The world of Talos is a murdered planet.

The planet's surface has been covered by dust and embers, and a light breath can lift up the dust in the sky.

Around the colonial city, porous gray-black rocks spread out under the shroud of low-hanging smoke.

The twisted shape resembles a series of demons turned into stone sculptures.

The smog covering the stones originates from cities that have been bombarded into radioactive dust by countless orbits.

The radioactive cloud full of poisonous tumbling in the sky, like the planet tossing and turning to sleep because of pain.

After the first orbital bombing, many aliens and humans survived.

The genetic warriors who followed closely strangled every life on the planet, blasted every head with an electromagnetic rifle, and destroyed every shelter with a hot melt bomb.

As a superhuman who has undergone numerous biotechnological transformations and armed with CMC power armor.

No matter what kind of enemy it is, it will be easily crushed by them.

Strong and powerful, like a giant's steel body is enough to easily destroy everything.

The survivors of human rights organizations, those who were possessed by the dead, were unable to fight against them.

Just like an ant, it was easily pinched to death.

In order to prevent the resurrection of the dead under the control of the Naphiris.

Gene warfare "zero 13" soldiers used huge fuel to incinerate all corpses.

Ju's subatoms are very unstable, as long as they are in contact with air, they will be hot.

With this feature, huge fuel has become the first choice for fire-breathing fuel.

The black smoke and odor from the burning of the corpse, along with the burning smoke of the city, merged into the tumbling poisonous cloud in space.

Meteorological equipment was destroyed, the planet's magnetic field was unbalanced during the bombing, and the high-energy radiation emitted by stars caused electromagnetic disturbances, which caused the world to be enveloped by strong radiation and became a real place of death.

The violent electromagnetic storm raged high in the sky with unclean thunder and lightning, and the pale light illuminated the land that had lost its vitality.

The whole world is enveloped by the breath of death.

Rand stood on a collapsed tall building, looking at the world they had tormented.

The building is still burning, making a slight noise, just like the whispers of the world before dying.

"Sir, we have completed our mission, and the command requires us to withdraw the fleet within three days."

The radio correspondent in the company Qianduo came behind Rand.

After genetic modification, all genetic warriors look very handsome.

Qianduo is the kind of standard Oriental face, and his personality is also Oriental, tenacious, duty-bound, and never talkative.

Rand had never heard any complaints in his mouth.

He is a good soldier.

Rand turned his head to see how much money, a trace of sadness in his eyes was well hidden by him.

The pain of killing his compatriots made him very tormented.

Even though these guys brought a terrible disaster, Rand was still a little sad watching those lives crying and begging to be executed by himself.

"Let's go."

Rand jumped down from the ruins, and his heavy body made a loud noise on the ground, causing cracks in the ground.

Killing weapons, worthy of the name,


Fifty Years of Interstellar, known as the year of the dark baptism of mankind.

The world of Talos was invaded by the Naphiris, and the 2nd Nation Corps was responsible for the clean-up work.

, In order to prevent the Naphiris from mixing into human society, 46.72 million humans were killed in this battle.

This is the price that humans in the starry sky paid for the first alien invasion.

In the invasion, most human rights organizations became the leaders of this alien civilization.

These organizations ignore human interests, introduce alien civilizations into human colonization, and launch large-scale gatherings, causing humanity to fall into crisis again.

The Second Corps prevented the development of the situation in time, but it is still uncertain whether humans have been broadcasted by the enemy's coordinates.

In order to prevent such things from happening again.

According to the Human Supreme Act, all human rights organizations have been banned.

More than 629,000 people have been sentenced to death or treated as human experiments.

The first introduction of the Supreme Law of Mankind brought such a huge number of deaths, which is the first time in the human code.

The Supreme Law stipulates that no matter what the situation is, the first element must be to ensure the survival of human civilization.

Regardless of the reason, we must give priority to ensuring the survival of mankind as a whole, otherwise it will be regarded as a traitor.

This is a code that has no human rights. It completely crushes all moral, human rights, emotional and other human needs, and desperately puts the survival of mankind at the highest level.

But the things in the Talos world let everyone understand that actions that seem to have no human rights are precisely protecting human rights.

The law ensures that the general public will not be implicated by some stupid people and forced to get involved.

Whether it is the escape incident in history or the sword-bearer incident, it is a matter of a small number of people engulfing most of them.

Moreover, this group of people can often use human nature and the like to avoid punishment afterwards, so that they can feel confident and continue next time.

If according to the former federal characteristics, most human rights organizations will be acquitted.

