Black Technology Live Room

Chapter 325 Tonight, we are all from Dicheng!

In the Zhaicheng Aviation Center, it is destined to be difficult to sleep tonight. In the command room on the first floor of the Rocket Tower, hundreds of researchers and experts are still very energetic, and their excited emotions temporarily cover up their physical fatigue.

Zhang Zhai sat in front of the workbench, busy like everyone else.

However, when it was his turn to be free for a while, he would also watch the barrage in the live broadcast room, just to relax.

"I used to watch Zhaicheng's live broadcast, and I used to go to bed very late, but now it's different, I've learned how to stay up all night!"

"I'm so sleepy, I really want to sleep, but I can't help it, I just want to watch the live broadcast!"

"I can't help it either, it's a big deal to cultivate immortality, otherwise how can I miss the wonderful scene!"


The barrage in the live broadcast room refreshed at any time, as terrifying as a volcanic eruption, and as turbulent as a torrent of waterfalls.

Zhang Zhai looked up at the barrage, showed a smile, then lowered his head, and continued to process the collected data.

"Father, the four hours are up."

Hearing the sound, Zhang Zhai nodded and stood up from the workbench.

"Bang..." Zhang Zhai's legs were sore and numb after sitting for a long time, and he kicked the legs of the workbench clumsily.

Zhang Zhai looked down and shook his head self-deprecatingly.

"Fortunately, it doesn't have much impact."

Zhang Zhai raised his head and looked at the people in the command room.

At this moment, next to every position in the command room, researchers and experts for the next round of missions are already in place.

But this round of hundreds of people, none of them left voluntarily, and those who were rotated were embarrassed to grab them.

"Everyone, please stop what you're doing immediately. It's four hours and it's time to take turns. Let's go rest." Zhang Zhai said holding the communicator.

Zhang Zhai's voice resounded in the command room, allowing everyone to hear it clearly.

"If it is not implemented, I will implement compulsory measures."

As soon as the words fell, everyone started to move, some were very forthright, some were reluctant, but no one stalled for time.

The handover and rotation takes a very short time, only about a minute.

After 1 minute and 30 seconds, the command room returned to its previous state, busy, tense, and quiet at the same time.

Seeing this, Zhang Zhai sat down again and continued his previous work.

However, before it even started, a voice suddenly came from behind.

"Xiao Zhai, you should go to rest too. It's been four hours, and it's already two o'clock in the morning." Gan Xiaohua appeared behind Zhang Zhai, patted him on the shoulder and said.

Zhang Zhai turned around, smiled and shook his head: "It's only two o'clock. According to my biological clock, it's already afternoon. I can't sleep."

"On the other hand, academician Gan, you are older and not in good health, why don't you go and rest for a while."

Gan Xiaohua shook his head, and repeated again: "Xiao Zhai, go to sleep for a while, we will watch over the command room for you, and if there is an emergency, it will be fine to wake you up. As for me, I am old and sleep less. .”

Zhang Zhai put away his smile, shook his head and said seriously: "I don't feel at ease, I dare not sleep, but I look more at ease.

The entire ground command room cannot do without me, everyone can rest, but I cannot. "

Gan Xiaohua was silent when he heard the words, and finally, he patted Zhang Zhai on the shoulder lightly.

"Just say it when you're tired, don't be stubborn."


Time passed in bits and pieces, a reincarnation every four hours.

This is a protracted war, a war of attrition.

When the second four hours ended, it was six o'clock in the morning.


Zhang Zhai raised his head, moved his stiff neck, and looked at the only window in the command room.

"Its daybreak……"


Zhang Zhai turned his neck and looked at the live broadcast room.

The number of people online in the live broadcast room fell below 100 million, leaving only 80 million people.

However, from the refresh rate of the barrage, there is basically no difference.

"Ahh! I have to go to school in an hour, and I still don't want to!"

"I'm in your sister's class. I've already asked for leave for two days. I want to watch the whole process of Houyi's moon landing."

"Please take wool leave, the whole company is on holiday, and the boss is watching Zhai Shen's live broadcast under the covers."


In the barrage, not only Chinese, but also mixed with various languages.

When the first ray of sunlight jumped out of the horizon, it happened to be evening in the United States on the other side of the earth.

The whole world is still reeling from the impact of the launch of Houyi from Zhaicheng Space Center.

The launch of the Houyi has attracted the attention of at least two billion people. In any country with media, there is news of the launch of the Houyi.

Washington Post, USA.

"Today, we are all from Zhaicheng!"

Russian Independent.

"No one has ever been so close to the stars!"

British Post.

"The whole world pays attention to one person!"

Hua Guo Daily.

"Tonight, the stars are shining! This night is called Zhang Zhai Ye! Hou Yi Ye."

Capital News.

"The miracle of Zhaicheng Aviation Center, how far are we from the starry sky?"

CCTV News.

"Zhang Di: The stars are within reach!"


"A story about an ancient man recovering his alien wife."


United States, White House meeting room.

A group of White House science advisers and aerospace scientists gathered together, and even though the sun was about to set, there were still heated discussions in the conference room.

"Mr. President, according to the information announced by the Zhaicheng Space Center, we found that the anti-gravity spacecraft Houyi did not orbit the earth, but after breaking through the atmosphere, adjusted its direction, and flew directly towards the moon..." one White House advisers report.

"Nonsense, the anti-gravity spaceship can provide anti-gravity propulsion continuously, so why does it have to go around a bend if it doesn't go in a straight line?" A famous aerospace scientist interrupted angrily.

The President of the United States shook his head and looked at the White House adviser who was interrupted: "Continue."

"Secondly, according to the information provided by Zhang Zhai's live broadcast room and Zhang Zhai's own confirmation, it can be basically confirmed that the trajectory of the anti-gravity spacecraft Houyi of Zhaicheng Aviation Center is indeed close to the trajectory of our Apollo 18. "

"Based on the speed data of the Houyi and other circumstances, there can only be one situation, and that is..." The White House adviser stopped suddenly, sweat dripping from his forehead.

"Say!" The President of the United States revealed anger in his tone.

"That is... In about 6 hours, Houyi from Zhaicheng Space Center will meet our Apollo in space."

"If there is no accident, you can also see from Zhang Zhai's live broadcast room that our Apollo 18 was surpassed and then left behind."

The face of the President of the United States is not very good-looking. This kind of behavior is simply provocative, provoking the United States, and putting the face of the United States under his feet!

"Is there any way for you to solve this problem?" the President of the United States asked.

"The matter has become a foregone conclusion. The Houyi of the Zhaicheng Space Center and Apollo 18 are traveling on the same course. At the same time, the Houyi must reach the moon first. The scene that surpassed Apollo 18 in the process has become a foregone conclusion."

"Could it be that there is no way to do it, so you can just watch helplessly?"

"There is only one way, to change the course and avoid the Houyi."

"Avoid him?" The face of the President of the United States turned black, and it would be better to let the Hou Yi pass by.

"Yes, if you don't want the Houyi of the Zhaicheng Space Center to overtake the Apollo head-on, this is the only way."

"However, I do not recommend using this method. This method of deviating from the intended orbit may lead to unknown situations. The two situations are the most likely: Apollo 18 cannot reach the moon, or there is no way to return after reaching the moon."




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