Black Technology Live Room

Chapter 394 A meteorite with a diameter of ten centimeters

At this moment, the whole country in Huaguo is boiling.

"The most important part of the Earth-Moon transmission plan - the transfer station has been successfully launched!"

"The transfer station plan has been successfully completed, and the Earth-Moon transmission is just around the corner!"

"Zhaicheng Space Center successfully launched the space transfer station and started successfully!"


In just a few minutes, relevant news emerged on the Internet one after another!

The Internet all over the world is paying attention to the same thing at this moment - the transfer station was successfully launched and started successfully!

On the Internet, countless people are discussing excitedly.

"Why am I so excited, why are my eyes filled with tears, I think it's just because I've waited so long for this moment!"

"Thank God Zhai for allowing me to witness history once again!"

"This will be a glorious moment for human civilization! Stars and oceans, we Huaguo are here!"

"God Zhai! Invincible! I'll blow it up!"

Countless people were extremely excited, so excited that they spoke incoherently, so excited that tears filled their eyes!


"Crackling... crackling!"

Firecrackers were lit in many places in Huaguo at this moment, and countless people were excited, cheering and celebrating!


At the Zhaicheng Aerospace Center, more than ten thousand researchers and manufacturing personnel raised their hands and cheered loudly at this moment.

The cheers were boiling in the rocket building, as if it was going to overturn the entire rocket building!

Zhang Zhai stood in front of the command room, with his hands on the workbench, looking at the cheering crowd with a knowing smile on his face.

The sweat on Zhang Zhai's forehead just broke out and rolled down, and the hands supported on the workbench trembled slightly.

In just a few minutes, Zhang Zhai's already exhausted body was almost exhausted by maintaining a state of high concentration and concentration.

"Xiao Zhai, take a rest when you're tired." Academician Gan's voice reached Zhang Zhai's ears.

Zhang Zhai turned his head to look at Academician Gan Xiaohua, smiled and nodded, "Okay."

Academician Gan took Zhang Zhai's hand and helped him slowly sit in front of the workbench.

"Huh..." He let out a long breath, and Zhang Zhai stretched out his hand to wipe his sweat.

Academician Gan, who was watching this scene beside him, couldn't help laughing, "Mr. Zhang, so you are still tired."

"Academician Gan, I'm not made of iron, so why don't I get tired?" Zhang Zhai replied angrily.

Academician Gan looked at Zhang Zhai, and the smile on his face gradually faded.

"I have never seen Mr. Zhang say you are tired. You almost forgot. Mr. Zhang, you are also a human being, and you will be tired."

"Then you can just treat me as iron-clad." Zhang Zhai replied with a smile.

Academician Gan Xiaohua was silent when he heard the words.


Time passed gradually, and after ten minutes, Zhang Zhai slowly regained his strength, and although everyone in the command room was still very excited, they also gradually calmed down.

Zhang Zhai stood up from the workbench, holding the communicator in his right hand, "Everyone, the transfer station plan has been completed, but the transfer station plan is only a part of the Earth-Moon transmission plan, and the Earth-Moon transmission plan has just begun!"

"Attention all departments, the rotating personnel will immediately replace the existing personnel. After the rotation is complete, we will continue!"

As soon as Zhang Zhai finished speaking, the command room became completely quiet, the excited people began to calm down, and the rotation staff began to rotate.

Five minutes later, the command room was quiet again, and order was restored, and all the staff returned to work after taking turns.

In the live broadcast room, on the Internet, the audience in front of the TV gradually calmed down and continued to watch the live broadcast.

"All departments continue to monitor the situation of the transfer station, Yuegong Base, Yanhuang and Fuxi, and perform your duties!" Zhang Zhai said sonorously while holding the communicator.

"Also, order the earth-moon transmission system—the ground part is ready to be built!"

"01 understands, the location of the ground transmission terminal has been confirmed."

"02 understand..."

The moment Zhang Zhai gave the order, thousands of Terminator climbed from the elevator and the outer wall towards the upper floor of the rocket building.


The dull voice kept ringing, and a group of media in the command room, through the Terminator climbing up outside the window of the command room, was keenly aware of the unusual, and rushed out immediately.

Zhang Zhai looked at this picture and smiled, then motioned to A1, and an anti-gravity drone hovering beside Zhang Zhai immediately broke away and flew towards the outside.

The reporters who rushed out of the command room and came to the outside of the rocket building were stunned at the picture in front of them!

Thousands of terminators were densely packed, lying on the outer wall of the rocket building, quickly climbing up, like a group of ants climbing a tree, overwhelming the sky!

The shocking picture made everyone's scalps go numb!

Thousands of terminators quickly poured into the 16th floor of the rocket building!

Just a few seconds later, the moment the last Terminator entered the 16th floor!


Two consecutive loud bangs resounded through the air!

After counting!

"Boom boom boom..."

Thousands of terminators are like ants moving a house, moving a behemoth-the ring device-the transmission end of the interstellar transmission device.

This huge circular transmission device is generally the same as the two transmission devices installed on the transfer station.

It is more than the size of a standard football field when laid flat on the ground. Only the Terminator can handle this kind of behemoth.

When thousands of terminators carrying transmission devices appeared in front of the media reporters, a crowd of media immediately followed.

Thousands of terminators took the same pace, from slow to fast, and began to accelerate forward.

"Boom—boom...boom! Boom! Boom!"

The speed of thousands of terminators was getting faster and faster, until finally these media reporters who followed behind were completely thrown off.

Thousands of terminators disappeared from the sight of the media carrying huge transmission devices, and only the anti-gravity drone was still firmly behind.

In the command room, Zhang Zhai stared at the screen sent back by the drone.

In the picture, thousands of terminators are carrying the transmission end of the transmission device and moving quickly towards the east of Zhai City.

To the east of Zhai City, there is a desert full of sand dunes, where the yellow sand is all over the sky, there is no one inhabited, and there is no grass growing, it is a truly barren land!


Three minutes later, thousands of Terminator arrived at the predetermined location, in the hinterland of the desert five kilometers east of Zhai City.

The moment they arrived at the location, thousands of Terminator immediately began to get busy as planned.


Ten minutes later, media reporters in helicopters and off-road vehicles arrived one after another.

When they arrived, the ground at the predetermined location had been paved with liquid sand, and thousands of terminators carrying the transmission device were divided into two parts and stood in front of and behind the transmission device.

The Terminator on the front side of the transport quickly began to move.

Except for some of the terminators who supported the transmission device, most of the terminators broke away!

Immediately afterwards, the Terminator who had escaped from the lower side of the transmission device quickly jumped onto the shoulders of the supporting Terminator, and then took over the supporting task of the transmission device.

Thousands of terminators followed one after another, stacking up one by one, and each time one was stacked up, the front side of the transmission device was raised by nearly two meters!

The terminators superimposed very fast, and immediately joined together tightly after being superimposed, without moving at all! It's like a whole without gaps!

In less than a minute, the transmission ring device with a height of nearly 100 meters was erected, standing firmly on the liquid sand ground.

The media reporters who had just rushed to the scene were stunned by the scene in front of them, and they were stunned!

In the command room, Zhang Zhai, who had been paying attention to the progress, immediately picked up the communicator the moment the transmission device was set up,

"Command, start the ground transmission system!"

Zhang Zhai gave an order to change again!

Just like the countless times before the transmission device was activated, the ground transmission system began to activate in the same way.

Just then, suddenly!

"00, I'm 01, a meteorite with a diameter of 10 centimeters is detected to hit the space transfer station! It is expected to collide with the No. 01 area on the left side of the space transfer station in 30 seconds!"

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