Diderot looked at Mara, unable to take his gaze away from the face of the archon’s son.

To some extent, Mara is the representative of the will of the consul.

Someday in the future, beside the consul, there should be a statue of Mara.

"I never dare to have such blasphemous thoughts, my lord." Diderot apologized for his words.

Hearing Diderot's words, Mara smiled, and the entire armed room became brighter.

"This is the only way I can get my father's approval. I must redeem my fault and make atonement for the Talos incident."

Diderot lowered his head to show obedience.

The other guards made the same decision.

After reaching a consensus, Mara no longer wasted time, he began to wear equipment.

It is still the golden armor before, like a perfect piece of art, set on Marathi's body, it will bring people a kind of visual enjoyment, he is so perfect.

It is indeed the commander-in-chief created by the consul himself for his soldiers.

Mara belongs to the Corps, Diderot thought inwardly.

Engineer Addo, Milani and others stood on the porthole, watching the launch of the transport plane with awe.

It is truly magnificent to watch the military power released by the human corps into the enemy's world.

Addo's mechanical eye rotates with the ejection of the transport fighter.

The original eyes were destroyed in the world of Talos.

The chaos caused by the Naphiris swept the entire colonial city, and countless humans died as a result.

They also suffered a nightmare. Addo lost an eye, Milani lost an arm, and Ole almost died there.

twenty three

Mara was very guilty of this, and at the final moment of choice, he chose the people of Talos or his partner.

He finally made the decision to leave with his partner.

These people didn't need to be involved in the Talos incident, but they were in danger because of his innocence. He must be responsible for his companions.

No one will blame Mara for this, and Mara still blames himself.

However, under the enlightenment of Natasha and Makado, Mara barely walked out of the shadows.

These people also followed Mara’s expedition. To a certain extent, they can be said to be Mara’s think tank.

To a certain extent, helping Mara will not go down the wrong path.

This is also the first time they have participated in the battle of mankind to destroy other civilizations.

Looking at all kinds of fighters, rushing to the alien planet like a dense meteor shower.

All they felt was a deep shock.

This is something that humans in the solar system can never imagine.

Human beings are galloping in the universe with their own power, destroying all visible enemies.

It is no longer the human race that dwells on the earth, cautiously, waiting for the end like a poor worm.

They have undergone a fundamental transformation.

They will be destroyers, not bugs to be destroyed

Sitting on the transport plane, Mara chewed on all the intelligence gathered and organized by the intelligence personnel.

Analyze it and sort out any information that can be used.

This time the decapitation strategy was implemented, which is the best plan to reduce casualties.

The best way to reduce casualties is to strike long-rangely, making devastating strikes where the enemy can't see them.

But that kind of strike strategy is very stupid, it only works on lower civilizations.

If the opponent has the ability to create black domains, whether it is a dimensional attack or a quality point attack, it is useless.

The black domain is like a shield that can defend most long-range strikes.

Even if it is unable to defend against the attack, a long distance will cause the attacked civilization to flee.

After all, not every race is as stupid as humans.

I would rather die together than someone escape.

The effect of the long-range civilization strike is to destroy the other side’s nest and make the other side a wandering civilization, nothing else.

As long as you retain the relevant knowledge, people can rise again.

Long-range strikes are generally done by civilizations that have certain technological strength, but still can't get rid of the dark forest theory.

But mankind has escaped the limitations of the dark forest.

Entering the level of cosmic war, the benefits of long-range civilization strikes are far less than the benefits of occupying the opponent's planet.

The civilization confronted by the Third Corps is called the Lar civilization, a reptilian civilization.

Lal Star is a swampy planet on which a kind of intelligent species resembling lizards thrives.

The Lal is nearly two meters tall, has a pair of big eyes, and the scales all over his body are covered with spots.

It has a typical reptile scaly head and wide tail scaly.

From the perspective of humans, their bodies emit a dizzying stench.

Lal people have two hands and two feet like human beings.

Each hand and foot has only three fingers and can walk upright.

It’s so powerful that it can lift 1,000 kilograms with bare hands.

