Black Technology Live Room

Chapter 495: In Progress

Moon Palace City, Interstellar Port.

The external hatches of the 24 berthing rooms are open, and 40,000 Terminator T1000s are distributed in various positions of the 24 super-large components, moving the super-large components smoothly and quickly with extremely precise movements and perfect cooperation.

Huge super-large components gradually emerged from the door of the berthing room. Forty thousand Terminators constantly changed their movements and postures to ensure that the super-large parts could pass through the door of the berthing room.

"Boom boom boom..."

The Terminator trampled on the ground, and as the ground vibrated, the people in the Moon Palace could also hear the vibration slightly.

The huge super-large parts gradually protrude from the parking room, and then they are all slowly moved out of the parking room.


Time passed slowly, and when the 24 super-large components were all out of the berthing room, the door to the outside of the berthing room was closed.

40,000 summarizers quickly moved 24 super-large components into the scheduled assembly area.

Immediately afterwards, the Terminator moving the super-large parts began to quickly gather together, and the 24 super-large parts also moved closer together.

The 40,000 Terminator strictly and precisely executed the construction plan, moving 24 super-large components to the predetermined positions.

Finally, in the assembly area, on the metal frame, 24 super-large components were placed in predetermined positions, and countless complicated structures supported the 24 super-large components, temporarily bringing them together.

Looking from a distance, ignoring its connection, it seems that 24 super-large components have been integrated to form a huge spaceship.

After placing the super-large components, the 40,000 Terminator quickly left like an ebb tide, gathered around the assembly area, and waited for orders.

This scene was not only watched by the personnel in charge of making the Suiren in the Moon Palace, but also by the people in the Ground Space Center.

Zhaicheng Aerospace Center, comprehensive conference room on the fourth floor.

Zhang Zhai, Professor Hu, and some team leaders gathered here.

Zhang Zhai glanced at the picture of the moon surface assembly area on the holographic screen, and gave an order in a deep voice,

"Order the Terminator and start assembling the Suiren."

Zhang Zhai's voice was instantly transmitted to the surface of the moon through the quantum communication system, and the 40,000 Terminator gathered around the assembly area received the order at the same time.

Instantly, within the assembly area.

Forty thousand Terminators rushed towards the 24 super-large parts that were brought together, like an overwhelming tide, quickly covering the entire Suiren.

On the surface and inside of the Suiren, 40,000 Terminators are distributed in various positions of the Suiren according to their respective tasks.

Compared to the size of the Suiren, the terminators covering it are like a group of ants.

The 40,000 Terminator that appeared at the predetermined position immediately began to execute operations, and were quickly assembled and connected to the Suiren at an extremely fast speed and with a high tacit understanding.

The assembly of Suiren has officially started!


Zhaicheng Aerospace Center, comprehensive conference room on the fourth floor.

Looking at the holographic screen showing the busy scene of the lunar surface assembly area, Zhang Zhai looked away.

"Mr. Zhang, the assembly of the Suiren has already started. According to the fast and stable efficiency of the Terminator and the current trend, it should be able to complete the assembly within five days." Academician Gan's holographic image emerged.

Zhang Zhai nodded when he heard the words, and after casually communicating with Academician Gan, he ended the call and walked out of the meeting room.


As time goes by, Zhaicheng Aerospace Center is advancing various plans in an orderly manner.

The outside world's discussion on the transmission line of the ground fire node has not stopped, but has intensified.

On the entire Internet, you can see people discussing it everywhere and in any corner.

Countless nervousness, excitement, and excitement are looking forward to the day when the ground-to-fire node transmission line will be constructed.

Inside the space center, calm still remained.

The lounge on the top floor of the Rocket Tower.


Another piece of manuscript paper was crumpled into a ball by Zhang Zhai and thrown to the ground. Zhang Zhai looked at the manuscript paper spread on the table, and his brain was working at its limit.

Countless data exploded and evolved in his brain, and Zhang Zhai tried to find a way to add an anti-gravity box.

