Blinded Scent

Chapter 7 - 6: "It's delicious"

"We are going to have noodles with veggies for lunch." Wen Xinyi said after checking his fridge for the available ingredients. He looked at Wu Yijun and found out that the other man was looking at him.

"That's good. I'm excited about lunch." Wu Yijun smiled.

Wen Xinyi raised an eyebrow at the other man's enthusiasm. He didn't say anything and sat down in the table while holding a bottle of soy sauce. 'It was still early to prepare for lunch.' When Xinyi thought.

"Are you living alone?" Wu Yijun suddenly asked him to break the silence between them.

Wen Xinyi paused and hesitated before answering, "Yes, why?" Wen Xinyi let go of the bottle he was holding and looked at the other man.

"Nothing. Do you have siblings?" Wu Yijun asked.

Wen Xinyi wanted to roll his eyes at the questions thrown to him.

"None. I grew up in an orphanage."

"Oh." Wu Yijun stopped asking in fear that he might touch another s.e.n.s.i.t.i.v.e topic.

There was an awkward silence between them. Wen Xinyi had no question to ask to the other man as his life was like an open book for the public to view.

Suddenly a phone call came breaking the silence in the air. Wu Yijun answered it. Wen Xinyi wanted to go out but he couldn't when he remembered the sound of the shutter of camera he heard this morning.

"Hello, mom." Wu Yijun answered the call.

"Yes, mom. I will be home in the evening. Yes, I know."

Wen Xinyi pretended to be invisible. He checked the time and stood up. He decided to start preparing lunch. He was planning to cook stir-fry vegetables with noodles. He took the noodles from the fridge and boiled it with water.

He then, chopped the onion, ginger, and spring onions.

Wen Xinyi glanced at Wu Yijun who was still talking to the other side of the phone. He shifted back his attention to what he was cooking and added oil to the pan. After that, he stir-fried the onion, ginger, spring onion, and then the vegetables until the vegetables were tinder-crisp. He then added the cooked noodles then flavored it with soy sauce, oyster sauce, and pepper.

Wen Xinyi turned around and saw that Wu Yijun was no longer answering the phone call and was now looking at him.

'Why does he keep on looking at me ah?' Wen Xinyi took a deep breath and said,

"Lunch is ready."

He began serving the dish, beckoning the other man to sit.

Wu Yijun looked at the dish on the table, served himself, and slightly smiled upon tasting the food. "It's delicious."

"Of course. I cooked it." Wen Xinyi proudly said.

"I really like your humility." Wu Yijun teased him.

Wen Xinyi ignored him and continued eating.





Unexpectedly, after having lunch Wu Yijun decided to go home which surprised Wen Xinyi since he expected that the other would go home in the evening to avoid the paparazzi.

"There's an urgent thing at home." Wu Yijun seemed to read his mind and said.

"I have to go home now. Thanks for the hospitality." Wu Yijun said after washing the dishes.

Wen Xinyi just nodded and thought that he would not see the other man again. He was wondering if aside from Wu Yijun's, could he also smell other alpha's scent or have others noticed his smell, not that he wanted to notice others' scent but he just wanted to be like any normal omega.

Wen Xinyi dispelled the questions in his mind and led the man to his door bidding him goodbye and wishing him to have a safe trip home.

However, unbeknownst to them, they would become part of the news the next day.

( be continued.)




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