
Chapter 51.1

Azrie Part: 1/2 

I awoke to shaking, the guardian battle had started once more. Pain still filled my body, but it was closer to being bruised rather than my legs still being broken. I took a few deep breaths to relax myself.

[Glim here, looks like you’re doing just fine! I am happy!]

“Thanks.” My voice came out raspy, my throat felt dry too. I looked up at the very top of my vision to check the time.

[Incubation Period: 2 days 6 hours 23 minutes.]

I crawled towards the cave entrance and saw it sealed, light filtered through its sides so I wasn’t completely trapped. Normally I would’ve cursed myself, but this time around it gave me a sense of relief. I shook my head, and crawled to the other room to relax myself. Pain still filled my extremities. I made sure to grab the water pouch and drink its contents. Expectedly or unexpectedly it was simple water, which quenched my dry throat but not the thirst itself. My stomach grumbled as well. Shambling myself towards the room, I finally reached water and stripped to the best of my ability. I quickly removed all blood from myself to the best of my ability before I went into the water. The lukewarm sensation that traveled through my legs was like a blessing, quickly easing the pain. Not more than a few seconds later I finally calmed myself enough to think about things.

I had been warned about the skill, but I still chose to use it that way. It was a dire situation. It felt stupid to injure myself that way, but at the same time I was lucky to not have died. At least judging at that speed, I didn’t remember what exactly happened, but in retrospect I could’ve sworn I heard my muscles tear and my limbs break. The skill was designed with stopping itself in mind, not meant to be suddenly stopped. It was more like a utility thing rather than a means of transport, even though it was good.

I closed my eyes and looked at my progress, not focusing on my pain or the mistakes I had made. I was still unused to a lot of things, and the situation wasn’t right. It was safe to assume that from now on the guardians could absolutely sense their minions being killed. Otherwise there was no reason for them to emerge at that moment. I quickly looked at my quest progress.

[Ecology Dissection III (Uncommon E) ⁠— Progress (12/15)]

[Till They Bleed (Uncommon E) ⁠— Progress (11/40)]

I was almost done with Ecology Dissection III, I never thought the quest would be so hard. Admittedly I thought it would be… simpler. But considering just a few kills would allow me to level up, it didn’t seem that easy. Maybe if I killed Knell Boars it could be finished, considering it ignored whatever level gap there was.

Till They Bleed was progressing smoothly, if slow. There was no doubt in my mind that if I shot an Explosive Shot into the larva rooms it would be finished in an instant. But I was in no condition to do that, at least if I wanted to do so I needed to get rid of the King Worm Guardian of Rime or whatever its name was at this point. I needed to kill it before venturing down there.

That said, even though I had injured myself so much, I had still greatly profited from it. A single look at my level was all it took.

Name: Blair | Level: 17

In the span of just a few hours I had gone up by 3 levels. The concentration of mobs was great inside the nest, much greater than just lurking the forest and shooting anything that dared cross my path. Though, I kind of wondered, the highest thing I had found inside the forest were the two guardians, yet inside of here things were much higher level. Did that mean that once one left the forest everything got progressively stronger? What if I went past the mountain range, would I find something stronger then? Higher level? Would things revert back to normal?

I didn’t know.

I quickly put the 2 stat points to use, feeling my aching legs. It was clear to me that no amount of Vitality was going to be enough with this kind of self-destructive skill. What if the enemy just decided to summon a rock wall in front of me? Wouldn’t I run into my death? Considering there was a Prophecy to create ice things, I saw no reason for a Prophecy to be unable to move rocks or create objects to block my path. I sighed and placed my stat points into Vigor.

VIG: 42 | END: 36 |

STR: 30 | AGI: 41 |

PER: 38 | WIS: 34 |

It went up to 42. I closed my eyes, feeling the aching somewhat subside. It didn’t help that much but it was a bit noticeable. I looked at my stats and decided that if nothing got in the way I was definitely going to try to get my Vigor to 50. Maybe then I would stop worrying about the wall, that reminded me. I could now get hit by 42 electro-suspended rocks rather than 18 or whatever was the initial number.

Wasn’t I supposed to be an archer of sorts?

Well, I didn’t know anymore considering I was using the spear more than my bow. I had no Prophecy yet, but it was going to come soon, and even if it didn’t⁠— well I would find a way, I was sure that at least one of the Guardians would drop one, well maybe? It would be a bit of an unfair thing if they didn’t, all things considered. That said, the snake hadn’t given me one either so perhaps it wasn’t guaranteed. What happened after the Skirmish? Would guardians still be around? I had no idea.

I took a rest to heal before heading out.

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