Black & White

: Temptation (3)

Ji Yining once again saw Tang Yi's unscrupulous.

He always talked like a joke, the corners of his lips curled up, his eyes were merciful, as if all he said was just a joke. Only when he really hits you do you know that he is not joking at all.

Tang Jin told her.

—— Yining, Tang Yi is accustomed to using tia0q1ng for murder, and he will not show mercy to you.

Speaking of double repayment, he would definitely want her to repay the double.

She bent her legs and hugged herself, sitting in the bath, covering her whole body.

But the body is stiff.

As if waiting for execution.

After all, she had only spent two years with him, and her 23-year life, but only for a short time. So, getting up with his unscrupulous b, the restraint of etiquette she received for 23 years definitely prevailed.

She had never been so close to any man before. Before he appeared in her life, the greatest extent she accepted between male nv was just kissing the cheek.

That is not in China, but in London. When she was studying in Cambridge, she had a very good friend, his name is Zhou Cunhuan, and she was studying European history with her, and there was a gentle and elegant temperament under the light appearance. He has the same feelings as his people, and he smiled and said to her that he likes you, then slowly lowered his head and dropped a kiss on her cheek.

She still remembered that it was just a simple kiss, but she felt that the whole person was burnt, and finally told the truth ‘I’m sorry, I’m not used to it’. A faint sentence of "not used to it" made Cun Huan panic and immediately apologize for his rudeness.

She remembered that at that time, she was afraid of hurting Cunhuan's heart, and she stretched out her hand to Cunhuan, blushing and asked, holding hands is fine, do you want?

She has always naively thought that her husband must start with holding hands, step by step, and after years of precipitation, she can go deep.

At that time, she had never expected that she would meet another man in the future.

Encountering a man who specializes in things she is not used to, subverted her whole simple world.

The water in the full bath suddenly swayed and ripples appeared on the surface.

Ji Yining knew that he had come in.

Before she could react, he had wrapped her shoulders from behind.

The x-feeling voice contained moisture, and suddenly a question floated from his lips.

"...Who are you thinking of?"

Ji Yining was shocked.

It was obviously in the warm water, but she suddenly felt cold all over her body. In front of him, she is transparent, she can't keep him any secrets, any.

She did not deny that to him, she was measured and knew she could not beat him, so she never did anything in vain. No sophistry, no denial, this is her only way to protect herself.

She smiled cleverly, "Didn't you just go out to answer the phone? Is there something important?"

Tang Yi did not answer. A deep ray of light in her eyes only locked her.

A sense of oppression swept through her body in an instant.

She suddenly felt that she had done a terrible thing just now.


He suddenly called her name gently, as if smiling, but the words that were spoken were shocking.

"You are the first person who dared to change the subject to me."

Ji Yining felt a sense of danger of being hit by a sharp sword.

Suddenly he became sober, he was not a fantasy, not any other man, not a man who could be fooled by her tricks.

He is Tang Yi, and he is very cold. In one sentence, the man sentenced her to life imprisonment.

She dared not look at him, looked down at the water, and carefully asked: "Are you angry?"

He did not speak.

He just raised his left hand and untied her hair bun, and the soft black hair was spread down, the ends of the hair fell on the water, and he passed through her hair.

She was a little dumbfounded by this affectionate gesture he made.

She is an nv who has read ancient history and knows this ancient ai customs. In ancient nv, after getting married, they would have their hair curled up. After nightfall, only the husband could untie q's bun to express his love for ai.

Unexpectedly, he actually understood.

This warm gesture, made by his hand, really flattered her.

Ji Yining turned his head slightly to look at him.

"Tang Yi..."

There is a tremor in the voice, which is frightening and acting like a baby

He smiled suddenly, with a gentle smile. Raising his hand to raise her chin, he leaned forward and kissed it.

"In the future, remember not to think of other men in front of me. Because next time, I can't guarantee that I can control myself..."

In a word, he spread his bottom line clearly in front of her.

She quietly opened her eyes after the deep kiss he gave, and she was shocked when she saw his gentle profile.

Cun Huan told her that only when a man is in deep ai, will he have such a gentle expression that kills the eyes.

——So, Chuanhuan, tell me, why do I encounter such an exception? Even if he is not ai, why can he have such affectionate eyes?

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