They built a city on Mizusawa. The materials used are similar to corals. After analysis, it is a special adhesive creation, which is very strong after air-drying.

Along with a slight shaking, an alarm came from the cabin of the transport plane.

The enemy's ground fire hit the flank of the transport plane.

The Lal people are very tenacious, even after encountering a series of orbital bombings, they have not given up resistance.

"My lord, we arrived at the designated area." Diderot said.

Let's do it, Marla said.

The cabin door slid open silently, and the squally wind was introduced into the cabin with the sound of explosions.

All genetic warriors activated the power core one by one and jumped out one by one.

Mara and his soldiers galloped down at extremely high speeds, using their pure flight to confuse the enemy's aim.

Their goal is a magnificent Lahr building. According to the analysis of existing conditions, this may be their ruler's palace.

As long as the leader is beheaded, the Lahrs who use slavery will soon die.

The flying device installed on the back emits a front blue light.

Starting with a heavy blow, the huge body of the genetic warrior paused for a while.

With the aid of the flying device, the soldiers adjusted their directions in the air.

In this way, their feet can point to the ground and maintain their balance.

Mara raised his electromagnetic rifle, the ballistic curve and sight symbols were locked on the screen of his visor, and the shooting button was depressed.

One after another, the electromagnetic bullets moved forward with white trail runes, penetrating the enemy's protective armor and the body covered with scales.

"For the regent and mankind." Mara took the lead in roaring, alleviating the pressure of war in his heart.

Other genetic warriors followed closely, and they joined the shooting.

A storm of electromagnetic bombs swept out.

The soldiers fired flawlessly, avoiding overlapping worlds.

Ral Alien burst one after another, and the red, foul-smelling blood wine filled the broken buildings.

Broken limbs and stumps, rotating and flying, head bursting, and bones shattered.

Within 20 seconds of landing, Mara and his combat brothers killed the aliens who occupied a simple position.

There was an alien twitching under Mara's feet, and the powerful vitality of the reptile was revealed in its body.

He directly lifted his foot and fell suddenly, trampling his chest into blood mud.

"Diderot, how about Bode?" Mara contacted the other teams in the communication.

"The 02 team was successfully airborne and is now performing the next phase of the mission.

"03 success.

The sergeant replied in the communication,

"Good job, now destroy their palace buildings and see if they can beheaded and end this battle ahead of schedule.

After Mara finished speaking, he led his team to move on.

A few hundred meters away, gunfire and laser light kept on, and other teams were solving the enemies they encountered.

Naturally, it is not only genetic soldiers who entered the 023 airdrop operation, but also a large number of intelligent soldiers, ordinary human soldiers.

The sound of rumbling came from the periphery of the Lal's palace. A tall, pitch-black human figure walked slowly, stepping over the surrounding fortifications, and heading towards the Lal's palace.

Their appearance attracted a large number of laser beams, and countless lars attacked them.

It's a pity that their attacks only caused waves of visible ripples in the void shields around these human bodies, and there was no way to break that powerful shield.

Instead, they were easily slaughtered, and huge laser cannons passed by, setting off a terrible explosion on the ground.

It even penetrated the foundation of the Larren’s palace, exposing the swamp below.

A large number of Rahr were swallowed by the raging explosion flames.

This is a Titan robot used by the military, equipped with a large number of weapons, just like a moving turret.

The Titans stepped through the clouds and mists raised by the explosion, and the enemies who fell under their feet, walked out of the flames.

Those aliens who were still stubbornly resisted, watching the giant armored giants with amazing scales coming out of the flames.

The fortresses and towers covered with jagged battlements came into their eyes.

Numerous heavy, hideous muzzles surrounded a roaring black steel face.

There are various weapons on the Titan War Machine, and they only pursue lethality, which looks very shocking.

Fear breeds from alien hearts, which is an emotion necessary for creatures to survive.

They yelled out all kinds of weird language, frightened and panicked.

Mara has a deciphering program for this race and can understand their voices.

"Demons, monsters, they have come to destroy us.

These guys are monsters, monsters. "

The Rahr was obviously about to be frightened.

They can't figure out what kind of monster it is to create these machines purely for war. .

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