Black Technology Live Room

Chapter 355 Experiment: Terminator, go in?

"A1, use three pages of design drawings to replace the previous design manuscripts numbered 25, 36, and 88." Zhang Zhai held the thin three pages of manuscript paper in his hand, glanced at the nearly fifty pages of discarded manuscript paper next to him, and said in a deep voice,

"In addition, split the newly formed blueprints into numbers 312456--313456, a total of 1,000 Terminators, to improve efficiency."

"Okay, Father, according to your request, a new blueprint has been formed, and split and instilled in the Terminator." A1 said.

Hearing this, Zhang Zhai nodded, "Order the Terminator, let's take action."

With Zhang Zhai's order, the 1,000 Terminator planes that were already on standby at the designated position moved quickly.

"Bang... bang!"

Outside the basin, on the sand dunes, thousands of Terminator jumped down from the sand dunes, moving neatly and swiftly, and landed in the basin, splashing waves of yellow sand.

A thousand terminators gathered five hundred at the red and green positions respectively, and quickly started to act after arriving at the positions.


When the Terminator started to move, Zhang Zhai also looked at the live broadcast room.

At this moment, the number of viewers in the live broadcast room is still rising, and it has reached 50 million at this moment.

"Will the second experiment still explode? Why did the little experiment have such a violent reaction? Please watch today's Into God Zhai,"

"God Zhai, can you tell me what the function of this device is? Could it really be a weapon?"

"God Zhai, you are so handsome, you will definitely tell me what these two devices are, right?"

...Zhang Zhai smiled lightly, "I don't deny that I'm handsome, but the function of this device...Let's wait and see."

"Bah! I beat you to death, you shameless person, you accepted other people's compliments, and even hanged people to feed me! Big villain! Clean you up!"


After chatting casually with the audience in the live broadcast room, Zhang Zhai turned his attention to the red and green points, paying attention to the manufacture of the transmission device.

Time gradually passed, and the live broadcast started at noon. At this moment, the sun has already slanted westward, and the time is approaching half past four, and it is rapidly approaching the evening.


Gobi Desert, five kilometers southeast of Zhaicheng Space Center, at the bottom of the desert basin.

The original red and green points have become deep pits. Next to the deep pit, the soft yellow sand ground is covered by liquid sand. On the hard liquid sand ground, the transmission end and receiving end of the transmission device are being rapidly constructed.

Zhang Zhai stood beside the anti-gravity vehicle, looking at the transmission device under construction at the red dot position tens of meters away.

Next to Zhang Zhai, the spider was still sitting in the driver's seat of the anti-gravity car with a stern expression, while the wild wolf stood on the right side of Zhang Zhai, staring at the transmission device under construction with a nervous expression.

Zhang Zhai didn't care about the nervousness of the spiders and wild wolves, but paid attention to the manufacture of the transmission device.

"A1, control the two Terminator planes 312456 and 312457, and let me take a look at their first-view images. At the same time, establish a voice communication channel."

"Okay, father."

As soon as A1 finished speaking, a holographic screen popped up in Phantom-1 to distinguish it from the live broadcast.

On the holographic screen, a first-person view of two Terminator planes appeared at the same time.

At this moment, the screen is stagnant. After being temporarily taken over the autonomous control authority, the Terminator just stays where it is, no longer moving.

"312456, climb up another 2 meters. 312457, return to the ground." Zhang Zhai issued an order.

... Zhang Zhai controlled the Terminator remotely, constantly adjusted the picture on the holographic screen, and observed the details of each part of the transmission device at close range.

It took nearly half an hour for Zhang Zhai to constantly observe the various parts of the transmission device.

Finally, the picture stopped and no longer changed. Looking at the still picture, Zhang Zhai thought thoughtfully, "There is also a problem with the accuracy..."

After thinking for a moment, Zhang Zhai raised his head and said, "A1, take the 23rd design draft paper, 24 design draft paper..."

"After these parts are changed, the parts that have been manufactured and assembled are reworked according to the requirements of the new drawings."

"Okay, father."


Under Zhang Zhai's undivided attention, the transmission device continued to take shape, and time continued to pass.

Finally, the time approached evening.

The slanting sun cast its afterglow towards the desert, and the fiery red afterglow shone on the right half of Zhang Zhai's face, and the slanting shadow stretched very long on the uneven ground.

Under the setting sun, a thousand terminators are already finishing the finishing work - installing a metal shell on the transmission device.

"Boom... boom... 呵... 呵..."

The sound of metal clashing and welding can be heard far away in the open desert.


The transport device is manufactured for the second time.

"Leave four Terminator, the rest of the Terminator, quickly return to Zhai City Space Center to stand by."

"Okay, father, the order has been conveyed for you."

Following Zhang Zhai's order, the terminators quickly flew away and returned to Zhai City Space Center.

Only the towering transmission device and four lone terminators were left standing at the door of the transmission device.

Zhang Zhai stared at the two transmission devices that looked like arches.

The shape of the transmission device this time is almost the same as the transmission device manufactured for the first time. It is also huge and majestic.

"Huh...breathing..." Zhang Zhai took a deep breath, his relaxed expression restrained, and he became serious.

"A1, order the Terminator, turn on the power."

"Okay, father, do you want to temporarily cut off the power supply of the aviation center to meet the huge energy demand of the experiment?"

"Except for the need to use electricity, temporarily cut off the electricity of the aviation center, and notify Academician Gan at the same time."


Following Zhang Zhai's order, the transmitting end and the receiving end stepped out of a Terminator respectively, and each walked towards the rear of the base of the transmission device.

"Bang..." After a dull sound, both ends of the transmission device were powered on at the same time.


Zhang Zhai heard the sound of heavy panting coming from his ears. Behind him, the spider and the wild wolf looked extremely nervous.

The spider tightly held the steering wheel of the anti-gravity car, and the wild wolf also tensed up all its muscles.

"Don't be nervous." Zhang Zhai said calmly without looking back, "Even if something goes wrong with the experiment and it explodes again, it doesn't matter. Since you can escape the first time, you can naturally escape the second time."

"I understand, Mr. Zhang." Spider gritted his teeth and nodded.

Zhang Zhai smiled, but still didn't look back, and turned his gaze directly to the transmission device in the distance.

"Start the transmission device." Zhang Zhai said seriously.

"Da da."

The two Terminators lined up, heading for the switch on the front side of the transporter's base.


Two crisp sounds that sounded at the same time gathered together and echoed in the empty basin.

In an instant, everyone paid attention to the person at this moment, their hearts rose to their throats, and they were so nervous that they didn't dare to blink their eyes.

Will there be any surprises? Will it explode again!

Under the attention of countless people, ear-piercing roars, electric currents, and flickering blue light curtains appeared at the same time.

Everyone was so nervous that they held their breath for an instant.

Everyone's eyes widened, staring at this critical moment

But this time, the blue light curtain flickered for a very short time, only three seconds, and the roar stopped, and the blue light curtain blocked the entire passage of the transmission device's arch.

The blue light quietly covered the arch, emitting light towards the surroundings.

It was evening at this time, and the afterglow of the setting sun was intertwined with this faint blue light. The dreamlike scene made everyone crazy!

The scene was very quiet, and the live broadcast room was equally quiet, as if the whole world had eerily stopped.

Until, Zhang Di's voice broke the calm.

"Terminator, go in!"

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