Blame The Villain For Being Too Beautiful

Chapter 17: The villain queen (seventeen)

"This road is not easy. I hope you still have the same idea four years from now."

Huang Shuo took a deep look at Song Xuyi, then stood up and continued to climb to the top of the mountain.

The stone road to the top of the mountain is very long, with about hundreds of steps. Huang Shuo is thin and thin, and he walks a little staggeringly on the stone road. He has gray hair and looks dry and thin, but he is firm and persistent step by step. Climb up the ground without looking back.

Dedicated to medicine for a lifetime, almost everyone is sincere at the moment when they swear, but how many people really do it all their lives?

Song Xuyi stood up, took a deep breath, and walked behind Huang Shuo—

This is an era when some people will despise feelings: in many cases, feelings even become a despicable excuse for capitalists to fool migrant workers.

The mountains are high and the road is far away, and the road ahead is difficult and dangerous. Smart people have already given up.

Song Xuyi wanted to become a moth to the flame.

When Song Xuyi heard the news of Huang Shuo's retirement, Song Xuyi felt that Huang Shuo might have other arrangements. Sure enough, not long after returning, Song Xuyi heard that "Huang Shuo, an old man, was hired by a certain research institute, and he put in his life savings. A research institute for the study of "hypnotism" was established' news.

Because 'hypnotism' is a money-making project, countless people tried to find a way to treat hypnotism before, but they all failed. There are only a handful of institutions in China that research hypnotism.

Song Xuyi immediately submitted the winter vacation internship application to Huang Shuo's research institute. Song Xuyi did not expect that Huang Shuo would come in front of him in person. Drive very low, work intensity is high, if you can't bear it, don't cry with me..."

What answered him was Song Xuyi's gentle smile disguised.

Song Xuyi took a moment, imitating Zhao Qingyu's appearance and showing a polite and courteous smile on a whim. She didn't expect that this trick would be useful to Huang Shuo. Throwing the badge on Song Xuyi's desk, he snorted coldly, "Report to me during the summer vacation. If you don't perform well, don't blame me for firing you..."

Song Xuyi cheered up and devoted himself to studying more and more nervously.

Obtaining the qualification for admission does not mean that Song Xuyi can sit back and relax. After all, Huang Shuo's requirements for students are obvious to all.

Amidst Song Xuyi's sleepless nights and forgetting to eat and sleep, time flew by, and soon the end of the semester was coming. Song Xuyi devoted all his energy to reading books, and his only pastime was to pay attention to news about Zhao Qingyu.

Zhao Qingyu's fans already know the news that Zhao Qingyu has filmed a TV series. Fans are looking forward to the release of the TV series every day. After all, Zhao Qingyu is too low-key, rarely participates in business activities, and rarely does marketing. Fans can only appreciate her when her works are released prosperity and beauty.

And Zhao Qingyu was indeed extremely busy, and sometimes it was three or four o'clock in the middle of the night when she sent a message to Song Xuyi.

Song Xuyi didn't know why Zhao Qingyu got so close to him after being rescued by him once, but Song Xuyi now regarded Zhao Qingyu as a friend, and naturally couldn't bear to see her so busy, so she couldn't help but gave Zhao Qingyu several calming medicines to send After going there, fearing that Zhao Qingyu would taste bad after taking the medicine, he bought some candied fruits and sent them over. And Zhao Qingyu didn't know where the problem came from, and since then it got out of control, and whenever he had any headaches, he pestered Song Xuyi to prescribe medicine.

On this day, Song Xuyi received another call from Zhao Qingyu while he was studying in the library.

"Doctor Song, my head hurts so much." Song Xuyi walked outside the library to answer the phone. The voice on the phone had a slightly coquettish ending. Song Xuyi seemed to be able to see the charming appearance of a woman like a microphone through the voice : "Can you prescribe me the medicine from last time..."


"Medicine can't be eaten," Song Xuyi was like a soft-faced person at other times, but she had a habit of getting a little irritable when she was interrupted when she was doing a problem. At this time, even her voice became a little colder: "You always say you have a headache, why don't you go to the hospital..."

