Black Ride

Chapter 20: Plague on the nest

Wu Qi silently digested the explanation that Lao Hu told him. Of course he did not know the evaluation of his appearance in Lao Hu’s heart. As for the plague seed, Ruan Sister has told him a lot, like the "natural cruel explanation" that Lao Huzui said, he also heard. At the same time, if Sister Jie also told him that a plague species with a virus in its body may infect a large group of mutant animals and even pioneers, and drag them into the abyss of the virus to assimilate.

There is no plague in the wilderness of Wu Qi’s childhood, and assuming that there is, the number is absolutely impossible.

At this point, the noise of the engine beside the ear suddenly became much smaller, and the light suddenly disappeared. Entering the tunnel door, the speed of the armored truck slowed down.

"The rest of you, pay attention to the moment of vigilance. Otherwise, I will never know where the darkness will be, and a monster will be your life!" Wang Shenglang, who was sitting in the co-pilot in front, said, leaning against the right hand side of the window. Throw a smoky cigarette **** out of the window.

The cigarette **** fell on the ground of the tunnel, and after a small bounce, he lay quietly, only the cigarette butt. The faint Mars on the strand became the only light in the dark tunnel.

The tunnel was very dark and quiet, except for the engine sound of a much smaller armored truck. The air inside the tunnel is very fresh, and dust accumulates on the tunnel wall, which makes the environment full of thick dust. The mercenaries were all vigilant, and the ease and high-far people who sat in the back warehouse also stood up and looked around.

The black-handed mercenaries have put down the armor of the explosion-proof helmet and turned on the night vision function to see what can happen in any corner of the tunnel. Not everyone has the ability to strengthen their vision.

In the back warehouse, An Yidong Zhang looked a little nervous, Zhou Qing is even more invisible. He closed his eyes tightly and wanted to use all his perceptual abilities. It is a pity that he did not perceive the individual who gave out the dangerous atmosphere, but the whole tunnel was faintly emitting a dangerous atmosphere.

"Captain, this is just a mission, there should be nothing to do." The young brave grasped the arm of ease and was afraid.

Ease gave him a smile of encouragement, although he also had no bottom. He patted Da Yong’s shoulder and said, “Do not worry, even if there is danger, the black mercenaries are well equipped and we will not be able to resist monsters.”


The armored truck drove for a while and suddenly stopped. The driver and Wang Sheng also saw that on the right side of the tunnel in front, there was a huge hole with a radius of three to four meters. The concrete tunnel wall collapsed a part of it, and the edge of the hole was not able to stand. The bottom was all like a cement block, like it was destroyed by giant force.

"Prepare for the search." Wang Sheng gave the order, he opened the door, and the dark brown boots took the lead on the ground of the tunnel. After the majority of the staff of the warehouse, Wu Qi, An Yi and others have got off. The black-handed mercenaries raised their guns around, and Wu Qi silently untied the skin of the long knife and put it into the bag. He was also stuffed in by him in July.

Wang Sheng and others walked to the broken hole on the right side of the tunnel and watched it carefully. He stroked the gray powder scattered on the ground, put it in his hand, and wanted to see some traces of creatures from the pile of holes. A mercenary next to him, take out the paper and pen drawing records.

Wu Qi walked around, his vision was very good to see around, even more natural and clear than the mercenaries who used night vision equipment to observe the environment. He stepped on the track and was keenly aware of the unevenness on the track.

Wu Qi squatted down and was good at observing the complex jungle. He was good at observing details when he got here. Soon, he saw a picture that surprised him.

The ground of the tunnel, even the surface of the track, has numerous irregular dents. Looking closely at the large number of dents, Wu Qi found that their edges have a special and consistent contour. If it is not in the dark, his vision is good enough, the vision is wide enough, and it is difficult to see the whole through the traces.

"Is it the footprint of the plague?" Wu Qi is highly focused and muttered to himself, which is his guess based on the instinct of the jungle life experience of 9 years.

Suddenly, a slight sense of current flowed through Wu Qi's body from the top of his head, causing his skin and even muscles to numb. Wu Qi’s pupil suddenly shrank, and he knew it was a precursor to danger.

The tunnel is surrounded by a gray concrete wall, and because of its use, the construction is very strong and safe, and the soil layer is tightly sealed. In terms of hardness, the 5.56mm rifle bullet can only leave a gap on the top of the nail cover. The same is true of the ground.

In the course of the armored truck from the outside to the inside, the humidity of the air in the place is not high. It is normal people who can't feel the dry or wet normal humidity, but after 800 meters deep into the tunnel, Wu Qi clearly feels that the tunnel is inside. The humidity concealment has increased.

With Wu Qi's rich experience in jungle life, he is sensitive to the abnormal smell of moist soil. Even though Wang Sheng was not careful to observe a broken wall with a diameter of more than three meters, Wu Qi did not see the inside, but his skin could feel it; this damp is not the soil from the broken wall. The inside of the inside and outside the direction, giving him the same feeling of humidity.

In other words, every corner of the tunnel is not completely closed to the soil layer. The conclusion that this body instinct draws is too absurd, and Wu Qi can't even believe it.

In the complete darkness, a small piece of concrete wall at the top of the tunnel suddenly appeared a strange movement, and the small area of ​​the wall soil slightly bulged, and then naturally flowed to the eight sides. A piece of dark purple skin emerged from it, and the more the area of ​​the convex wall became larger, the last black and purple thing completely broke away from it.

It is a strange head, the size of the human head, no eyes, the nostrils degenerate into two short lines, the skin has many folds, and the ugly black purple. The part of the mouth occupies half of the volume of the entire skull. The monster opened his lips and revealed an extremely **** mouth. A densely-packed dark red tooth with a finger length is more like a claw of a beast, and more than one row. There are more complex teeth in the cavity, like the teeth of a shark, the horror.

The monster's head is revealed, the tiny nose smells the human breath underneath, and its skin color becomes a natural protective color. In this dark environment, humans have night vision ability, unless they keep staring at the top of the head, otherwise absolutely Unable to find it. The fact is that the more than ten people and even Wu Qi did not perceive its existence. It resembles a lizard's body that flows out of the concrete wall a little bit, as if it were born to swim in it without making any noise.

The book starts from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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