Black Technology Live Room

Chapter 645 Announcement: Towards a More Distant and Broad Starry Sky

Villa No. 1 in Xihe Headquarters Park.

In the study on the second floor,

Zhang Zhai sat at the desk under the window, watching the holographic screen showing the first batch of node transmission device components arriving in Qiming City.

When he saw the anti-gravity transport vehicle carrying the components of the node transmission device pouring into Qiming City like a torrent, Zhang Zhai looked away.

"...Mr. Zhang, the node transmission device manufactured by Yinghuo City will be shipped to Qiming City in two batches. The first batch has arrived this evening. It is expected that the next and last batch of transmission device components will be manufactured within a week. Ship to Qiming City.

In addition to the overall assembly of the node transmission device components, the part in charge of the Qiming City manufacturing area can also be completed within ten days. Adding the time spent on the overall assembly, within fifteen days, the required nodes for the construction of the water-metal transmission line should be completed. Manufacturing tasks for transmission devices and device equipment. "Professor Lu's holographic image reported to Zhang Zhaihui.

Zhang Zhai glanced at the picture on the holographic screen, nodded to Professor Lu,

"In that case, let's proceed as planned,"

"Thank you, Professor Lu..."


Time passed slowly, and after communicating with Professor Lu about various matters in Yinghuo City, Zhang Zhai received holographic calls from Academician Gan and Professor Hu one after another.

After some exchanges with Academician Gan and Professor Hu on the key issues related to the various plans, Zhang Zhai, Academician Gan and others ended the holographic call.

There was an instant silence in the study.

Zhang Zhai got up, looked at the darkening night outside the window, and walked out of the study with his own hands.

"Kacha." Gently being brought up, Zhang Zhai walked towards the bedroom.

"Xiao Zhai, are you done calling?"

Behind her, Mother Zhang's voice sounded.

Hearing the sound, Zhang Zhai stopped his cautious movements, turned around, and smiled apologetically, "I'm sorry, mom, I disturbed you."

Mother Zhang shook her head, "Are you hungry? I think it's early in the morning. If you're hungry, there's still some lotus seed soup in the kitchen. I'll ask Dabai to warm it up for you. Drink some to warm your body before going to bed."

"Thank you mom." Zhang Zhai didn't refuse.

Mother Zhang smiled, "I'm such an adult, I don't know how to take good care of myself."

Hearing this, Zhang Zhai smiled, but said nothing.


after a while,

After drinking a bowl of warm lotus seed soup, Zhang Zhai half leaned against the head of the bed in his bedroom, with his head facing the ceiling, his eyes were a little divergent, and he felt very at ease.

a long time,

Zhang Zhai regained his composure, staring at the holographic screen,

"A1, let's make an announcement about the water-gold transmission line construction plan."

"Okay, father." A1's response sounded instantly, "Does the content of the announcement need to be revised?"

"No, that's it." Zhang Zhai glanced at the content of the bulletin compiled by A1, and nodded.

"Okay, father, the announcement has been released."

Hearing this, Zhang Zhai nodded and lay down on the bed.

time flies,

Zhang Zhai fell into a deep sleep, and the bedroom gradually became quiet.

The outside world, however, quickly boiled and became noisy.


On the Internet, Xihe's official website forum.

Although it was already early morning in China time, there were still a large number of people gathered on the Xihe Forum.

Countless posts are refreshing and increasing rapidly.

"...House prices have fallen sharply recently. I thought it was so cheap, so I bought a set on a whim."

"Ahhh, I haven't seen Di Shen for a long time. Without Di Shen's live broadcast, I'm going to die. No, I have to find some news about Di Shen."

"Have you read the news? It is said that nearly a thousand anti-gravity transport vehicles were transported to Qiming City through the ground fire transmission system through the ground this evening. It seems that Zhaicheng Aerospace Center is going to make a big move again!"

"The one who bought the house, you know that he has fallen sharply and still dare to buy it. You have to wait for it to be cheap."

"What kind of house do you want to buy? Let's be a waiting party. Wouldn't it be nice to immigrate directly to alien planets after the next batch of interstellar immigration qualifications are opened?"

"I saw that news. Nearly a thousand anti-gravity transport vehicles cover the sky, like a torrent across the sky. Every time I see it, I can't help being shocked and feeling excited."

"Damn it! You guys are still talking about this here! Don't check the homepage yet!"

"I gonna go see……"



The official website of Xihe, and the homepage of the official website of Zhaicheng Aerospace,

While a group of people were still chatting about Zhaicheng Aerospace Center in the Xihe Forum, a new announcement replaced the previous announcement and quietly appeared on the homepage of the official website.

People pay attention to it all the time, and even on the homepages of Xihe's official website and Zhaicheng's official website where many media are stationed, people immediately noticed the new announcement that took up half of the entire page.

as always,

The announcement displayed on the homepage is a real-time picture of a star map.

The four planets, Earth, Moon, Mars, and Venus, are revolving in real time, and are connected as one by lines made of light spots, with the Earth as the center.

Following this, the picture of the star map shrank, the area covered by the radiation became larger, and a new planet—Mercury appeared in the star map.

At the same time, an anti-gravity spacecraft set sail from Venus and headed towards Mercury at a high speed. On the route it passed, light spots lit up one by one.

Finally, Mercury is also linked into this network of points of light.

On this real-time screen, the title of the announcement is engraved.

"Towards a wider starry sky - the further construction of the node transmission system of the galaxy network is the Mercury transmission line construction plan."

Countless people clicked to enter the moment they saw the new announcement.

In an instant, the text of the announcement appeared in front of everyone.


"...Towards a farther and wider starry sky is the process of our goal, and it is also the way we continue to move forward.

We have set foot on the moon, Mars, and Venus, realized interstellar immigration and resources to multiple planets, and pushed forward the construction plan of the entire galaxy network node transmission system.

But it was just once, we, Zhaicheng Aerospace Center, will never stop marching towards the starry sky, and will never stop practicing the road of "supporting human beings with all the sun stars" and "branding the entire starry sky with human footprints".

…In order to further accelerate the completion of the galaxy network node transmission system, realize the staged goal of 'supporting human beings with the whole solar system' as soon as possible, realize the gold-to-water barrier-free material transmission, plan for the construction of the Mercury city, explore and research Mercury, and develop Mercury resources Provide the basis.

Zhaicheng Space Center will officially launch the Venus-Mercury transmission line construction plan in 15 days.

... Linking to the stars, stepping towards a more distant starry sky, Zhaicheng Aerospace will keep moving forward. "


In an instant, all the people who had read the text of the announcement became excited.

The news of Zhaicheng Aerospace's new announcement spread rapidly outwards along with the first batch of people who read the announcement.

A large number of reporters stationed on the homepage of Xihe's official website and Zhaicheng's official website also sent relevant news to the outside world as soon as possible.

"Further realization of the node transmission system of the galaxy network-the construction plan of the water-gold transmission line!"

"Towards a Farther and Broader Starry Sky: A Water-Gold Transmission Line Construction Plan..."

"A great plan for a great era. Fifteen days later, we will witness history again!"

Relevant news quickly flooded any corner of the entire Internet.

The news that the Zhaicheng Aerospace Center will implement the water-gold transmission line construction plan, accompanied by related news, accompanied by a crowd of excited people, spread to the whole world in a very short time.

Countless people flocked to Xihe's official website or Zhaicheng Aerospace's official website immediately after seeing the news.

Then, countless people were excited and excited about it.

At this moment, the whole world is boiling over!

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