In order to prevent human beings from losing in future wars.

After discussing with several other people, Zhao Yu decided to do some back-hands.

After their failure, they can help human beings quickly restore civilization and re-establish a new society.

Zhao Yu has systematic help. It is reasonable to say that this is a proper treatment for the protagonist, which can be promoted all the way.

But that is limited to other worlds. In this universe, the system may not work.

This universe is huge.

The observable range of mankind alone is 160 billion years old, and there are countless super galaxies that resemble the Milky Way, and even far exceed the Milky Way.

The time when the universe was born is 13.8 billion years ago, but the scale of the universe is far faster than the speed of the light crew.

In other words, the universe is expanding rapidly at a speed far exceeding the speed of light.

It is very likely that humans or other civilizations will never be able to observe the true boundary of the universe.

In other words, no one knows how big this universe is.

Even a light-speed spacecraft can never reach the boundary of the universe, because the speed of light is not as fast as the expansion of the universe.

In such a huge world, it is not surprising to have any peculiar things.

The level of civilization in the universe is always a myth, and even the gods cannot figure out the various technologies in it.

The ultimate that humans can imagine is nothing but annihilation of the world with a finger, three thousand realms born with a single thought, arrogance of the world, and annihilation of the void.

But reality is often countless times more absurd than fantasy.

Human beings cannot imagine the vast expanse of the emptiness, nor can they imagine the real war of civilization.

The real war is based on the laws of mathematics and physics.

Everything you know is shaped by man.

Perhaps only the most primitive civilization knows what the universe is like.

Water is not necessarily downward, time is not necessarily linear, and the universe is not just one. Each proton is equivalent to a universe.

Infinitesimal is infinite.

After 1 is all the numbers.

You can reach anywhere in the universe in one step.

And so on, it is difficult for human beings to imagine what the universe really looks like.

No one can imagine what the real primordial universe is like.

Human imagination is lacking in the face of this magnificent prospect, and language appears pale.

The so-called gods and demons are as vulnerable as ants in the face of this worldview.

It is undoubtedly a very sad thing to pin all hopes on a system.

Humans should not rely on this thing.

This thing can only be regarded as a gift, not as a pillar.

Zhao Yu knows this well.

In the face of a civilization that truly transcends the universe, the imaginary gods and demons of mankind are not much stronger than human beings. They are just bugs, and bugs, gods and demons are also bugs.

This is a very sad thing, but it is the kingly way to live strong.

Nothing in this universe can be eternal.

Rocks will eventually collapse, stars will die, and even the universe will come to an end.

The consortium is controlled by itself, and it may be able to reach a glorious peak, or it may be stared at by high-level civilization and directly shot to death.

Adhering to the defeatist idea, Zhao Yu formulated the original plan of motherhood and the heart of all opportunities.

These two scientific research projects are the fusion of human mechanical knowledge and biological knowledge to create a perfect creation, which is used as the inheritance of mankind, which is endless.

The original mother and the Heart of All Machines, the plan is composed of photons with no quality.

In physics, photons are just a concept.

Light is essentially a wave, just like a water wave. It exists, but it is not a real thing.

Water waves are just things formed by the propagation of energy in the water.

The same is true for light. It is only electromagnetic radiation that carries energy. It is not a real substance.

The Heart of All Opportunities and the Primordial Matrix are to engrave human science and technology knowledge on light and pass it on from generation to generation to ensure that the inheritance of mankind will never be cut off.

This is something that even God cannot do.

Fortunately, human beings have energy-quality conversion formulas that can make this great idea come into reality.

Qiu Xiangxue is responsible for the creation of the Heart of All Machines. They want to weave a special light to form an unbreakable bondage, binding all the light of knowledge into a light ball.

The Heart of All Machines is not only a floating ball of light, but also requires a certain degree of intelligence, which can fly at the speed of light and exchange energy with the surrounding environment.

In this way, it can be guaranteed that the ball of light will always exist.

Even if it encounters the destruction of the universe and dimensionality reduction attacks, it can also provide humanity with intellectual guidance.

"Continue to experiment." Qiu Xiangxue checked the data and said.

The most important thing to create these two magical heritage is the mass-energy conversion formula.

Use quarks to make light, and then bind them tightly together through the basic force.

Following her orders, the giant circular ring in the laboratory began to emit light.

The ring is the energy-quality converter, which is different from the conversion of giant structures, but a high-precision conversion.

The ring can be accurate to convert several quarks at a time, or extend the conversion time of one quark, forcing the converted energy and light to be used by humans.

There are three cubes around the ring, which are small fusion reaction devices that provide energy for the converter.

The cube began to glow slowly in dark red. The energy flow begins to be transported along the pipeline and converges into the ring.

