Black Dragon Kingdom

Chapter 550: The rise of a nation is not accidental, only inevitable

  The three legendary saints sitting at the front all fell into contemplation facing Ace's eyes.

   And Ace, for their thinking, was quite patient, waiting quietly.

  The auditorium was silent, and thousands of students were lost in thought.

  Being able to enter the auditorium shows that their intelligence is not low. The moment Ace asked the ogre student to sit down, they knew in their hearts that what the ogre student said was wrong.

   Otherwise, Ace should comment.

  Time passed slowly, more than ten minutes later.

  The Kobold Legendary Saint stood up, bowed slightly to Ace and said, "Teacher, I think thin humans are more likely to survive."

   "After the people of Dashan captured a large area of ​​fertile land under the mountain and obtained a large area of ​​land and slaves, they have become an upper-middle class existence."

   "Everyone has women and the resources to support their offspring."

   "Therefore, in this aspect, strong humans, ordinary humans, and thin humans have similar speed and efficiency in reproducing offspring."

  "However, in order to fight, the people of Dashan must recruit the strongest among them to fight, so as to maintain the rule of their own territory."

  "Thin people, because they are not good at fighting, are generally excluded from the call."

   "Once a war is waged, there will inevitably be casualties. Strong people will inevitably bleed continuously, and ordinary people will also continue to lose in the war."

   "The number of strong and ordinary people is constantly decreasing during the war, while the thin and weak are bound to breed and support more offspring because they don't have to be recruited to go to war with abundant resources."

   "Also, even if the strong and ordinary people gave birth to their own offspring before going to the outside world to fight, how can orphans keep their property and live?"

   "So I think that thin people are more likely to survive and reproduce their own children."

  The question raised by the teacher, the second question is obviously about the people of Dashan who came to the foot of the mountain to obtain a large amount of land and slaves.

   Substituting the second question in, he came up with his own answer.

  When a country goes to war, it will inevitably recruit ordinary people and strong people in the country as soldiers, thereby increasing the success rate of winning the war.

  As for the thin and weak people, going to the battlefield is to give away their heads, and it will also lead to the defeat of the army.

  Generals and monarchs with normal IQs will not be so stupid as to conscript thin people into the army.

   Those who can be recruited into the army must be strong, and the worst must be ordinary.

  Thin and thin, can they afford to wear armor and hold a sword, and can they withstand hundreds of miles and thousands of miles of marching?

  In the case where strong humans, ordinary humans, and thin humans all have abundant resources to bear and support their own offspring, and the fertility rate is the same.

  Strong human beings, ordinary human beings, are constantly sacrificing on the battlefield, while thin human beings give birth steadily in the rear, so it is easier for thin human beings to bear and support their offspring.

  After the choice and statement of the legendary sage of the kobolds was passed on in the hall, almost half of the students frowned.

  In their common sense, strong people are more able to bear and support their offspring than thin people.

  But now, the Kobold Legendary Saint has reversed the result, and the thin and weak people are more able to bear and support their own offspring.

  The most important thing is that they thought about it carefully and found that it really seemed to be the case.

  After the people of Dashan descended from the mountain, they all became upper-middle-class people. They all owned a lot of land and slaves.

  The fertility rates of strong Dashan people, ordinary Dashan people, and thin Dashan people are similar in this case.

  However, because of the war, manpower is needed to fight.

   Certainly the strong and ordinary people of the mountains must be recruited to fight. As for the thin and weak people of the mountains, which general would be stupid enough to recruit them into his army?

  Even the punks know that when beckoning, they should recruit strong ones who can fight.

In this way, when the fertility rate remains the same and the strong Dashan people and ordinary Dashan people die because of the continuous bloodshed in the war, the thin Dashan people really have a higher fertility rate and can feed and reproduce themselves more heirs of

  Thousands of students felt that their three views had been reshaped at this moment.

  On the podium, looking at countless thoughtful scholars, Ace nodded in satisfaction.

  Thinking is good, where does the spark of wisdom come from if you don’t think?

  He waved to the kobold saint to sit down, and the dragon's face was full of kind smiles.

  The legendary saint of the kobold sat down obediently, thinking at this moment, not knowing what he was thinking.

  Ace said loudly to all the students: "Do you agree with this classmate's answer and the truth he told?"

   "If you don't agree, please point out the mistakes in this classmate's answer and reasoning."

   "The reason is not clear without argument."

  In the auditorium, all the students fell into silence.

   There are many students who want to refute the words of the Kobold Legendary Saint, but they can't find the mistake of the Kobold Legendary Saint.

  The other party's answer is quite organized.

  With enough land and slaves, it is irrefutable that the fertility rates of strong Dashan people, ordinary Dashan people, and thin Dashan people are similar.

  In war, it is more common sense to conscript strong Dashan people and ordinary Dashan people to fight, not to recruit thin Dashan people to fight.

  If they were replaced as generals, they would of course have to recruit the strong and ordinary members of their own group into the army. Where did the thin and weak members come from?

  They don't want to be trapped to death by drag oil bottles on the battlefield.

  In this way, because of the war, the strong Dashan people and the ordinary Dashan people will inevitably reduce their number. If the number is reduced, won’t the fertility rate decrease?

  Wouldn’t the birth rate be the highest for the emaciated mountain people who don’t fight?

   Their IQs are normal, and the kobold sage has already made it very clear, using the simplest and most irrefutable reason to justify his answer.

   Some people may say that the strong Dashan people can become higher officials after obtaining military merits, and have more resources.

  However, most of the time, the number of sons born by the emperor is similar to that of the sons born by the ministers with sufficient resources, or even worse than others.

  The same is true for the lowest nobles.

