Black Iron Crown

Chapter 129: Excellent skin meat

   The nobles said in unison, but there seemed to be some other emotions in it.

Lena looked at the nobles with different expressions, and he probably understood something in his heart. Although they were just little nobles whose vision and knowledge were limited, they also had their own wisdom. These little nobles had their own wisdom. There is a way of survival. Otherwise, how can a family maintain its rule in an area for decades, hundreds, or even hundreds of years?

   They are not fools, but their vision is limited due to the manifestation of the times. Although their answers are firm, it is clear that there is no unified answer as to who is in a dominant position.

This is normal. Who said you should be the leader of the banquet held by Leyner. You will be the leader of the banquet. Leyner is in the northernmost part of the northern border. If Earl Zeppa goes north, he will be the first to suffer the damage. It's not you, who knows if you will give up a certain lord's territory for some reason.

You have nothing to lose, but the abandoned lord is in bad luck. The territory will inevitably be looted. No one wants this. Everyone hopes that he or someone who can guarantee his own interests will become the leader of this alliance. .

   Seeing that they had their own worries, Leiner didn't continue to say more, he understood the worries of these people.

He laughed loudly and interrupted the slightly embarrassing atmosphere at the table. He said: "Since everyone’s attitudes are uniform, there is nothing to say! I propose that we drink a toast for our great Cheers to the League!"

   The other nobles also raised the glass in front of them on this step and drank it all at once. Rainer randomly found some other topics to ease the previously embarrassing atmosphere, and everyone began to drink and eat meat again.

   The banquet went very well. The melodious Redkaqin played in the banquet hall until the latter half of the night. The coveted voices of the nobles mixed with the arrogance of eating meat continued until near dawn.

   The drunken nobles and their knights were then helped by the servants and returned to the room to rest.

   Lena was a little dizzy while drinking with them. He returned to the room and undressed under the service of the two little maids, lying on the bed, quietly looking up at the ceiling through the dim oil lamp in the room.

   He already has some ideas, a military parade, which is definitely a good choice. Showing off their muscles in front of these people will at least give them a clear understanding of their own strength.

  Rainer knew that these people knew that he had annexed four baronies, and he was the largest nobleman in the northern realm besides Earl Zhebo.

In addition, they also learned about their wealthy financial situation through yesterday's banquet, but it is clear that they will not have a clear understanding of their own strength until they have seen their powerful army in person. .

   Turning over, Rainer closed his eyes and got ready to go to bed. He decided to hold a military parade tomorrow to show off his muscles in front of them.

   Of course, Leiner knew that just showing their muscles might not be able to dispel their worries and follow Leiner's command. Maybe he still needs some slippers.

   The next morning, Rainer got up very early and got up from the bed under the service of the maid at around eight o'clock. He only slept for about six hours, but he didn't feel too sleepy.

   At this time, the drunken lords who drank last night were still sleeping in their respective rooms, and they found Leiland, who had great rights as the commander of the infantry under Renner.

   In addition to Leyland, there is also the commander of Sir Varas, Sir Cod, and the veteran horse archers, the Centurion Zalhan.

   These four people stood in front of Lena respectfully, waiting for him to give orders.

"Sir Leyland, how powerful is the newly planned fifty crossbowmen under your command? Can you command them well?" Rainer did not immediately speak out his thoughts, but began to explore new types of troops. Combat capability.

"Very good!" Sir Leiland said: "I am surprised by their combat effectiveness. In fact, I have never seen such an elite crossbowman. They are even stronger than the kingdom's sniper crossbowmen. I don't know any. Any long-range arms can work seamlessly with our sergeants!"

   Listening to Sir Leyland's words of admiration, Rainer nodded in satisfaction. The combat effectiveness of Winter's crossbowman did not disappoint him. Such results were expected.

   "So, how effective is the Golden Lion Guard?"

"You must have seen them, Lord Baron. Their height which is generally one head taller than the sergeants should have explained everything. They have heavy armors that are second only to Griffin Riders in strength and defensive power. This is simply They are incredibly powerful soldiers. Seriously, even the royal guards of the Nords are far inferior to them!"

   Sir Leyland has never hesitated to praise in the arms of the system, because they really deserve such praise, and the strong combat power makes anyone covet them.

   After asking for a while, Rainer said the idea in his mind.

   "Then Lord Baron, do you want to show the strength of our army in front of those lords, and let them see your strength?"

   "Yes!" Reiner said: "It is necessary for them to obey me in the future. If my strength can't completely convince them, then why should they listen to me?"

   As he said, Rainer seemed to think of something again, and asked Sir Cod, "My uncle, how many militiamen are still in training?"

  The reason why Lena asked this was because there were some casualties in the militiamen during the sweeping of the boreal forests. It is estimated that there have been more than a hundred people in total.

"There are still 433 people left!" Sir Cod said: "Their combat effectiveness is already very good. Basically everyone has life in their hands. They are no longer recruits who cringe when they are good at it. !"

   "After more than four months of training, their combat effectiveness is basically good, much stronger than ordinary serf signs, and can play a big role on the battlefield!" Sir Cod said.

   "Very good!" Rainer nodded and said with great satisfaction: "Then gather them all, I will have a military parade outside the castle, and let those lords see my true strength!"

Now Rainer’s commander has 10 Scarlet Gryphon Riders, 40 Scarlet Gryphon Guards, 10 Golden Lion Guards, 30 Morland veteran Cavalry Archers, 200 Morland Sergeants, and Rewant Crossbowmen 50. There are 53 armed soldiers and 20 archers. The total number is 413. If you add those militias, it will be 846. This is not much worse than the current concentration of Count Zhebo, but this It's not the opponent's limit, Earl Zhebo obviously has more troops not called up.

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