The brilliant light is lit up in the converter, and the staff manipulates the electromagnetic force, trying to capture the energy radiation that the quark turns into, restrain it, and transform it.

The energy is bound together, forming a drifting luminous surface.

Countless fine robots pierce the light-emitting surface like probes, and these robots will etch some circuits on the drifting light to maintain intelligent thinking.

In the laboratory, there are numerous windows that flow identification signals and data streams. Like a group of shiny, delicately dancing decorative panes.

Under the control of the staff, light is shaped into a twisted double helix data stream, twisting the body, trying to break free, it is given a certain low-level wisdom.

It was a pity that the light was extinguished very quickly, and the force that bound it went wrong, causing it to be annihilated directly.

The circle stopped slowly, and all the engineers gathered together, discussing all the data in a low voice.

Some people adjusted the machine and prepared for the second experiment.

The Heart of All Opportunities belongs to the miraculous project of mankind, which has extraordinary significance for the inheritance of human civilization.

If it succeeds so easily, it will make people feel a little uneasy.

Qiu Xiangxue stood above the converter, his eyes calmly watching the machine hum, a new light group appeared, and the manipulator continued to repeat the action of etching the circuit.

The engineers continued to adjust the machine in preparation for the next experiment.

Far away from this space station, there is another space station floating in the process of building the original matrix.

The Heart of All Machines is the most advanced creation of physical technology, and the original parent is the most advanced shaping of biological transformation.

These two projects are the top priority of human inheritance.

Even with the strong support of the consul, the progress of the project is very slow.

Compared with these two human projects, Trisola's use of protons to build super-intelligent computers is trivial.

Light is the only thing that can exist in different dimensions.

Regardless of the high-level dimensions of the past, or the three-dimensional world of today, there is no change in light.

It does not have any quality, and even if the dimensionality is reduced, there is no way to harm it.

Time goes by quickly, and mankind continues to develop.

The world of Talos no longer became a colony, only a mine.

A few years after the extinction event, the routes around it became lively again.

A large number of mineral spacecraft came from various colonies to transport the mined minerals.

The workers chose to rest on the space station and were unwilling to build gathering places on the surface.

Without various protection laws, the mining work was carried out very boldly.

In order to obtain minerals conveniently, mine owners often use a large amount of explosives to directly blast the surface of the veins and directly mine.

As a result, the cost is low and the mining speed is fast.

But the damage to the world of Talos is also obvious.

The whole world has become pits and pits, huge pits as deep as 10,000 meters can be seen everywhere, and there is no longer the previous prosperity.

Human beings are back on track and begin to expand at a high speed again.

All alien civilizations encountered did not hesitate to implement the extermination policy to avoid the recurrence of the Talos incident.

People frankly accepted the baptism from the Talos incident, and no one talked about cosmic harmony, pan-cosmic human rights and so on.

Even school education has begun to lean towards iron and blood. When children enter school, they are instilled with the idea of ​​hatred and aliens and learn how to make simple weapons.

Ten-year-old children have shooting courses every year, so that they can master various firearms proficiently.

Conscription work starts at the age of fifteen. Children who are excellent in physical fitness and shooting are often absorbed into the army for in-depth training.

Among them, the top players will have the qualifications to enter the genetic warfare soldier group.

The Talos incident allowed the masses of civilians to recognize the true face of the universe, and they no longer hold all kinds of strange fantasy.

It is impossible for the universe to exist. Any kindness to alien civilization will cause a large number of compatriots to pay for their stupidity.

The Dawn Galaxy, as the second colony of mankind, is only weaker than the Dawn Galaxy.

A large number of ships come and go, and the route is very crowded.

The staff in Xinggang were grumpy.

-Going to work means endless mooring requests, and various contradictions about port cargo ships.

No one is in a good mood for working so busy.

Several space ports are full at any time.

Outside the port, there are still a large number of cargo spacecraft waiting to enter.

I thought it was another day without any surprises.

Until noon.

Suddenly, all the spacecrafts had unreliable electromagnetic signals, and the fortune-telling instrument on the spacecraft issued a huge warning sound, which made everyone panic and set up the factory.

Some people were even shouting that the alien civilization had come over, hurry up and call the joint fleet.

Many people were scared to flee to the spacecraft, start the engine and prepare to leave.

Just when the order was about to collapse, a bright flash on the dawn star attracted everyone's attention, and a huge mushroom cloud rose into the sky.

The psionicists located near the dawn galaxy fell to the ground and twitched at the same time.

A huge psionic storm spreads from the dawn star, disturbing the heads of psionicists, allowing them to receive excessive psionic energy at the same time. .

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