Black Technology Live Room

Chapter 199 Powerful Bricks Fly

"Because, the place you are in is called Zhaicheng Space Center, and my name is Zhang Zhai!"

Zhang Zhai spoke loudly, without any arrogance, but full of confidence!

"God Zhai!" Suddenly someone shouted, and many people roared loudly.

Zhang Zhai listened to these voices, smiled slightly, and pressed down with his hands to make everyone quiet.

"I'm not a god, I'm just a lucky ordinary person, but..."

"Here, I firmly believe that I can realize my ideals, and at the same time, you can also realize your ideals!"

Zhang Zhai said loudly: "You don't have to doubt at all, you are engaged in a great cause, a noble cause, a cause that benefits mankind.

On this road, we will realize our ideals and brand the starry sky above our heads with the human logo!

We will be the pioneers of this great cause! "

"I share the same ideal with you, and I will work together with you to fight for this ideal, gentlemen! Let us encourage each other!"

Zhang Zhai said loudly, every word echoed in everyone's ears and hearts!

They seemed to feel the excitement when they heard Zhang Zhai's speech for the first time again. They felt proud and excited.

Looking at the high fighting spirit in everyone's eyes, Zhang Zhai smiled, and then he continued to speak forcefully: "

This rocket building behind me, he passed through the land and stood on this land. I hope that the spaceship of Zhaicheng Space Center can also pierce the clouds like this building pierces the ground, and stand tall in the universe! "

"You are all talented people and experts from all walks of life. We gather here because of a common ideal. As long as we work together and struggle together, I believe that nothing is impossible!

Even this sky, this universe will be conquered by us sooner or later! "

At this time, everyone's eyes were shining with fiery eyes, bursting out with strong enthusiasm. Their blood was burning and boiling. At this moment, they seemed to have inexhaustible energy and wanted to immediately devote themselves to research.

"Crack! Crack... Crash!"

When the first applause sounded, everyone clapped vigorously at the same time, and the deafening applause reverberated under the sky for a long time.

Academician Gan Xiaohua stood beside him, feeling a little emotional.

The passionate appearance of more than ten thousand people, the firm eyes that are even willing to sacrifice everything for the ideal.

He couldn't help but think of those familiar faces during the two bombs and one-satellite era in Huaguo, and the eyes of more than ten thousand people at this moment are so similar to the eyes of people at that time.

That kind of pure enthusiasm, that kind of pure fighting spirit, they are all so identical.

Academician Gan Xiaohua's eyes were a bit complicated. He looked at Zhang Zhai, a little amazed at Zhang Zhai's influence. How could this young man, who was only twenty years old, be so convincing? Where did this magical power come from?

Thinking about it, Academician Gan Xiaohua laughed.

Isn't it from the miracles that this young man continues to create?

He has never let people down. He constantly challenges the upper limit of human IQ and acceptance.

He has made people gradually believe that he can create all miracles and accomplish all things. Isn't it because of this that he is here?

The applause was thunderous, and it lasted for more than a minute. Many people clapped their hands red and were unwilling to stop. Finally, it was Zhang Zhai who signaled that it gradually subsided.

"Then, today's speech is over here." Zhang Zhai said with a smile,

"I told you the vision of the future world and my expectations for the future universe, I hope this vision will shock you.

But I hope that you can first focus on reality. After all, we have not even left the earth, and we have not even completed the first step of the space program - landing on the moon. "

In the end, Zhang Zhai smiled and poured cold water on everyone present, but this cold water could not dampen their enthusiasm, it would only make them maintain their rationality when their blood was boiling and their fighting spirit was high.

"I hope that in the near future, on the moon, I will talk to you again about the fantasy of conquering the universe!"

After Zhang Zhai finished his last sentence, he didn't stop for a moment, he simply walked down the steps and walked away.


Twenty minutes later, Zhang Zhai, academician Gan Xiaohua, and more than 100 team leaders were in the only conference room in the Zhaicheng Aerospace Center Building.

Zhang Zhai looked at the more than a hundred team leaders, among whom he personally hired a large proportion.

Zhang Zhai glanced at everyone present, and then said unhurriedly.

"First of all, let me make it clear that our main goal in the near future is to design a spaceship with an anti-gravity box as the driving force.

There is only one requirement, that is, it must be able to carry 500 people and related equipment to the moon, and be able to build a preliminary alien base on the moon. "

"I hope to be able to complete the design and move to the manufacturing stage as soon as possible."

In the meeting room, because of Zhang Zhai's words, it was completely quiet.

After a long time, someone broke the silence.

"Mr. Zhang, first of all, if the spacecraft wants to carry 500 people, then the volume of the spacecraft must not be small, which means that its weight must not be too low. Can the anti-gravity box bear this weight?

Second, Huaguo has only carried three people in one spaceflight for this reason. Is it too radical for us to increase to five hundred people at a time? And the problems that need to be faced are too many and too complicated. "

An expert lowered his head and thought for a moment, then raised his head and asked.

Zhang Zhai nodded and said with a smile:

"I understand what you mean, and I know the difficulty, but there are three questions that you don't need to consider:

First, the load problem. The load-bearing capacity of the anti-gravity box is 200,000 times its own weight.

The anti-gravity box you saw before can bear at least a thousand tons of weight.

If it exceeds 1,000 tons, you can also continue to increase the use of anti-gravity boxes to increase its carrying capacity. So there is no need to consider whether the anti-gravity box can carry such a large weight.

Second, the anti-gravity box itself is not affected by the gravity of the earth. Even if its propulsion speed cannot reach the second cosmic speed, it can still leave the earth. Out of the earth, to the moon.

Third, regardless of the survival of the astronauts, in principle, I would prefer that all 500 people use Terminator robots, so that they can establish a preliminary alien base on the moon in the early stage. So there is no need to consider the survival of the astronauts, as long as the robot is not damaged. "

Zhang Di's words made the people present look at each other in blank dismay, and fell silent again for a while.

This time it's not because it's too difficult, but because it's simply too simple. After Zhang Zhai put it this way, he can fly into space even if he installs the anti-gravity box on a brick.

Genelec Big Brick Fly Series!

Zhang Zhai smiled and looked at all the experts present, "So, is there any problem?"

"Since this is already the case, there must be no problem. What we need to do is to ensure that the spacecraft will not disintegrate due to being too large, and some other relatively simple problems."

Academician Gan Xiaohua replied on behalf of everyone.

Zhang Zhai nodded, "In this case, I hope that the spacecraft can enter the manufacturing stage as soon as possible. I will not ask for time, but I hope to complete it in the fastest time!"

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