"Are you studying by yourself?" After so long, Zhao Qingyu naturally knew Song Xuyi's habit, and the voice in the microphone became serious in an instant, and the volume of his speech dropped once: "Then you study hard, and I will contact you at noon..."

"Next time I'll grab some calming medicinal herbs and make you a sachet. Your head hurts all the time. It's probably because you don't have enough sleep. You should also pay attention to rest..." Song Xuyi's temper eased up, and Song Xuyi's speech also recovered. Calm, and even a little guilty in his heart, he felt that Zhao Qingyu was going to hang up the phone because he saw his impatience, and added a little embarrassedly: "I'm afraid I'll forget, remember to remind me..."

"Senior Xu Yi!"

However, before Song Xuyi finished speaking, a surprise call came from the side, causing everyone around to look at Song Xuyi.

"I can't do five more questions, can you teach me..."

Seeing the boy looking over in surprise, Song Xuyi frowned.

In the past year, Song Xuyi lost her youthfulness and became more and more beautiful.

The students in the same grade all knew that Song Xuyi was focused on studying and didn't want to fall in love. Even though some people had a crush on Song Xuyi, they seldom went up to bother her. However, the newcomers to the school were different.

There is a freshman student named Chen Qi, who is tall and handsome. He claims to have fallen in love with Song Xuyi at first sight, and pursues Song Xuyi fiercely. Song Xuyi's boyfriend pretended to be himself, and even started to follow Song Xuyi to the library, disturbing Song Xuyi with some very basic questions from time to time...

"You can find it by flipping through the book yourself." Song Xuyi looked at the few extremely basic questions Chen Qi handed over, and patiently explained to him: "It's just in the book.

"Senior Xu Yi is amazing!" Chen Qi didn't seem to notice Song Xuyi's impatience at all. After finding the answer, he came over and said, "Let me and senior sister study together! If I encounter a question that I don't understand, I can still ask Senior sister..."

"Senior sister doesn't think I'm stupid, right?" Chen Qi carelessly put the book on the opposite side of Song Xuyi's desk: "At that time, senior sister said that she regarded me as a friend when she rejected me..."

Chen Qi's loud voice attracted people in the self-study room to look over frequently. Looking at the various meaningful eyes cast by the people in the study room, Song Xuyi turned cold and decided to make it clear to Chen Qi: "You come out first, we will find someone somewhere to talk—"

"—Xu Yi, my headache is indeed getting worse!"

Song Xuyi originally thought that Zhao Qingyu had hung up the phone, but he didn't expect Zhao Qingyu's voice to ring out again at this moment.

It's just that Zhao Qingyu's smiling voice completely lost its warmth, and his straightforward tone seemed to be filled with ice: "You're right, I think I need an in-person consultation now—"

Zhao Qingyu hung up the phone after saying this.

Song Xuyi didn't know what Zhao Qingyu wanted to do, but he didn't care about her right now, so he took Chen Qi aside and wanted to make it clear to him.

However, Chen Qi looked at Song Xuyi with burning eyes: "Senior Xu Yi doesn't like me now, it doesn't mean she won't like me in the future, I like senior sister Xu Yi so much, you will definitely be touched by me in the future..."

"But you didn't move me," Song Xuyi said coldly, "I don't like you. Your so-called liking only troubles me."

"Then what do you like?" Chen Qi couldn't keep the smile on his face any longer, and pulled Song Xuyi's hand with a straight face: "Song Xuyi, you have to stop your false reserve! If you don't like me, why did you smile at us during the school orientation meeting? "

"Don't be ignorant of flattery. Speaking of it, you're the one who favored me! There are two companies in my family. Girls who have been chasing me since I was a child can line up to the school gate from here, while yours..."

"Let go!"

Song Xuyi was stunned by Chen Qi's unreasonable words, and tried hard to break free from his hand, but Chen Qi was so strong that Song Xuyi couldn't struggle no matter how hard he struggled...

