Black Dragon Kingdom

Chapter 461: light in ignorance

   Denying children education is for a brighter light, hope and future.

  Anyone with a normal IQ would not think this sentence makes sense, because it is too outrageous.

   It's unbelievably outrageous.

   After a few days.

Pastor Jack faced the bishop in his area. At this time, his eyes were bloodshot and his priest's robe became dirty. He asked the bishop in a tone of extreme resentment: "Why do you let darkness cover this world?" , Let us, who originally lived in the light, fall into darkness."

  "Life is all about pursuing light and beauty, why do you do it the other way around?"

   At the last sentence, Pastor Jack bit blood from his mouth.

   These days, he has been praying to the gods all the time, telling the gods about all the absurd things that happened in his area.

  However, something that made him panic happened. The faint connection with the gods in the original prayer disappeared.

  He couldn't accept the fact that he was abandoned by the gods, let alone accept that his race fell into the deepest darkness.

  He broke down.

  So he rushed into the church desperately, facing the legendary strong man in front of him, just to get an answer.

  The bishop sat in his seat, surrounded by dozens of nuns of the gods, knelt down quietly and prayed to the gods.

   Angry roars resounded through the church, and the sacred sculptures emitted the most holy light under the shining of countless suns.

  She looked at this priest who could deduce through time that after education disappears, civilization will fall into darkness.

With her hands on her waist, she said in a gentle and loving voice: "This is the will of the gods and the sublimation of my living civilization. We will usher in the rise and the brightest light in the darkness. hope and future."

   "Pastor Jack, you should obey the will of the gods, face the darkness, and in the darkness, cultivate the stars that are as bright as the stars in the night."

  Among the forces that exist in the entire Lord of Darkness, there are no more than 400 demigods, with a population of more than 50 billion, ruling a huge continent of more than 1.5 billion square kilometers.

  Under such circumstances, the legend is already the middle and high level of the power.

   So they are entitled to know exactly why they are doing it.

Be a second mother in the face of your own gods, educate and believe in his civilization what is right and what is wrong, sharpen him, let him grow, make him stronger and smarter, and be able to live better in the future Well, live wonderfully, live brilliantly.

  What reason do these believers have to refuse?

  The legends who learned the truth basically accepted the fact that their civilization will fall into darkness, and a brilliant civilization will be bred in the darkness.

   It's not that they don't hate darkness, but that they have all fought the craziest and fiercest wars with the Dragon Alliance and know how cruel the world is today.

  The blood of trillions of people is enough for them to make the most correct choice.

   Face the bishop's answer.

Pastor Jack became even angrier. He desperately faced the sunlight shining from behind the statue, rushed in front of the statue, grabbed the clothes on the bishop's chest in front of the statue, and lifted her up directly, staring at the red eyes. , once again roared angrily: "The children are not allowed to receive education, for the sake of a brighter hope and a brighter future."

   "Darkness can breed light, and darkness can breed a brighter future. What kind of fallacy is this?"

   "Even if I die, I will never let you **** poison my civilization."

  He wished to eat the **** in front of him, and even more wished to smash the group of high-level officials whose minds were filled with mud.

  He let go of his hand, turned around and walked out of the church. He was going to find the light he recognized and pierce the darkness that was about to envelop his civilization.

  The legendary bishop, who was also a woman, kept smiling in the face of Pastor Jack's rudeness, and did not use her extraordinary power to teach him a lesson.

  Because the bishop knew that one day, the priest in front of him, whose genetic level reached one in a million, would gradually acquire the true meaning of darkness in his own light.

   At that time, he will become a star conceived in the darkness, help his civilization advance, and use his own power to make it easier for the darkness to breed bright stars.

   "Master Bishop, don't you need to tell him the truth? He can see through the events we have done that our civilization will fall into darkness in the future, which means that his wisdom is not low."

   "After explaining the truth to him, he will definitely believe in our Lord devoutly again."

  A nun stood up, looked at the priest Jack who was resolutely walking towards the back of the **** in the distance, and said in a puzzled way.

   Obviously, in the face of this priest who sincerely wishes for a better civilization, as long as there are individuals in civilization, they will respect him.

   Watching him collapse, watching him be puzzled, watching him walk towards the light of civilization, and give birth to the deepest darkness of civilization.

  It will be extremely painful for him who finally learns the truth, and she feels a little distressed.

The bishop touched the nun's little head with his own hand, and explained softly: "We must follow the will of the gods, be a second mother, tell him what is right and what is wrong, sharpen him, make him strong, Through hardships, let him become wise."

  "Before this, many truths can only really sharpen him after he has personally experienced them. We just need to tell him right and wrong at the most appropriate time to complete the final transformation for him."

   "And only then will he truly become a man, turning into a star in the darkness, sheltering and shining the civilization that was born, raised, and conceived by him, in the darkness."

   Facing the bishop's instruction, the little fairy was a little confused. She seemed to understand it, but she didn't seem to understand it.

   But she felt that this was a bit too much. Obviously, she only needed to tell this priest the will of the gods, and he would turn sorrow into joy and continue to contribute to the development of civilization.

  Why before this? So what about torturing him?

  Looking at the puzzled look in the little nun's eyes, the bishop's eyes were flickering with flickering light.

  How can we grow without suffering?

  The flowers in the greenhouse cannot withstand the wind and rain after all. Only the flowers that grow in the storm, the scorching sun and the snow are the most beautiful flowers in the world.

  They may not be as beautiful as those flowers in the greenhouse in the ravages of the disaster, but the will they represent is thousands of times more beautiful than the flowers in the greenhouse.

