Black Ride

Chapter 93: Lone wolf

Gao Yuan just changed his face, and he saw unexpected things in the sights - the mercenaries stopped one by one.

Gao Yuan’s first reaction was to move the center of gravity three times to Gao Lan. When he was ambushing, he had fully realized the power of his sister's anti-sniping technique. She would definitely sense his aim and then make tactical evasive action!

As all the progress is as high as expected, Gao Lan moves quickly to hide behind the bunker. There are more than a dozen equally thick trees between the trees as shelters, which are bound to be attacked.

I didn’t want to kill my sister. He pulled two cigarettes from the tactical belt. The fog bombed and pulled the buckle. Smoke. The chemical smog that spurted out of the bomb quickly spread to the smashing. Around the gun, he fired a shot at a moment before the group of targets in the thermal imaging ray was blurred to disappear.

After a shot, I didn’t look at the result of the gun in the high distance. I used the smoke from the smoke, the fog, and the smoke as a bunker between the mountains and forests.

Time flies for ten minutes. In the ten minutes, there was no stop for a moment, and there was no rumor.

He and the chase behind him have already reached the foot of the peak, where the forest is denser than the previous one. In the high-altitude escape, use the environmental memory of special training to remember the way of the path.

So he got a conclusion: in this area, even the effective range of the anti-equipment sniper rifle should be reduced to below 400 meters.

A 12.7mm bullet that can be blown open by the human body will lose its kinetic energy when it penetrates at most five trunks. There are almost no points in the current forest area that can be connected in a line beyond 400 meters. It is also pitiful to penetrate four trees in 400 meters and finally send the bullets into the enemy's body.

Unable to rumm, it means that he can only run forward with his head on his head, and his actions will be invisible in Gao Lan's perception network.

But Gao Yuan did not panic, because he had already stepped on the point before deciding to ambush. The situation changed in the chest.

At this time, behind the high, there was a sudden shout of the enemy.

"See, it's there!"

Gao Yuan immediately responded to the sound, and he rolled into the trunk of the right side with a standard tactical evasive action, and immediately followed by a series of metal storms.

The continuous sound of the guns was transmitted to the high ear by a distance of two hundred meters. Numerous high-speed flying metal streams flowed through the position where he was originally stationed. Each bullet seemed to have consciousness and madness poured into the trunk of the end. On the top, a tree trunk that was held by two people was instantly turned into a horse's nest.

The high-eyed eyes solidified on the trunk of the horse's honeycomb. Through the gunshots, he suddenly inferred that the enemy used the SCAR-H assault rifle equipped with a squeaking device. The number of guns was as many as five. The distance is between 200 and 220 meters.

It turns out that he has been consuming physical strength in the long distance to this point, and even the enemy is close to 200 meters, only to know what to do.

"It's really difficult." Gao Yuan's dark brown eyes reveal the indomitableness of death.

Even though Gao Lan had only killed his teammates, and did not directly hurt him, but in the past, Gao Lan was attacking alone, and did not chase him in the form of a mercenary group like this one.

Gao Yuan does not think that if he kills five enemies of the enemy, anyone in the enemy will let himself go.

Feeling the muscles of the legs fed back to the brain's soreness, it is estimated that his legs have reached the limit. He quickly took a box of needles from the tactical belt, took the adrenal hormone tube out of it, and quickly injected it into his right arm deltoid.

In just two seconds, Gao Yuan felt a majestic heat flow from his torso, and then flowed through the limbs at a very fast speed, through the blood vessels into the heart. At this moment, it seems that an invisible big hand grabbed his heart, forcing the heart to accelerate pacing, and to deliver blood with more powerful force.

The high body temperature rises at a rapid rate, and the heart in the chest becomes a thunder drum, which is madly tapping. The heat flow also flows through the legs. He uses his hands to sway his body, and then moves the legs that temporarily raise the limit, and rushes to the north.

The bullets in the rear, such as the chasing ghosts, are constantly shooting at high places, leaving countless craters on the trunk. After each bullet is fired, the position of the crater left on the trunk will be slightly raised and become more dense.

That is the symbol of the enemy's close distance with Gao Yuan.

Behind the high, five mercenaries rushed to catch up with assault rifles, and the four captains ran at the forefront, screaming in the eyes.

Suddenly, there was a gust of wind behind the mercenaries, and the footsteps of the mountain were getting closer and closer.

The left arm is empty and only the right half is still The wound section of the left shoulder reveals shocking flesh, blood vessels, nerves, and pale bones. His right arm also fell to the rear, and the beast-like body was running with a beast to keep it in balance.

Wan Tai's face is comparable to the mad fangs wild boar, a pair of bronze bell eyes filled with cobweb-like bloodshot, bandages on the nose and hemostatic cotton quilt pulled out in madness, exposing the bridge of the broken nose bone.

Just listening to the deafening loud noise, Wantai's legs muscles swelled by a quarter of the size, and changed back to the same size as before. Countless muscle fibers are screwed together and the screaming of the tiger!

He jumped violently, crossed the arc of 8 meters in the air, and landed in front of the five mercenaries. Then the speed was increased again, and the distance between the high and the far was widened at a speed visible to the naked eye.

120 meters, 80 meters, 40 meters. In a short time, Wantai threw the mercenary behind him nearly 100 meters away, and was getting closer and closer to the distance.

Hatred became the driving force of Wantai's actions, but his mind did not lose his mind. In ten minutes, he kept his speed consistent with the running speed of the mercenary, and then waited for the potency of the cell active agent to aggravate his injury, waiting for the effect of the adrenal hormone to help him shield the pain.

When Wantai's eyes were measured at a distance of less than 30 meters from the high distance, the right arm that fell behind him finally moved. Five large fingers pulled out the silver large-caliber pistol between the tactical belts, aiming at the high-altitude shaking. Back!

The book starts from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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