Black Ride

Chapter 64: Under the plan

"That's what you said." Wang Sheng has no ink. At this time, every second counts, and the implementation of the plan cannot be delayed. After saying this, he has turned to the northwest corner of the plant and is ready to leave.

"Wait until I finally say a word!" Gao Yuan suddenly shouted when the team was about to separate.

His eyes are rosy and his eyes are covered with bloodshot eyes. I don't know if it is because of sadness or anger.

Gao Yuan is facing Wu Qi. His eyes and Wu Qi’s beautiful deep and deep eyes are like the eyes of a calm sea. Seeing this pair of calm, as if they encounter difficulties, they will not have fearful eyes. He suddenly has courage.

"The enemy is the Hells Lions Mercenary Corps. They are the five-level mercenary group of the G011 base. The strength of equipment, number, and strength is above us. My sister Gao Lan is a senior sniper of the Hell Lion. And their purpose is no doubt, it is to kill us."

"It took so much manpower and material resources to chase 237 kilometers from G011 here, just to kill us?" Wu Qi asked.

Gao Yuandao: "No, maybe it is just the right or deliberately taking the G032 base mission with us. The strength of their entire mercenary group is far more than the two armored combat vehicles. I guess they only sent half or one third of them. The troops are going to kill us, others are performing tasks."

Wu Qi did not ask why the mercenary group belonging to Gao Yuan’s sister deliberately attacked the mercenary group to which his brother belonged. When he looked at the bullets from a high perspective, he could see that the complicated feelings intertwined here could not be short-term. Explain clearly.

"I know." Wu Qi gently swayed the little red fox that was held in his left hand. The little red fox crossed a flame-like arc in the air and was caught by Guo Baibo, who had subconsciously opened his arms.

After Guo Baibai caught the little red fox, he suddenly reacted. Wu Qi was indeed throwing himself to July. Did he specifically choose to pay for his pet?

Guo Bobai, with the feeling of passing the waves, wants to go to Wu Qi’s eyes to prove what. But Wu Qi has already turned around with Zhang Bai.

"You must live to meet us!" Guo Bobai clenched his fist and thought he didn't want to blurt out.

Wu Qi did not respond.


The sky is sunny and sparse, and in the absence of clouds surrounding it, the sun shining through the sun shines dry and warm, and the ambient temperature is subtly elevated. There is less water in the air and it is hot. On the road to the industrial zone of the plantation, there will be hot winds rolling up the white sand on both sides of the road from time to time, allowing the floating sand to cross the road.

At this time, a gray black shadow can be seen on the gray road. Qian Ying is slim and tall, and a long hair that has been bundled is pulled back by the blast that is backwards. When running, he swings two slender and agile pencil legs, three times the limit speed of ordinary humans, flying on the concrete road. ground.

What's more, her slender back is also carrying a wide gun bag with a length of 140 cm. The wide gun bag contains Ba. Ray and ammunition, with a total weight of more than 18 kg.

Gao Lan is a five-level senior sniper who takes advantage of her strengths when moving at high speeds for long distances. In her career, she never tried to abandon her guns at full speed. Even at that time, her speed will reach the limit speed of the three-level agility enhancement, which is meaningless to Gao Lan.

Gao Lan is now running at a speed comparable to that of a regular off-road vehicle. It should be in the center of a wide field of vision with a dynamic blur. It is a 4th armored chariot with a clear view of every detail on the body 1000 meters away, and is working for The armored chariots were damaged in the location of the replacement parts of the mercenaries.

After thirty or forty seconds, Gao Lan's matt black leather boots settled beside the armored chariot, and the long pony tail fluttered to her back and fell vertically.

The mercenaries saw the arrival of Gao Lan, and they sang high. "High deputy head, please give instructions!"

Gao Lan glanced at the armored chariot, and the voice was cold and clear: "Report the situation."

"The black servant's mercenary group cast three aluminum hot hands. The grenades. The third chariot turned over, and the left rear wheel of the fourth chariot was melted and burst. The chief ordered the third to chase, and the fourth repair was on standby. At present, the black armored armored vehicles have already fled to the industrial zone, and they should lose the ability to turn when they look at the vehicle." The team leader reported.

"Is the repair finished now?"

"After everything is fixed, feel free to act!"

"Well, all the people get on the bus and chase the industrial area." Gao Lan immediately ordered. She got into the co-pilot of the chariot, and other mercenaries jumped into the car.

The heavy and low engine sounds again, and the four tires rotate and move, leading the body to the dust at a rapid speed toward 10 o'clock.


In the thermal power plant area of ​​the industrial zone. The armored chariot of the Hell Lions finally stopped after the half-circle of the factory where Wu Qi and others were hiding. Wan Tai jumped from the open door. The hard boots carried 120 kilograms of weight and hit the concrete poured floor. On, there was a loud bang.

In the direction of the armored combat vehicles, nine people were fully armed, turning the hood of the explosion-proof helmet down, carrying the SCAR-H with both hands, and quickly moving toward the mercenary in the direction of the factory.

As Wu Qi listened, they went to the next person every 15 meters, spreading the force to halfway the entire factory.

At this moment, Wan Tai did not wear a thin vest as before, and exposed the strong arms of the mountains to the air. He wore a full-cover dark gray tight-fitting combat uniform, and the low-key color and streamlined wrapping material of the combat uniforms reduced Wan Tai's figure by a few points. Compared with the fierce giant bull, he is now more like a broken ash. leopard.

"Gaolan that the mother asked not to hurt high, it is really trouble." Wan Tai abdomen, but his face can not see a star and a half of the complaint ~ ~ instead of a ferocious smile. For him, whether it is burning with white phosphorus or burning, the bomb-burning plant will burn people to death, poison, or enter the factory to kill the enemy, it is not much difficulty.

"Walk into the factory, proceed cautiously." Wantai's tone is cold and hard, and the sound is transmitted to the ears of the nine mercenaries through the headset.

Soon, Wantai and nine mercenaries were each stalked into the factory from the window or iron gate. There is no light in the factory building, only the sporadic sunlight from the outside, which makes the complex factory space seem quite dark. The mercenaries were in the second and second squad, marching cautiously with the rifle.

Wantai is not the case. He carried a 12.7 mm large-caliber assault rifle with a streamlined white silver. This is a uniquely ordered firearm that he loves, and it is not popular on the market. Because of its great recoil, the user does not have three levels of strength-strengthened muscles, standing and shooting less than half a bullet. The clip will be severely injured.

In the same way, its power is extremely horrible. In the fully automatic mode, it can shoot the composite metal armor of the armored combat vehicle in one second. This is how the general assault rifle can't be done. Only the anti-equipment sniper rifle can do it. Arrived.

Therefore, Wan Tai loves such a rude weapon. It feels that this gun is as powerful and direct as his power!

People who give up cautiousness have always had absolute confidence from powerful forces. Wan Tai not only holds a large caliber rifle, but he also wears a pair of military thermal imaging glasses. In his field of vision, there are no creatures that can escape the observation and emit heat.

The book starts from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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