   And civilization, exactly what is needed.

  In the city made of white marble, Jack Mu walked along the road angrily, his heart was devastated and riddled with holes.

However, in order to save his civilization, in order to keep the civilization that raised him from falling into darkness, he used great will, responsibility, truth, light, and hope to firmly glue his broken heart together .

  He cannot fall here, his civilization still awaits his salvation.

  Darkness is about to envelop, and he must act as a sparkling spark to illuminate those confused clansmen and guide them in the direction.

  He firmly believes that sparks like him will spread throughout this civilization, and one day, they will light the torch called light and give light back to their civilization.

However, what Pastor Jack didn't know was that the sparks had already spread throughout his entire civilization, but, except for the sparks that had just risen like him, the other sparks had restrained their radiance and left the darkness alone. over their civilization.

  They expect the darkness to breed a brighter spark, making their civilization even brighter.

  Dark calendar 1 year.

  Darkness has descended on this civilization sheltered by the Lord of Darkness.

The education that had been popularized was destroyed, countless knights loyal to the gods frantically searched for all items with words, books were burned, sculptures were smashed into powder, and even the Bible of the gods was burned under the statues of gods .

  In order to prevent those parents who know words, educate their children, and give their children knowledge, all the superhumans under the Lord of Darkness are dispatched.

  The demigod patrolled the entire continent day and night.

The legend sits at the lighthouses in various regions, covering all the people with his own spiritual power. Once someone wants to educate their children and give them wisdom, the knights will rush into the parents' homes, take the children away, and send them away. To an institution called an orphanage.

   And countless third-tier, second-tier and first-tier powerhouses, they are distributed in the vast countryside, doing things like legends, prohibiting education, and turning the world into ignorance.

   Faced with wanting to attribute their children to the ignorance of the Holy See and the government, countless parents struggled to resist, wanting to fight for a future for their children.

  However, the government and the Holy See have absolute power called Transcendence. Under the sword, blood is drifting, and ordinary people are powerless to stop it, and their resistance is meaningless.

  Time goes by, ten years, twenty years, thirty years, forty years, fifty years, sixty years.

  After sixty years, the ordinary people of the older generation have all died of old age. Before they died, they all abandoned their belief in the gods. They complained and hated the gods who wanted to put their children into darkness.

   Their resistance is ultimately meaningless.

Because the new generation has expanded to 700 billion human beings, they are a group of ignorant people. They believe in whatever the pastor says. They still believe in gods devoutly. Climbing up, the strength keeps increasing.

   And just after the ordinary people of the older generation died and the world became ignorant, before the gorgeous temple, one after another was set up by ordinary people under the command of the priest.

  The concept of being called a devil, being called a devil, being called an evil, and being called a witch began to spread rapidly.

   At the same time, the Lord of Darkness let go of the suppression of various evil forces.

  The extraordinary world belongs to the extraordinary world. Faith can make all things ascend to the throne and achieve greatness.

  Equal to it, human fear, human lust, human anger, human killing intent, and other emotions also have power.

  Especially when the beings that produce these emotions are at a very high genetic level.

  In the ignorant world, jealousy, fear, lust, anger, killing intent, and other forces are spreading crazily.

  They live in no fixed place, drifting indefinitely, and lost the suppression and elimination of the gods, they gathered together to form monsters one after another.

  The legends of devils, demons and witches gave them a foundation of existence. They turned into monsters that people feared, and possessed the characteristics of monsters that people knew.

  Greed, terror, blood, what people fear, these monsters have what.

  After the advent of ignorance, endless fear, along with the advent of monsters, also descended on the world. Under the attack of monsters, people fell into the deepest fear.

   And at this moment, the priests began to act.

  With the help of the power brought by the gods, they subdued one monster after another, directly tied them to the stake, and burned them to death in front of the temple.

  As everything happened, monsters were conceived by various emotions one by one, hurting people.

  The priest uses the power of the gods to catch and burn the monsters that hurt the believers of the gods.

  Under such circumstances, the authority of priests has been unprecedentedly increased during this process. People need the protection of priests under the threat of monsters, and even more need the belief in gods.

   In just twenty years, the entire territory ruled by the Lord of Darkness has completely changed. The ignorant low-level residents regard what the pastor said as the truth.

  What the priest said was right, even if it was something unreasonable, it was to kill those hateful monsters.

   On the stake, some special monsters gradually appeared. They have no extraordinary power, and they are just ordinary people.

   But they were named the devil, the devil, the witch, or the children of the devil, the devil, the witch, and burned one by one.

  The fire that reaches the sky reflects the cheeks of countless ignorant people.

  They roared and clamored crazily, burning witches to death, devils to death, devils to death, and all the monsters that hurt them were burned to death.

  Even among the monsters who were burned to death, some were still one of them yesterday, or even their relatives.

   But they firmly believe that what the pastor said is true, these guys are devils, demons, witches, and should be burned to death.

  They decided that what they did was just, burn the monster, so what could be wrong?

   One after another, the stakes were lit on the ground. In the red flames, there were monsters, and there were also human beings who were deemed unqualified by the extraordinary.

   Gradually, monsters became a minority, and the new generation of humans became a majority.

  Countless newborn children were named devils, demons, and witches, and were reduced to ashes in the flames.

  The fire racks in front of the church continued every month, and people were burned to death every month, and the fire racks in some large cities continued all day long.

What the ignorant people don't know is that out of every ten children born, only the best one can grow up, and the other nine will be named monsters before they grow up. reduced to ashes.

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