Black Technology Live Room

Chapter 271 24 Hours

Zhai City, inside the Xihe Science and Technology Park, the biological laboratory on the second floor of the Zhang Zhai Experimental Building.

Since the establishment of this laboratory, very little time has been used, and even Zhang Di came here very few times.

At this moment, in front of the laboratory workbench, there is a row of chest-high books.

"Surgery at two o'clock tomorrow afternoon, which means I still have 24 hours." Zhang Zhai murmured in a low voice.

"Within 24 hours, even if I can't produce a specific drug, I must be able to find an effective method or effective element for the treatment of lung cancer, otherwise, the operation that should be performed must not be stopped, and I cannot gamble with my father's life. "

Zhang Zhai frowned and thought,

"My understanding of medical knowledge now is only because I have dabbled in making Dabai before, but the depth and breadth of knowledge are not enough. At the same time, my understanding of biology is also very shallow, far from being able to crack cancer. Terminally ill."

"24 hours... I have to start studying biology, then master enough medical knowledge based on biology, and finally try to solve the cancer problem and get rid of the curse of terminal illness!"

Zhang Zhai made the plan calmly. He didn't have much time. He had to master enough knowledge of biology and medicine in a very short time.

After planning, Zhang Zhai reached out and took down the first book from the left, and began to read "Basics of Biology".


Zhang Zhai's memory is even more exaggerated than his photographic memory. Basically, he turned the pages directly after his eyes saw clearly.

Reading a book is like turning the pages of a book. Zhang Zhai flipped through it faster and faster. He didn't try to understand it at all, and directly used his powerful memory to record the contents of this book in his mind.


After a few minutes, Zhang Zhai closed the book, threw the book aside, closed his eyes, and began to organize and understand the content of the book he just read in his mind.

After a very short time, Zhang Zhai opened his eyes again, took out another biology-related book from the pile of books, and started to read it.

Zhang Zhai started this process of repeatedly reading biology professional books and repeatedly absorbing biological knowledge.


An hour later, there were two stacks of books missing in front of Zhang Zhai, and Zhang Zhai memorized a total of fifteen books in his mind and thoroughly understood the knowledge in them.

However, such high-intensity memory, understanding, and absorption made Zhang Zhai feel uncomfortable.

Although this is far from reaching the limit state of Zhang Zhai's memory, Zhang Zhai himself is not in good condition at this time.

Before coming to the laboratory, he had already spent a day and two nights trying to solve Goldbach's conjecture, keeping his brain in high-intensity operation. Afterwards, he rested for less than three hours and did not recover much energy at all.

What happened to Zhang's father afterwards made Zhang Zhai's mood fluctuate violently and consumed a lot of energy.

At this moment, Zhang Zhai is exhausted after trying to memorize 15 books.

Zhang Zhai's face was pale, but his eyes were even redder. The originally white eyeballs were now covered with bloodshot eyes, like terrible cracks.

Zhang Zhai felt his head swell, and his eyes were swollen and painful due to the congestion.

Zhang Zhai patted his head with his hands to relieve the swollen feeling in his head, and picked up a book again.

"Mr. Zhang, after testing, your body is in a state of extreme fatigue. It is recommended that you take a rest immediately!" Dabai's voice sounded behind Zhang Zhai.

Zhang Zhai ignored him, still staring at his hand, turning it nervously.

"Father, why don't you rest for a while, your current situation is very likely to faint." A1's voice also sounded.

Hearing this, Zhang Zhai stopped turning the pages of the book, then raised his head, shook his head, and said with certainty in his eyes: "I won't faint, and now my spirit is in a state of extreme tension. Before this state disappears, I will Can't get dizzy."

"On the contrary, if I go to sleep now, if I go to sleep this time, I won't be able to wake up for a day or a night."

As Zhang Zhai said, he lowered his head again, and while flipping through the book, he said, "Just like what Dabai said, my body is now in a state of extreme exhaustion, so I can't sleep."

"Dabai, go and get me a cup of coffee, it's twice as strong."

"Sir, what you need is not coffee, but rest. Coffee can't make your tiredness go away."

"But coffee can wake me up." Zhang Zhai said without raising his head,

"I order you with the highest authority, go and pour me a cup of coffee."

"Da da……"

Dabai couldn't refute because of the limited authority.

A minute later, Zhang Zhai picked up the espresso in hand and drank it all at once.

After drinking the coffee, twenty minutes later, it started to take effect, and Zhang Zhai became much more awake.



Time passed slowly, from two o'clock at noon to six o'clock in the evening.

The third cup of espresso failed, and Zhang Zhai yawned long.

"Sir, this is your twelve yawns. You are sleepy."

"People yawn because of lack of oxygen in the head, not sleepiness." Zhang Zhai retorted, staring at the book.

"Dabai, go get me a book of ice water." Zhang Di said.


Zhang Zhai put both hands in the icy water, and the icy water stimulated his nerves strongly.

Zhang Zhai didn't put his head into the water, that would not wake him up, it would only make him faint faster.

Relying on the stimulation of ice water, Zhang Zhai persisted from evening to late night.

Late at night, at eleven o'clock, after replacing 24 pots of ice water, the floor of the laboratory became wet, and Zhang Zhai's hands were swollen from the soak. At the same time, the ice water stimulation also lost its effect.

However, fortunately, in the past 9 hours, Zhang Zhai put all the more than one hundred books on biology and medicine in front of him into his mind.

Zhang Zhai glanced at the last book that was wrinkled from being wet, and a little smile appeared on his face.

"There are still 15 hours, which is still plenty of time."

Zhang Di shook his head and said silently in his heart.


"Host: Zhang Di

Wisdom: 206 (220)

Notability: 12, 438, 461

Unlockable Technology: None

The technology that can be unlocked in the next stage: short-distance space transmission technology.

Technology mastered: interactive holographic images. , artificial intelligence, new energy storage, three new materials, anti-gravity box, quantum computer. "

The system interface popped up, and Zhang Zhai glanced at the system interface.

"Fortunately, the popularity is enough to increase the wisdom value a little bit."

"Wisdom +1... Popularity -1"

Accompanied by a reminder sound, a cool feeling as usual rushed to the head from the footsteps, and Zhang Zhai felt extremely comfortable in an instant.

Most importantly, the brain becomes extremely clear and calm.

"I don't know how long this feeling can last."

While this feeling was still there, Zhang Zhai immediately said to A1:

"A1, summarize all the latest results of cancer research, published papers or unpublished research.

At the same time, collect any animal and plant data that may have the effect of treating cancer, and the data recorded in ancient books, also collect it for me! Mainly in the treatment of lung cancer.

At the same time, collect all cancer cases, mainly lung cancer, I will grant you the highest authority to control Dabai, let Dabai upload the health files of all cancer patients, and then you will conduct a preliminary analysis, filter out meaningless ones, and summarize the information give me! "

"Okay, father."


six hours later

"Dabai, is there any way to keep me awake?"

"Yes, acupoint stimulation, but it may be a little painful." Dabai replied.

"Use it." Zhang Di said calmly.

Dabai received the order and walked up to Zhang Zhai.

"Sir, your middle and ring fingers, please."

Zhang Di followed suit.

Dabai took out a needle and stabbed it steadily between the middle finger and ring finger of Zhang Zhai's left hand.

In an instant, sweat rolled out of Zhang Zhai's forehead continuously, and Zhang Zhai gritted his teeth so as not to yell out by himself.

"Sir, do you still need to continue to stimulate? The next needle needs to be inserted under the middle finger cap."

"No, I'm already very sober!"

Technology in medicine is just a transition...

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