Black Technology Live Room

Chapter 487 Zhai Cheng Aerospace's Confidence

Chapter 496: Zhai Cheng Aerospace’s Confidence

Moon Palace City, Dicheng Aerospace Branch.

Academician Gan stood in front of the phalanx of production staff and terminators, looking at the excited production staff, he was also a little excited.

This is the first large-scale manufacturing task received by the manufacturing area of ​​the Moon Palace Branch since its establishment, and for the entire Zhaicheng Space Center, the construction of Suiren is also the beginning of a new stage.

"let's start!"

With an order, the manufacturing area of ​​the Moon Palace Branch began to operate rapidly. The manufacturing personnel and the Terminator cooperated tacitly and performed their duties according to the construction plan. The construction task of the Suiren officially began!


The manufacturing area began to gradually become noisy.

40,000 Terminator and 2,000 manufacturing personnel were scattered in the multi-layer manufacturing area, and began to manufacture and build the various components of the Suiren.

The Terminator is surging rapidly, and according to the design plan after the split, they complete their respective tasks without interfering with each other and perfectly fit together, forming a perfect whole with the production staff.

A few tiny parts are rapidly prototyped and then quickly assembled into larger parts.

As time goes by, the entire manufacturing area is advancing the manufacturing progress of the Suiren one by one.

Suiren is gradually being born in their hands.


Zhaicheng Aerospace Center, in the small laboratory on the first floor of the rocket building.

Zhang Zhai leaned over to do calculations on the manuscript paper, and asked A1 to input the data on the manuscript paper into the quantum computer for simulation from time to time.

"Sting... slap."

Zhang Zhai tore up the manuscript paper, rubbed it and threw it aside, his brows were slightly wrinkled, and then relaxed again.

"It seems that in a short period of time, limited by the material, the movement speed of the anti-gravity box has reached its limit."

Zhang Zhai rubbed his forehead with his thumb knuckles.

As the space center continues to move toward deep space, the farther the voyage distance is, the more urgent the demand for higher-speed anti-gravity boxes will be.

"Material, material..."

"A1, has the material research team made any new achievements recently?" Zhang Zhai raised his head and asked casually.

"Yes, father, the second material research team and the third research team respectively reported three new materials, filed as 2k212, 2T101..."

"Call it out and have a look."

After the voice fell, A1 called up the data and displayed it in front of Zhang Zhai.

Zhang Zhai glanced at the data of the six materials, then turned A1 off.

It is indeed six new materials, but the data is not as good as the existing materials.

However, Zhang Zhai didn't have any expectations.

If it is really a high-performance material, he doesn't need to adjust the file to know.

The moment the file disappeared on the holographic screen, the voice of A1 sounded again instantly.

"Father, the Moon Palace Branch has started building the Suiren, do you need to call up the screen of the Moon Palace Branch's manufacturing area?"

"Let's have a look." Zhang Di said calmly.

In an instant, the picture of the branch's manufacturing area was displayed on the holographic screen.

Looking at the busy manufacturing area, Zhang Zhai turned his attention to Academician Gan and the person in charge of the manufacturing area of ​​the branch who were communicating in a low voice outside the manufacturing area.

"A1, authorize the projection of my holographic image to the manufacturing area of ​​the branch." Zhang Zhai stood up and said.

"Okay, father."

In the Moon Palace, next to the manufacturing area of ​​the branch, Zhang Zhai's holographic projection gradually appeared in front of Academician Gan.

Seeing this, Academician Gan and the two temporarily stopped communicating and looked at Zhang Zhai.

"Mr. Zhang... Mr. Zhang."

"Academician Gan, how is the situation?" Zhang Zhai looked at the picture on the holographic screen and said to the two of them.

"The construction of the Suiren has already started, and the construction progress is being advanced in an orderly manner." Academician Gan said with a smile on his face.

"According to the current situation, it should be able to be completed within the expected time of the construction plan."