They did not substantively participate, nor did they support the invasion of the Talos world, and did not cause any harm to anyone. On this point, they cannot be convicted.

But the consortium has the supreme law.

The code clearly stipulates that no matter what form of support for alien civilizations, propaganda of all kinds of cosmic harmony, etc., it is regarded as illegal.

At the same time, the supreme law of mankind maintains the inheritance of human civilization, which is the core theoretical concept.

The consortium introduced an emergency bill to divide the value according to human knowledge and value contribution to society.

This bill will only take effect when the human world is facing an irresistible crisis.

After the crisis breaks out and is irreversible, everyone must give priority to rescuing high-value targets to ensure that they can leave dangerous places.

The list is calculated and filtered by Skynet to ensure 100% fairness.

No matter what the situation, no matter what the status, whoever obstructs the implementation of this bill, or uses power to snatch the life-saving position of a high-value person by force, will be executed immediately even after leaving a dangerous place.

This system ensures that mankind can retain the seeds of civilization as much as possible after the crisis breaks out.

The moment when the Three-body Crisis broke out will not happen again.

Fleeing was executed at the beginning, and after four hundred years, many people could escape.

The more people who escape, the more deterrence they can form against the three bodies, so that they will not dare to implement the policy of extermination of mankind, or they will have to worry about retaliation.

The Supreme Law of Mankind was passed at the beginning of the Talos outbreak. After the Talos incident ended, the Ministry of Justice began to pursue the responsibilities of relevant personnel based on this law.

The sadness brought by the Talos incident is unforgettable, but the history of mankind continues.

Zhao Yu is pushing the gears of destiny, ready to officially put mankind on the stage of space war

The heroes will fight each other until the stars are gloomy.

The surviving civilization will be qualified to hold supreme authority in the reborn universe and dominate the world.


In a dark room, dim light came in through the tempered glass window on the door.

In the darkness that was so thick that it could not be melted, a little light was brought out.

Without strong eyesight, it is impossible to see the scene in the room at all.

A tall shadow stayed in the dark without a trace of movement, just like a sculpture, standing there coldly, without a trace of movement for several hours.

Let the endless darkness devour the tall body.

A footstep sounded and the door was pushed open.

The light from the corridor poured into the dark room, occupying the dark territory imperceptibly and driving them to the corner.

"Mara." Zhao Yu who walked in looked at the figure in the corner and said.

"What are you still coming to me for? Didn't you get everything? Just like the scheming fox, he easily used everyone to achieve his goal. The Human Supreme Act has been passed, and the human rights organizations that oppose you have been annihilated. ."

"Would you like to see my joke? See how your rebellious son is like a failed wild dog, licking his wounds in the dark. Maybe you should take me to court like those people, and then give me someone who betrays humanity offense.

Zhao Yu was silent for a moment, "You have not betrayed humans. I have learned everything from the population such as Addo and Milani. After you brought back the survivors of the Blessing, the world of Talos fell into a state of out of control."

In the darkness, Mara gave a mocking smile, "Are you trying to say, if I didn't bring back the survivors on the Tianyou, maybe there would be no such thing, right?"

Zhao Yu didn’t care about Mara’s words of self-defeating and self-defeating. He was silent for a while and said: “Even if you don’t bring it, I will let others take it. The introduction of the supreme human law requires some sacrifices to be remembered by people.”

"You really look like a lunatic, 1.7 father. Is everything just a tool in your eyes, a tool that you can sacrifice to achieve your goal."

Mara looked back to the door, Zhao Yu, whose face was shrouded in darkness, said angrily.

"Humans cannot repeat the same mistakes. These are just appetizers before the war. We must learn to adapt. On a more cruel battlefield, we may have to pay more sacrifices, more deaths, and more brutality in order to win."

"I don't expect you to understand the meaning of this all at once. You are too young and full of emotions. I apologize to you for the Talos incident, because you are my child and I took advantage of you. But if you want me to admit my mistake, then don’t use it, because it’s right."

After speaking, Zhao Yu left the room and closed the door, allowing the darkness to swallow Mara once again.

In the darkness, Mara clenched his fist tightly, and then loosened it weakly, making the whole person more decadent.

After I don't know how long, the knock on the door sounded again.

Seeing that no one responded, the knocker opened the door directly.

Through the light at the door, Mara saw that the incoming person was the psionic police officer of the world of Talos, Makado.

"Why don't you turn on the lights, it's so dark." Marca Duo said while letting smart ai turn on the lighting.

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