Black Technology Live Room

Chapter 581: Construction of Qiming City

As soon as Zhang Di's voice fell, the construction plan of Qiming City was officially launched in an instant.

The atmosphere in the command room suddenly became tense, and the spirits of all the ground personnel and researchers suddenly became tense.

The media reporters who were still excitedly reporting could not help lowering their voices.

"...The landing of the Suiren is completed, and the ground-metal transmission line is formed. The construction of the Qiming City built on the ground-metal transmission line is about to begin. Let us wait and see to witness this great historic moment."

"...According to the official news from Zhaicheng Aerospace, Venus City will be named Qiming City. This will be Zhaicheng Aerospace Center, and also the third interstellar city for mankind after Moon Palace City and Yinghuo City. An important step for the starry sky will also be the beginning of the development of Venus resources!"

"...The construction of Venus City will further accelerate the realization of the construction plan of the galaxy network node transmission system. It can be expected that in the near future, Qiming City will stand on the surface of the alien planet just like Yinghuo City and Moon Palace City."

Following the reports of the media, the audience who were still excited about the completion of the construction of the geometallic transmission system couldn't help but raise their hearts again at this moment, nervously looking forward to it.


Seven kilometers away from Zhaicheng Aerospace, where the starting point of the geometallic transmission system is located.

The anti-gravity transport vehicle covering the alert area covered the entire sky, covering the alert area and even a large area outside it under its shadow.

There are many tourists gathered around the perimeter of the warning area.

At this moment, many tourists looked up and looked at the thousands of densely covered large anti-gravity transport vehicles in the sky, and couldn't help being shocked by the magnificent scene in front of them.

"Or such a spectacular scene can only be seen in Zhai City." A young man raised his head, looking at the anti-gravity transport vehicle covering the sky above him, and murmured.

"Yes, you can only see it in Zhai City. This is a feat that can only be achieved with Mr. Zhang..." An old man next to him couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

Just when all the tourists were still immersed in this shocking scene,

In the warning area, the anti-gravity transport vehicle that received the command sound in real time began to execute immediately.

The thousands of anti-gravity transport vehicles covering the warning area began to surge like a torrent.

With several anti-gravity transport vehicles as a group, thousands of anti-gravity transport vehicles began to pour into the faint blue light curtain.

As the faint blue light curtain continued to ripple, the anti-gravity transport vehicle that formed the torrent of steel quickly disappeared within it.

The next moment.

At a distance of 200,000 kilometers from the ground, inside the first non-ground node device of the ground metal transmission line, the first batch of anti-gravity transport vehicles poured out of the blue light curtain.

After appearing inside the first node device, the anti-gravity transport vehicle did not stop at all, and continued to drive quickly towards the front transmission end, and submerged into the blue light curtain again.

Afterwards, the second batch of anti-gravity transport vehicles also emerged from the blue light curtain.

Batches of anti-gravity transport vehicles are like the first batch of anti-gravity transport vehicles, constantly shuttling forward.

With the faint blue light curtain of the node transmission device between the ground and gold, ripples continue to sway.

Batches of anti-gravity transport vehicles are constantly transporting and jumping in the node transmission device, approaching Venus at an extremely fast speed.


Ground command room.

On the huge holographic screen at the front, the picture is divided into more than two hundred parts, and each picture is a picture captured and sent back by the internal camera equipment of the ground metal transmission node device.

Through more than two hundred pictures, it can be seen intuitively

Thousands of anti-gravity transport vehicles are distributed in more than two hundred node transmission devices, pulling out a long dragon in the transmission line across the ground, like a torrent, constantly rushing forward.


Just as the anti-gravity transport vehicle left the earth relying on the ground metal transmission system and approached Venus.

In Zhaicheng Space Center and Moon Palace City, the sound of the uniform steps of the terminators resounded.

The 100,000 Terminator that participated in the construction plan of Qiming City poured out from Zhaicheng Aerospace and the Moon Palace branch.

"Boom boom boom..."

In Zhaicheng Aerospace, the terminators pouring out from all over quickly gathered into a large rectangular square formation. They walked neatly and extremely fast, and rushed towards the location of the starting point device of the transmission line of the ground gold node, surrounded by splashes of yellow sand and dust. go.

On the other side, the terminators that spewed out from the Moon Palace City also reached the ground through the Earth-Moon transmission device, galloping towards a position only two kilometers away from the ground part of the Earth-Moon transmission device.


At the location of the starting point device of the ground gold transmission line, batches of anti-gravity transport vehicles are still pouring into the transmission device.

"Boom boom boom..."

The sound of neat and dense steps sounded from a distance, and approached at an extremely fast speed.

When a group of tourists outside the warning area looked away from the anti-gravity transport vehicle and turned their heads to look at the past, a huge phalanx composed of 100,000 Terminator had already arrived.

The moment they arrived at the warning area, the Terminator didn't stop at all, and also merged into the torrent of the warning area, followed by the anti-gravity transport vehicle, and began to rush into the blue light curtain quickly.


Finally, under the watchful eyes of countless people, nervously looking forward to it.

The first batch of anti-gravity transport vehicles departing from the earth and going to Venus through the earth-gold transmission line began to emerge from the blue light curtain of the annular transmission device on the surface of Venus.

"The first transmission of the ground gold node transmission system is completed."

In the command room on the ground, feedback sounded.

Venus, within the designated area.

With the faint blue light curtain rippling slightly, the first batch of anti-gravity transport vehicles completely appeared on the surface of Venus.

At the same time, the second batch of anti-gravity transport vehicles also emerged from the blue light curtain.

The anti-gravity transport vehicles pouring out of the circular transmission device did not land on the surface of Venus, but stopped firmly in the sky above the area just like at the starting point.

As time passed, batches of anti-gravity transport vehicles continued to appear, gathering under the orange-red sky of Venus, covering the sky over the entire designated area.

Finally, after the first batch of anti-gravity transport vehicles arrived on the surface of Venus in a very short time, the last batch of anti-gravity transport vehicles also appeared on Venus through the ground metal transmission line, and gathered together with the rest of the anti-gravity transport vehicles.

"An anti-gravity transport vehicle has reached the surface of Venus."

Feedback sounded.

On the surface of Venus, one hundred thousand Terminator followed by the anti-gravity transport vehicle also began to pour out of the faint blue light curtain.

The huge number of terminators is like a flood gushing out of the transmission device, completely covering the ground around the ring transmission device in a very short period of time.


One hundred thousand Terminator completely poured out of the transmission device, and gathered together with the thousands of Terminator that arrived with the Suiren before, forming several phalanxes, standing firmly in the designated area, and returning to the standby state.

"All terminators participating in the construction plan of Qiming City have arrived at the designated location."

In the command room on the ground, the feedback sounded again.

On the front side of the command room, Zhang Zhai watched the first-person view of the Terminator sent back from the surface of Venus on the holographic screen.

"Order the anti-gravity transport vehicle to lower its altitude and open the cargo compartment door. Order all those who participated in the construction plan terminator to start the Qiming City construction plan immediately!" Zhang Zhai turned his head and looked at the people in the command room and said in a deep voice.

"The ground command room understands, Yuegongcheng understands!"

Feedback sounds and command sounds sounded in the command room, and were transmitted to the surface of Venus in real time through quantum communication equipment.

In an instant, the anti-gravity transport vehicle and the Terminator moved at the same time after receiving the order!

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