made by the green dragon, and the elemental ignition brings unparalleled powerful mana, so that the old orc has the capital to compete with the green dragon in a short time.

Garr didn't say a word, took a deep look at the old wizard, took the lead to bring the crow clan into the portal ~ ~ They loved the old leader is right, but also know that the decision made by Suff is impossible That's changed. At this time, hesitating and hesitating will only live up to the old wizard's hard work.

"Stars fall (Dragon)."

"Furious Blade Rush (Dragon)."

The enemy is not stupid. Sylvia really began to exert force to tear up the old wizard's defense. When such an old green dragon tried his best, the scene was extremely terrifying.

At the same time, the Green Capital Army also launched a full charge, with the roar of ogres and the hissing of the two-footed dragon spreading throughout the war.

The rushing attack was blocked again, and Caesar saw that Siff's body was burning with an illusive blue flame. From the arm, the flesh gradually began to peel off.

The tide of his element is almost dry, and only life is left.

"Sorry, we failed to fulfill the contract, His Excellency Ortorenzo." After the orcs had all left, Sev turned his head and smiled at the black dragon.

Even Caesar had time to speak in the future, and saw that the old witch's wand, which seemed to be weathered and broken, was finally broken, and the illusory blue flames on his body were raging, and his figure was blurred.

But even so, in the fast and weak Sifu, he could not stop the powerful dragon magic, and the elemental shield was broken.

"Please be kind to those children."

说 He said to the black dragon that the old orc was holding his body, and flesh was peeled off all at once. At the moment when the elemental shield was broken, he tried his best to push the void portal, and the black dragon and the wolfman disappeared together.

At the last moment, Caesar saw that before the endless spell attack came, Sifu was dead, his body was burned to a dead bone, and then turned to ashes in the ensuing spell storm.

Even that tattered robe failed to stay.

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