The person in charge of the manufacturing area of ​​the branch on the other side also said sonorously: "Mr. Zhang, don't worry, whether it is the manufacturing area of ​​the headquarters or the manufacturing area of ​​the branch, the plan of the Zhaicheng Aerospace Center will not be allowed to be in the manufacturing area. Delays in hand."

Zhang Zhai nodded with a smile when he heard the words, and said a few words of encouragement.

"I still believe in the ability of the manufacturing area. Chief Engineer Yu, the construction of the Suiren is hard work for you and the branch manufacturing staff. If you have any questions, you can directly communicate with Academician Gan. When the Suiren is successfully built, I will personally go to Moon Palace is here to celebrate your achievements."

"Yes, Mr. Zhang!" The person in charge of the manufacturing area of ​​the branch blushed instantly when he heard the words, and seemed a little excited.

Seeing this, Zhang Zhai smiled,

After chatting casually with the two of them, they turned off the holographic projection.

Time passed gradually.

Days passed by.

Academician Gan is still in charge of the construction of the Suiren, and Professor Hu is also responsible for his own tasks and the tasks he took over from Academician Gan, and he is very busy.

Zhang Zhai, on the other hand, is still tentatively doing speed-up research on the anti-gravity box, and participating in the research and development of various material research and development teams.

But the research on the anti-gravity box, just as Zhang Zhai himself expected, made no progress, or even had no clue.

The material research and development itself is a "not very scientific" research field. Even with Zhang Zhai's participation, only a few new materials have been developed, but they have no practical value.

The entire Zhaicheng Space Center is in a quiet and orderly state, and all tasks are progressing in an orderly manner.

As for the outside world, a storm is gradually brewing at this moment.

Shanghai, New District.

In an ordinary community.


A young man unbuttoned and took off the virtual helmet with an excited expression on his face.

He is an editor of online media, and at this moment, he is trying to make a big news.

After taking off the virtual helmet, he quickly typed on the computer in front of him.

"Shocked! Zhai Cheng Aerospace will have new moves?"

"A few days ago, Zhaicheng Aerospace Center added 20,000 Terminator to the Moon Palace, which aroused heated discussions on the entire Internet. Everyone was discussing the reason why Zhaicheng Aerospace suddenly added a large number of Terminator to the moon.

And after days of squatting by my friends, I found that after the 20,000 terminators were sent to the moon palace, the resources transported to the moon palace in Zhai City also increased significantly.

Does this mean that Zhaicheng Aerospace will have a new great plan?

The editor can't help but boldly guess whether Zhaicheng has started to build a second moon city?

So, what is the name of the second moon palace city, and what will it mean once the second moon palace city is completed...


The great Dicheng Space Center, I, Di God, cheated. "

He became more and more excited when he read the press release he wrote.

I can't help but imagine that as soon as this press release comes out, the click explodes in an instant, and from then on, those who are popular, drink spicy food, sleep inexperienced.

The more he thought about it, the more excited he became, he directly logged into his account and sent out the manuscript.

Then, ten minutes later, the first comment that came up blew him away.



"The current editors are not as good as the previous generation. In the past, they knew how to read and write news, but now the editors don't even know how to read the news? But for the sake of you saying that I am cheating, I don't have the same knowledge as you."

Immediately afterwards, a second comment appeared.

"Building a second lunar city, are you stupid? The space center has directly issued an announcement saying that it is building the Suiren."

"Suiren?" The young editor was puzzled.


At this moment, an announcement about the Suiren was being displayed on Xihe's official website and Zhaicheng Aerospace's official website. Dispelled all speculation from the outside world.

For Zhai Chenghang Aerospace, there are some things that have nothing to hide, and they will not deliberately cover them up.

If the outside world knows it, they will know it. Who can do anything to the space center? This is the confidence of the space center.

It comes from Zhang Zhai, and it also comes from the strength of Zhaicheng Aerospace Center itself.

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