Black Technology Live Room

Chapter 328 Beyond: Heading towards the Moon!

The volume of Houyi is several times that of Apollo 18. When the front end of Houyi surpasses Apollo 18, Apollo 18 will slowly move to the center below the top of Houyi, Then just under the tail, until finally, a clean pass.

In the Zhaicheng Aerospace Center, thousands of people gathered in the command room. Even though many people should rest, they rushed over immediately after hearing the news.

The researchers were nervous and excited. They blushed, clenched their fists tightly, and stared at this moment.

The whole process of Houyi and Apollo 18 passing by only lasted 0.82 seconds, and this special meeting was only in an instant.

"It's over! It's over!"

Someone shouted when the front end of Hou Yi passed Apollo 18.

When the sound settled down, the Apollo had left the right below the Houyi and was left behind.

The rotating camera still frames Apollo 18, but the view of Apollo 18 has begun to shrink rapidly.

After surpassing Apollo 18, Houyi did not make any stop, but ran towards the moon at the highest speed!

All the people who were too nervous to blink saw this scene with their own eyes. The whole research room was boiling and everyone cheered.

"Ahh, it's over!"

"Haha, even after two days, the Houyi still surpassed it!"

"Win! We won! Hua Guo won!"


Zhang Zhai's live broadcast room also exploded.

"Zhai Shen: If you let me take two days, I will also be number one!"

"Hahaha, space overtaking, this is the only one!"

"This operation is too embarrassing. It turns out that this is the only scene Zhai Shen said. It's not in vain. It's cool! Hahaha!"

"It's like eating iced watermelon in summer."

Zhang Zhai, Gan Xiaohua and the others did not cheer, but smiled at each other.

Chen Zhenguo gently wiped the corners of his moist eyes, and said with a smile, "It's worth it!"

Zhang Zhai patted Chen Zhenguo on the back,

"It's an honor for everyone who makes it."

"God Zhai, thank you!"


"The end of an era." Gan Xiaohua said looking at the picture on the holographic screen.

"It is also the beginning of an era." Zhang Zhai said with a smile.

"The alternation of the old and the new generation." Gan Xiaohua patted Zhang Zhai on the shoulder.


Inside Apollo 18, the ten astronauts looked at each other in dead silence.

On the detection instrument, the green light spot representing Houyi was moving away from them at a speed beyond their reach, and they had been left far behind.

Just now, they witnessed that 0.82 second passing by, they were deeply shocked, but at the same time helpless.

"The aerospace era dominated by chemical rockets... is coming to an end." Smith looked a little depressed.

"The future will belong to Huaguo, Zhai City, and... the anti-gravity spaceship." Smith choked up,

"we lose……"

Williams, Jones and the others looked at Smith, lowered their heads, silent, their eyes dimmed.

They did lose. In the future, the center of human spaceflight will quickly shift from the United States to Zhaicheng Space Center.


In the United States, people who are paying attention to this matter have mixed feelings.

When most of the media in the world are reporting on the special encounter or surpass between Houyi and Apollo, the US media is in a state of collective silence.

It's just too embarrassing.

Before the moon landing rocket was launched, how much it was boasted, and when the Houyi surpassed the Apollo, it hurt so much in the face.


Zhaicheng Space Center.

The joyful mood swept away the solemn atmosphere in the command room and made it much easier.

"00, I'm 03, part of Houyi's 03 is normal."

"The communication signal is normal, and the track data is normal."

"The intelligent control system is operating normally..."

"I'm 00, and I'm ordering the Houyi to move toward the moon." Zhang Zhai replied with a smile on his face.


Zhang Zhai leaned over the workbench, checking the data.


Resting with hands for a long time caused my fingers to become a little stiff, and I lost my grip on the mouse, so I threw it out and hung it on the edge of the workbench.

"24 hours, and the last ten hours."

Zhang Zhai closed his eyes hard, and then opened them again to relieve the soreness in his eyes.

"Ka...Ka..." Zhang Zhai moved his pantothenic acid hand, and his knuckles cracked.

Zhang Zhai looked at the mouse that fell aside, and was about to reach out to pick it up, but a wrinkled hand suddenly appeared, and Zhang Zhai picked up the mouse.

"Thank you, Academician Gan."

"Xiao Zhai, if you really can't take it anymore, go and rest." Gan Xiaohua's voice was hoarse.

Zhang Zhai raised his head, glanced at Gan Xiaohua, and was suddenly taken aback.

I saw the wrinkles on Gan Xiaohua's face, the gully on his forehead seemed to be much more obvious, his face was also abnormally pale, bags under his eyes were loose, and the dark circles under his eyes were heavy.

"Academician Gan, didn't I tell you to rest? Didn't you rest?" Zhang Zhai was a little angry.

Gan Xiaohua shook his head, "I can't sleep, I close my eyes, my mind is full of images of the Houyi, I really don't feel relieved."

"Don't talk about me, I squinted for a while, but look in the mirror yourself."

It has been 24 hours since Houyi was launched, plus the day before the launch.

Zhang Zhai hadn't slept for at least 38 hours, and he had been using his brain all the time, so his face was pale at the moment, full of immortal energy, and he was about to ascend to the sky.

"Father, the sixth four-hour is over." A1's voice sounded.

"Notify the rotation." Zhang Zhai turned around and said.

"Old Gan, go and rest too." Zhang Zhai said in a deep voice, "There are still ten hours left, and I can hold on. If I really can't hold on and get sleepy, then you can help me watch over it."

Gan Xiaohua took a deep look at Zhang Zhai, then nodded.

After the rotation, Zhang Di got busy again.

As time passed, Zhang Di resisted exhaustion and sat in the command room.


The seventh four-hour period ends.

There are still 6.8 hours until the Houyi moon landing.

"Huh..." Zhang Zhai rubbed his eyes, feeling a little dazed.

"00, I'm 03, unexpected situation, unexpected situation, there is a meteorite 56 kilometers away from Houyi, there is a chance of impact, the intelligent control system has taken countermeasures to avoid it..."

"I'm 00, send me the data and conclusions, and I'll take a look." Zhang Zhai shook his head to regain consciousness.

The so-called emergencies are just normal situations, controlled by an intelligent system, and will not affect the spacecraft.


after an hour.


Zhang Zhai's eyes were sour, stiff, and tears fell directly, dripping on the workbench.

"I can't do it, I have to go to sleep." Zhang Zhai felt a little dazed and didn't choose to bear it.

"This state will affect judgment, so I have to sleep."

"A1, wake up Academician Gan, Professor Hu, and Professor Yang, and ask them to come to the command room immediately." Zhang Zhai said in a deep voice.

Five minutes later.

The three of them had already arrived, and Zhang Zhai, who couldn't hold on for a long time, dragged two chairs and put them together next to the command room.

Zhang Zhai lay on the chair, "Academician Gan, please call me in time if you have any problems."

"Don't worry, Mr. Zhang."

Zhang Zhai nodded, couldn't hold on any longer, lay down on the chair, and fell asleep groggyly.


"Mr. Zhang... Mr. Zhang."

I don't know how long it took, when Zhang Zhai was awakened again, he was covered with a thin quilt, but there were still two chairs under him.

"What's the matter, how long have I been asleep?"

Zhang Zhai stood up and asked directly.

"Mr. Zhang, you slept for 5 hours. Now Houyi is approaching the moon. In 0.8 hours, Houyi will enter the lunar orbit and start the moon landing program, so I have to wake you up, Mr. Hu." Professor Runze said.

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