There was a 'pop'!

Someone beside him sneered, and then someone grabbed Chen Qi's arm vigorously, and slapped him **** the face—

"who is it?"

Chen Qi let go of Song Xuyi's hand, and looked over angrily, a woman wearing a mask and hat stood in front of Song Xuyi.

The woman didn't speak, and waved her hand towards the back. The two bodyguards tightened their grip on Chen Qi, and Chen Qi's face turned red in an instant!

"Two companies at home?" The woman wearing a mask sneered, and turned on her phone to play the video of Chen Qi coercing Song Xuyi: "Mother's company is at a loss and there is only an empty shell left, and father has two illegitimate children, that's all you have left." Threatening the girl's future..."

"If I see you harassing me again...sister," the woman gave a look, and the two bodyguards pretended to inadvertently kick Chen Qi's knee again. She narrowed her eyes slightly and laughed coldly: "You know the price to pay..."

Chen Qi blushed and left the library.

Song Xuyi breathed a sigh of relief.

"How did you come here?"

Song Xuyi had no class in the afternoon, and was not in the mood to continue studying at this time, so he took Zhao Qingyu to find a private room in a small restaurant next to the school, ordered two glasses of juice and closed the door of the box.

"I didn't plan to come over," Zhao Qingyu lowered his head, "I know you don't like me coming, I was really just passing by..."

It's just that when I passed by, I stopped at the school gate for half an hour, and fortunately... I stopped for this half hour.

Thinking of Chen Qi, Zhao Qingyu felt a sense of hostility in her heart. While she was filming, she did not give up on the company's expansion. She already had enough resources at hand, and she had already investigated Chen Qi's background on the way here. More ways to teach Chen Qi a lesson:

For example, breaking up Chen Qi's parents' company, and quietly finding someone to abolish Chen Qi's hand that touched Song Xuyi...

No matter how bad it is, the intimate photos of Chen Qi, that scumbag and his ex-girlfriend will be exposed...

If it was Zhao Qingyu in the past, it would be impossible to finish Chen Qi with a single slap!

However, in front of Song Xuyi, Zhao Qingyu could only suppress her own nature.

The most ridiculous thing is that even such a scumbag can confidently say what he likes, but his own admiration can only be buried deep in his heart...

Unwillingness in his heart surged and rushed, Zhao Qingyu bit his lips, his mouth was bitter, and he hung his head down and sipped the juice that Song Xuyi brought in without taste.

Suddenly there was a sigh from above. ╈Jun/Sheep㈧㈦I㈥㈧IIII??

"Don't be angry, it's not worth being angry for such a person..." She heard Song Xuyi speak softly.

"No, you don't know, I'm not angry, I'm jealous to the point of going crazy..." However, Zhao Qingyu didn't even dare to lift her head as she said this in her heart. He was even more afraid that Song Xuyi would see through his disguise and cruelty at a glance.

In the past, she would avoid everyone and digest alone, but now she is reluctant to leave Song Xuyi. It has been 113 days, and she finally saw Song Xuyi...

A pair of soft hands rubbed Zhao Qingyu's temples.

"Didn't you say dizziness? I learned a set of acupuncture point massage methods, you try?"

The soft force massaged Zhao Qingyu's meridians, like a wild beast with its hair down, the anger and depression that had tortured him for a long time in the past miraculously disappeared little by little...

Zhao Qingyu opened his eyes, stared blankly at the reflection of Song Xuyi on the juice glass in front of him, and pursed his lips: So, the juice tastes like grapes!

I wish this time could stop...

The hazy and sweet music outside the private room, the fragrance in the girl's hair, and the sweetness on the tip of the tongue...

Zhao Qingyu sighed softly, and closed his eyes again.

Everything may be fate.

——She used to be a mad dog with venom and heart attack, and Song Xuyi was the only bitter and sweet medicine that she got after all her life's luck.

The author has something to say:

Xiao Zhao is jealous and violent;

Xiao Song appeases the beast with one move~(#^.^#)

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