Before, he had made many attempts, but none of them got stuck on the material problem.

It seems that after the anti-gravity box supplement formula appeared, the speed of the anti-gravity box has reached its limit.

Going up, no matter how ingenious the method is, the problem of materials cannot be avoided.

"Swipe, swipe..."

Zhang Zhai picked up the pen again, and started a new deduction with a brand new idea as the starting point.

Twenty minutes later, Zhang Zhai felt a slight tingling in the back of his head, and he stopped writing.

"Materials, materials, basic materials..." Zhang Zhai murmured to himself, picked up the stack of manuscript papers on the table full of formula data, and threw it into the trash can next to it.

Stretching out his hand, Zhang Zhai rubbed his temples, and started a new round of attempts again.

Countless ideas burst out in his mind, and Zhang Zhai deduced to the limit in his mind.



A1's voice sounded, temporarily interrupting Zhang Zhai's train of thought.

"Father, the thirteenth batch of Moon Palace immigrants is about to leave."

Zhang Zhai paused when he heard the sound.

Then nodded, stood up from the desk, and left the lounge.

In front of the rocket building, the launch area.

The four spaceships Houyi, Yanhuang, Fuxi, and Zhaicheng are firmly parked in the launch area, and a group of people participating in the immigration has begun to enter the cabin.

Zhang Di stood outside the launch area, next to Professor Hu.

"Professor Hu, the affairs of Zhaicheng Aerospace Center will be left to you for the time being, and all plans will continue to be carried out according to the scheduled plan." Zhang Zhai looked at the four spaceships in front of him and said to Professor Hu Runze.

"Don't worry, Mr. Zhang." Professor Hu replied solemnly.

Zhang Zhai nodded upon hearing the sound, and didn't say anything more.

Standing there, quietly watching a group of people board the ship and enter the cabin.

After a very short time, all boarding personnel have entered each spaceship.

Zhang Zhai glanced around and walked towards the launch area.

He will go to the Moon Palace with the thirteenth batch of Moon Palace immigrants.

Congratulations to the manufacturing staff of the branch who are about to complete the Suiren, which is his previous promise.

Zhang Zhai was the last to step into Houyi, and the hatches of Houyi and other spaceships were closed.

After stepping into the Houyi, Zhang Zhai did not enter the main cabin.

Instead, he quietly walked into the auxiliary cabin, which belonged to his exclusive lounge.

The cabin door of the lounge opened and closed automatically.

In the lounge, as before, there is only one bed.

Zhang Zhai lay straight on the bed, activated the protective belt, and fixed himself on the bed.

Then, the Houyi spacecraft and the other three spacecraft started, quickly left the ground, and began to accelerate rapidly towards the starry sky.

After nearly an hour, the spacecraft accelerated and began to sail smoothly at the limit speed.

The protective belt bounced off automatically, and Zhang Di sat up from the bed.

He didn't leave the lounge either, and started to continue the previous deduction about the acceleration research of the anti-gravity box.

Zhang Zhai's brain was running at its limit, countless ideas popped up, and then he tried to deduce it downwards along with each idea.

Countless data lingered and changed in his mind, and countless formulas were repeatedly used by Zhang Zhai.

The extreme deduction quickly consumed Zhang Zhai's physical strength and energy.

Sweat flowed down Zhang Zhai's forehead from time to time, and then gathered and dripped.

Time passed slowly.

For a full six hours, Zhang Zhai was immersed in the complicated data deduction and calculation in his mind.

However, there was still no critical breakthrough after all.

Finally, the spacecraft arrived at the moon and sailed into the berthing room of the interstellar port.

Zhang Zhai was still the last to leave the Houyi.

Down the stairs, into the berth,

Zhang Di set foot on the moon's ground for the second time.

Without stopping too much at the interstellar port, Zhang Zhai directly boarded the anti-gravity vehicle outside the star port and headed for the only floating building in the Moon Palace City—the Moon Palace Branch of the Aerospace Center.

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