Born with Protagonist's Face

28. Vanilla is not looking at the brother, not looking at the nose and mouth of the brother... (plea


Chen Tiansheng's long hair was loose, and there was a jade belt for binding the law that was given to him by Uncle Songdao on the stage.

Vanilla took a jade comb behind him and started to help him comb.

Start with hair, silky as water.

Senior brother has good hair and fairy fragrance.

Vanilla thought.

The senior brother's face is also very good-looking. The master said that the senior brother is an exiled immortal, and Vanilla thinks...the senior brother is an immortal!

Vanilla plucked up her courage and glanced at the jade mirror.

Just take a look!

Just a glance!

Vanilla, you can do it!

Well, brother doesn't know!

In the jade mirror, there is an incomparably handsome face, and his eyes are like stars.

Senior Brother's forehead, Senior Brother's eyes, Senior Senior Brother's nose, Senior Senior Brother's... lips!


Just like the night when Vanilla went up the mountain, the eyes were full of stars, and the master said that there lived immortals.

There is an immortal in the eyes of senior brother!

Brother's nose is like that fairy cloud!

Brother's lips... so that Vanilla blushes!

this look.

Vanilla was so fascinated that she even forgot the sliding movement of the jade comb.

If you forgot to take a peek, you should move away immediately.

Forget about any activity.

Chen Tiansheng felt that he should not disturb a little girl who was still dreaming a lot. After all, he also came from this age, and occasionally he was in a daze and occasionally lost his mind. At that time, his mind was full of vivid dreams.

Although the girl in the dream is very beautiful! ~

Just why don't you like to wear clothes?


Xiao Vanilla should be pure, there must be no such good dream, at most it is a dream of my senior brother... I just put on clothes!

But... that's not why you don't brush your hair, right?

Brother, I have to rush to practice!

You said that you must comb your brother's hair, but you comb it, don't be in a daze!


Chen Tiansheng finally couldn't help but speak, "Little Vanilla, what are you looking at?"


Vanilla's hand shook, the jade comb fell, and was hooked by Chen Tiansheng's hand.

Very dangerous, almost broken!

Although I heard Master Songdao say that this is an ordinary jade comb, which is used by Chen Tiansheng to comb his hair every day, it is similar to the jade mirror he is looking at at this time.

One is called Initiation Mirror, and the other is called Jingshen Comb!

It doesn't have a big effect, it is to concentrate and meditate, comb once, and clear the mind and eyes; comb twice, calm the soul and calm the soul; comb three times... After nine times, the external demons will disperse.

If you comb your hair every day, it has the effect of nourishing the soul.

Comb 99,000 times, the soul will be strong to the unknown realm!

Chen Tiansheng didn't have any other thoughts. When he left, the direct disciple of Uncle Songdao was a little mourning. Could it be that he remembered something sad?

Vanilla was so shocked that she hurriedly lowered her head and shook her head again and again, her face was rosy, and her small earlobes were bright red.

The hands that were holding Chen Tiansheng's hair also turned red and hot.

Vanilla felt like her heart was about to jump out.

"No, I didn't look at anything, Vanilla wasn't looking at Senior Brother, he wasn't looking at Senior Brother's eyes, he wasn't looking at Senior Brother's mouth..."

"Ah... Vanilla just wants to look in the mirror by herself!"

Vanilla was incoherent and panicked.

"Oh, look at yourself in the mirror!" Chen Tiansheng pretended to be suddenly enlightened, "Then...why do you take a picture after I've combed my hair?"

"No, no... Vanilla helps senior brother comb!"

"Ah, where's the comb?" Vanilla caught Chen Tiansheng's hair again and made a subconscious action of combing, but was stunned.

It turned out that she was empty-handed, except for that strange flushing, how could there be any comb!

Chen Tiansheng hooked his hand and handed the jade comb to Vanilla.

Vanilla's face turned even redder, "Xie, Senior Brother Xie, Vanilla... not on purpose!"

After taking the jade comb, Vanilla no longer dared to look up.

Hands were shaking too.

Her eyes were dripping with tears.

Poor little girl, how can she stand the beauty of her senior brother, who was originally a flexible person, since she met her senior brother, the whole person has been confused, and she has been in a trance all day.

All over my head-

"Senior brother looks good, senior brother speaks well, senior brother smells good, I touched senior brother's shoulder, I touched senior brother's hair, ah, I touched senior brother's hand... I'm so nervous, so excited, so happy, ok ... 嘤~! I'm ashamed to death!"


When she was about to go out, Vanilla crept behind her. She kept her head down, and her heart was still in a hurry. She didn't remember anything until she walked into the Tiansheng Peak.

"Senior brother, there have been many disciples in the sect in the past few days!"

"Oh, what are they doing here?"

"Tiansheng Peak was originally the place where the ancestors of Yun Dianzi ascended. It has always been a restricted area. Now the restricted area is open. Many disciples should be rushing to cultivate here, and there are also people who come here to find the relics of the ancestors of Yun Dianzi."

"However, Vanilla wants to come, most of them should be coming to Senior Brother!"

Then Vanilla thought for a while, "Then, Senior Brother, do you want to take care of this matter!"

Chen Tiansheng smiled, "Zongmen disciples who wish to come to Tiansheng Peak will let them go. If they cultivate well, it will be good. If there is a junior disciple who finds the relic of Yun Dianzi's ancestor here, it is also his good fortune!"

Speaking of this, Chen Tiansheng paused again, "Of course, you still need to take care of it a little bit. To maintain the stability of the Tiansheng Peak, you can't create chaos in the Tiansheng Peak!"

Vanilla nodded her head, "Okay, Senior Brother, Vanilla knows how to do it!"

"Okay, this is a trivial matter. Senior brother went to pick up the mount first. Today, I will go to the uncles and uncles to report!"

"The matter of Tiansheng Peak will be handed over to Vanilla!"

It wasn't until Chen Tiansheng's footsteps that he dared to raise his head and stare at the background of Chen Tiansheng's departure.

The back of the senior brother is also very good-looking!

ps: Second update. *

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