Boudoir Glamour Inc.

Chapter 22 - Boudoir Glamour Inc. #22

When I was with the shape-shifter, I always knew where I was. It was her that changed (at any blink of my eye).

With the s.u.c.c.u.b.u.s, I was often at loss to where I was. I was never certain where she was (where her voice was coming from).

She explained that cash revenue would be small, and expenses would be paid out first.

There was other value to had from the image rights. That portion of profit was also due to me.

Once those details were acknowledged by me, her color and tone changed.

The shape-shifter was often tall and regal. Imposing in a gentle way.

The s.u.c.c.u.b.u.s never appeared tall, but I never mistook the danger. Even with a slight and unimposing stature, I felt comfortable in my fear. These creatures had magical strength.

Once the contract and non-disclosure issues were settled, she let go of a hardened mood. The color and tone change gave me some comfort.

I was not sure if she had licked her lips or just moistened them. Her smile was nice. Nicer than I thought a s.u.c.c.u.b.u.s smile would ever look.

She neared close to my ear.

"When compensation to you is called for. It will be me. Arrangements to payout will be made by me.. personally.

Since we are both here. I want to tell you a story. A true story."

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