  The middle and upper classes may be divided into high and low, but they are all about the same when it comes to having children and raising children.

  Seeing that the students in the auditorium agreed with the answer of the legendary sage of the kobolds.

  Ace smiled and said with a smile: "I asked two questions, and you gave me an answer that you all agree with."

   "Then I will use these two questions to explain the reason why the people of Dashan are strong and weak."

"The first question: Among the three human beings in front of me, one strong, one ordinary, and one thin, who is stronger in the harsh mountain environment, given that they are only different in physical strength? It is easy to survive and raise more offspring.”

   "You tell me that stronger humans are more likely to survive and raise more offspring of their own."

   Ten thousand students nodded at the same time. The answer to the first question was very obvious, and any of them could answer correctly with their eyes closed.

   "Strong humans are more likely to survive and thus support more offspring. Under the influence of blood inheritance, the children born after them will inevitably inherit the strong genes of strong humans and become stronger."

   "As for thin and weak humans, ordinary humans, because they cannot catch enough prey and have scarce resources, it is difficult for them to feed their own more offspring."

   "The result of this is that among the people of the mountain, under the influence of blood inheritance, there are more strong people, and fewer thin and ordinary people."

  Among the voices resounding in the auditorium, all the students nodded again. The reason is very simple, of course they understand.

   Seeing all the students nodding again, Ace said: "There are more and more strong people among the people of Dashan, and fewer and fewer ordinary people and thin people."

  "There must be a strong man among ten people, and there must be a stronger man among ten strong men."

   "As time goes by, the strong will become stronger and will be defined as the new strong, and the old strong will be defined as the new ordinary and thin."

  "Under the endless rotation, among the people of Dashan, they will become stronger and stronger and more capable of fighting."

   "And I call this process the evolution of bloodline genes."

  "The people of Dashan live in the mountains, and their blood genes are constantly evolving upwards. They are getting stronger and more able to fight."

   "The people at the bottom of the mountain are slowly falling behind them in terms of blood genes."

  "There is a war between the two sides, and of course the people below the mountain can't beat them."

   "The prosperity of the people of Dashan comes from this."

   "In addition, the human body is a whole that integrates various organs. If a person wants to be strong, the strength of each organ is essential, and the digestive and absorption organs are the most important among them."

   "Because only by obtaining enough energy can people grow stronger."

   "For the same serving of food, one person can only get one serving of energy, while another person can get one and a half servings or even two servings of energy."

   "The gap between the two sides cannot be remembered logically."

   "For a stronger person, the digestive and absorption organs will inevitably be quite powerful, and will provide more energy for the human body."

   "And sometimes, sufficient energy will not only strengthen the human body and make people stronger, but also go to the human brain."

   "Among a strong group of thousands of people, thousands of people, and hundreds of thousands of people, there will always be one or two people whose energy will flow to the brain, allowing the brain to obtain sufficient energy, thereby achieving sufficient growth and opening the treasure called wisdom."

   "Those wise leaders among the people of Dashan came from this."

   "In addition, because the strengthening of the people of Dashan is mainly in the body, it will appear a little simple (so foolish)."

   "At this time, a smart leader can unite the relatively simple people of Dashan under their command at a relatively small cost and at a relatively fast speed, thus erupting an extremely powerful force."

   Speaking of which, the reason why the people of Dashan were able to rise has been completely dissected.

The stronger ones born of the stronger ones are defined as new strong ones, who continue to bear and support themselves with more and more offspring, and the number is increasing. The old strong ones are defined as weak and ordinary people, who cannot get more resources , unable to support their own offspring, the number is getting smaller and smaller.

  Under the rotation, the people of Dashan will become stronger and stronger, and naturally they will become more and more able to fight.

   And at a certain time, because of the evolution of bloodline genes, the people of Dashan became stronger and stronger, and their digestion ability was also constantly improving.

  Among thousands, ten thousand, or one hundred thousand people, some people's nutrition flows to the brain, opening up the treasure of wisdom.

  The people of Dashan are very simple and easy to fool, and they are easily fooled by wise people.

   After being fooled, the war begins. People's desires are unlimited, more land, more people, more beauties, and more food.

  These wise men will choose the best leader in the war and become the king of the mountain people.

   This is how King of the Mountain was born.

  The unified Dashan people are weaker than them in all directions, and they can easily obtain fertile land and slaves.

  Under the trend of desire, they naturally rise.

  The strong will be strong, and the weak will perish. With absolute force, it is very easy for them to rise up.

   There was no sound in the auditorium.

  All the students were shocked at this moment. For the first time, they saw the reason why a race would rise.

  Originally, after hearing the story, they believed that the people of Dashan could sweep the kingdoms under the mountain because those kingdoms were decayed, so the people of Dashan could rise.

  The population of the kingdoms under the mountain is many times that of the people of the mountain. There is no reason to lose, and it can only be blamed on corruption.

  Originally, they also thought this way when they were studying history.

  However, Ace told them with facts that this was not the case at all.

  The people of Dashan did all this with their excellent blood genes, and overthrew those kingdoms with absolute strength.

  Their rise has no water, it is inevitable after the bloodline gene is promoted to the extreme.

  Even if the original king of the mountain did not establish a powerful empire, he even died in the middle of unifying the mountains.

  Then in the future, among countless leaders, a new king of the mountain will be chosen to lead the people of the mountain to rise.

  The rise of a nation has never been a fluke from beginning to end.

  Luck, coincidence, chance, may be able to make a single person rise, but it is absolutely impossible to make a nation rise.

  Only with absolute strength can a nation rise to the sky like a great sun and become an epic in history.

   After all, a nation needs countless successes to truly rise.

   There may be one or two chances by chance, but it is absolutely impossible to have countless times.

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