Black Technology Live Room

Chapter 555 Perfection of Two-way Transmission of Ground Fire Transmission System

Zhaicheng Aerospace Center, biological laboratory.

"Ding, 'Gene Optimization' has been absorbed and mastered by 40%"

When the system prompt sounded, Zhang Zhai paused slightly, with a smile on his face.

"Father, Academician Gan requests access to the holographic call." A1's voice sounded.

"Come in." Zhang Zhai paused the experiment in his hands, glanced at the empty laboratory, and returned to the workbench.

In an instant, the holographic image of Academician Gan appeared in front of Zhang Zhai.


"...Mr. Zhang, the fourth batch of immigrants has arrived in Yinghuo City, and the production staff of Yinghuo City can basically meet the needs of implementing the plan.

According to the previous plan, the two-way transmission of the ground fire transmission line can already be improved. Academician Gan was a little excited, his face turned red.

Zhang Zhai nodded upon hearing the words, "Let's proceed according to the previous plan. Yuegong City and Yinghuo City are responsible for the construction of the ground-to-fire transmission line and the fire-to-ground line. Inform the Yinghuo City manufacturing area and immediately start manufacturing the node transmission device as planned .”

According to the previous plan, the remaining fire-to-ground one-way transmission in the ground-fire transmission line will mostly use the resources of the moon and Mars for construction, and the tasks will also be carried out by Moon Palace City and Yinghuo City.

Hearing this, Academician Gan nodded.

"At the same time, other plans cannot be stagnated or affected, especially the Yinghuo immigration plan that you are in charge of, Academician Gan."

"Mr. Zhang, don't worry. Judging from the current situation, the immigration plan is progressing smoothly, and it is continuing to move forward according to the plan." Academician Gan said seriously.

"In addition, inform the Moon Palace Branch and Yinghuo City Branch to prepare for the construction of a new transmission line for the galaxy network node transmission system." Zhang Zhai looked at Academician Gan's holographic image and said calmly,

"The construction of the fire-to-ground one-way transmission is completed, and the construction of the new line is not far away."


After a while, Zhang Zhai and Academician Gan chatted casually for a few more words after discussing the various plans with Academician Gan, and then ended the holographic call.

In the laboratory, Zhang Di withdrew his gaze, got up and glanced at the laboratory, and then continued the unfinished experiment.

As time passed slowly, Zhang Zhai gradually advanced his understanding and mastery of the genetic technology provided by the system data, and gradually connected the faults between the system data and existing knowledge through continuous research and research.

next morning.

Zhang Zhai once again stayed in the laboratory overnight, and did not return to the lounge to rest until after breakfast.

Just when Zhang Zhai fell into a deep sleep,

In Moon Palace City, the construction of the fire-to-ground one-way transmission line has also begun.


Moon Palace City, outside the Rocket Tower.

Hundreds of large anti-gravity transport vehicles are suspended outside the manufacturing area.


There was no ground violence in the production area of ​​the Moon Palace branch, and the side walls were not smashed, but slowly expanded to both sides.

"Boom boom boom..."

The side walls of the multi-layer manufacturing area were opened, and a large number of terminators began to pour into the manufacturing area, and began to move the components of the node transmission device.

On the periphery of the manufacturing area, academician Gan, chief engineer Yu, and the person in charge of the branch are all present.

Academician Gan watched the manufacturing area while communicating with the others in a low voice.

Limited by the space of the area manufactured by the Luna Division.

Also because of planning needs,

In the manufacturing area at this moment, there is no complete node transmission device, only large or small device parts that have not been assembled as a whole.

within the manufacturing area,

Thousands of Terminators carried transporter components, large and small, constantly moving them to the hold of the anti-gravity transporter.

The close coordination between the speed of the Terminator and the anti-gravity transport vehicle, and the seamless cooperation make the loading of parts extremely fast.

One after another, the fully loaded transport vehicles raised their heights, and another transport vehicle appeared one after another.


After a very short time, the large anti-gravity transport vehicle formed a huge torrent of steel on the dome, and all the node transmission device components in the multi-layer manufacturing area were moved into the large anti-gravity transport vehicle.

On the outskirts of the manufacturing area, the head of the branch glanced at the large anti-gravity transport vehicle covering the dome, and issued an order to officially launch the plan.

"let's start."


In the Moon Palace City, the large anti-gravity transport vehicle instantly started to move, rushing towards the outside of the Moon Palace City like a torrent.

Hundreds of anti-gravity transport vehicles poured out of Moon Palace City one after another, either through the interstellar port or through the outer hatch of Moon Palace City.

After leaving Moon Palace City, hundreds of anti-gravity transport vehicles gathered together again while continuing to sail forward.

The anti-gravity transport vehicle equipped with the node transmission device did not drive towards the sky, but kept pouring into the blue light curtain of the earth-moon transmission device.

With the faint blue light curtain rippling slightly, hundreds of large anti-gravity transport vehicles quickly disappeared in it.


On the ground, five kilometers away from Zhaicheng Space Center, the area where the Earth-Moon transmission device is located.

In the area, the anti-gravity transport vehicles transporting the materials for landing on the ground and the moon poured in from the transmission end or poured out from the receiving end from time to time.

Outside the warning area,

A large number of tourists gather.

"Look, another anti-gravity transport vehicle is about to emerge from the transmission device around the center." A tourist looked excitedly at the slightly rippling faint blue light curtain on the transmission device at the receiving end.

"Don't make such a fuss, okay? According to the statistics of some organizations, a large amount of materials are exchanged between the Earth and the Moon through the Earth-Moon transmission system every day. Especially when Zhaicheng Space Center has major plans to implement, the Earth-Moon transmission system will be more prosperous , That picture is shocking." A tourist who has been to Zhai City more than once turned around and said to his companion.

"This should be... the time when you said that there is a major plan to be implemented." The companion said with a shocked face.

The tourist next to him turned his head when he heard the sound, looked at the transmission device, and instantly opened his mouth slightly.

I saw several large anti-gravity transport vehicles in a row, continuously pouring out from the blue light curtain.

As the faint blue light curtain kept rippling, hundreds of large anti-gravity vehicles gushed out to form a huge torrent in the air.

The anti-gravity transport vehicle gushed out of the Earth-Moon transmission device, without stopping at all, and accelerated towards the starting point of the Earth-fire node transmission system one kilometer away.


The location of the transmission device at the starting point of the ground fire node transmission system,

Although Zhaicheng Aerospace has never announced the location of this place to the outside world, there are still many tourists gathered outside the warning area at this moment.

"Wife, look there!" A young man suddenly caught a glimpse of hundreds of anti-gravity vehicles approaching from a distance.

"Don't make trouble." The wife replied subconsciously while listening to the tour guide explaining the greatness of the ground fire transmission system.

"No, wife, look quickly!" The young man was a little excited.

The wife turned her head when she heard the sound, and just glanced at it, then froze.

At the same time, the remaining tourists outside the warning area also noticed the continuous and huge torrent composed of hundreds of large anti-gravity transport vehicles.

"Is Zhaicheng Aerospace Center going to start implementing another great plan?" A tourist couldn't help muttering to himself.


Under the watchful eyes of tourists outside the warning area of ​​the ground fire transmission system, hundreds of large anti-gravity transport vehicles quickly approached the starting point of the ground fire transmission system.

Accompanied by the slightly rippling faint blue light curtain on the starting point transmission device, hundreds of large anti-gravity transport vehicles disappeared in it one by one.

the next moment,

The first several anti-gravity transport vehicles that drove into the blue light curtain appeared inside the first space node device in the ground fire transmission line, 200,000 kilometers away from the ground.

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