Friday evening, Frank looked at himself in the bathroom mirror and nodded in satisfaction before putting on his bathroom robe. As he stepped out, he enjoyed the view of the room he personally tricked up.

Candlelit room, roses on the bed, essential oils within accessible range, and the plugged-in freshener gave the room a sweet touch. After admiring his handiwork, he left the room to check on the kitchen. This night, and the night after, and the night after that would be spectacular.

As expected, Flora returned home 8pm on the dot. The first thing she saw was the man clad in white robe, leaning against the coach with his legs crossed and a smirk on his face. A smile made its way on to her face and her uneasiness from the past few days melted away.

"You're back," he said in a husky voice.

"Are you trying to seduce me?" and before he could answer, she added, "because you've succeeded." She took off a piece of clothing every step she made towards him.

She sat between in t.h.i.g.hs in her u.n.d.e.r.w.e.a.r. She pulled the band from her hair and let her hair fall over her shoulders before hooking her arms around his neck.

"Let me fill up your tummy first." As he stood up, she wrapped herself around him like an octopus and they remained that way all through the meal. He fed her diligently and wiped her mouth from time to time.

Once the dishes were cleared, he held her close and removed whatever was left on her body and his body. They faced each other in their most natural states as their swept through them.

"Should we make a baby or babies tonight?" she whispered against his ear as she ground against him.

"The only things I'll be making tonight are your knees weak," he replied in his e.r.o.t.i.c voice before picking her up to the room. He could barely hold himself back

In reality, they weren't looking forward to a new addition yet. In Frank's opinion, he did not want that to hold Flora back from achieving all her goals. Once she was ready, then they'd go for it. As for Flora, she hadn't fully explored their married life yet, so she wasn't looking forward to getting pregnant soon.

All night long, the couple tried out different styles and didn't give their vocal cords any rest until dawn. The whole room was filled with the smell of sweat and lovemaking.

Frank was a man of action. They did stay in bed all weekend long and only got out to eat. Monday morning, Flora's knees were weak and her voice, even weaker. On the other hand, Frank had that after-s.e.x glow and energy.

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