Bourne: Command and Conquer

Chapter 381: , oil extraction

Chapter 381, Oil Pressing

 Take Wei Heren back to Wei Dongbao's home.

 The map shows that the red dot has not moved much. Maybe there is a corpse lying at home.

This spy is also very hardworking. I have endured this kind of life for three years.

The brain is really crazy!

 After death, he must be sent to the Jingguo Sacred Toilet. hey-hey.


 Be careful in everything. Just in case.

  If the spy has grenades or the like on his body. Suddenly it sounded. That's the end of the bird.

 Decided to let Wei Heren lure the other party out.



 Wei Heren imitated bird calls nearby.

 After a while, the red dot started to move. Follow out the door.

Zhong Yang and Cao Mengqi immediately pounced on him from left to right. Yang Zhi and Luo Yiming were responsible for holding down the target's hands.

  Push down.


 Having rags stuffed in the mouth.

 The movements are done in one go. The spies were not given a chance to resist at all.

He was under tight control before he was brought into the room. Search carefully. Nothing was found. Probably not in this house.

 There are so many brick houses nearby. There are so many ruins. You can hide it at will.

 Wei Dongbao is still struggling desperately.

  Because of the excessive force, my neck was completely red. The veins popped out and his eyes were on fire.

 “I am Liu Heizi!”

 “Let me borrow some money from you!”

 Zhang Yong patted the other party on the shoulder. To show comfort.

Using the identity of Liu Heizi can often make Japanese spies relax their vigilance. At least the resistance isn't that strong.

 As to whether this identity is true or false, it doesn't matter.

 As long as you don’t say that you are the Fuxing Society Secret Service.

Sure enough, Wei Dongbao, who was struggling desperately, breathed a sigh of relief. His eyes looked doubtful. He turned to look at them. There seemed to be an effort to determine their identity.

 In fact, he couldn't judge. But there is a glimmer of hope psychologically. Hope is pure robbery.

Zhang Yong waved his hand and asked Cao Mengqi to let go of the rag in the other person's mouth.

"I know you are Japanese." Zhang Yong said bluntly, "If you don't want to be known by the Fuxing Society, just cooperate."

 Wei Dongbao's movements were stiff for a while, and finally he nodded slowly.

The other party is not from Fuxing Society?

 It doesn’t really seem to be the case.

 There are only five of them. Not a big group.

If the Fuxing Society arrests people, there should be a large group of them. There must be more than five.

  Quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

 Zhang Yong pointed at Wei Heren again, "This brother said you are rich."

 “I…” Wei Heren subconsciously wanted to deny it. He really didn't say that. But in the end I didn't dare to say it. Afraid of being beaten again.

 He now somewhat believes that the other party is a gangster.

 Because these people are really too rough. He was beaten at every turn. He was beaten badly.

 Wei Dongbao lowered his head, seeming to be thinking about something.

 Obviously, he didn't believe that the other party simply wanted money. The other party's arrival was too weird.

 The most terrible thing is that the other party actually knows that he is Japanese. This was a disaster for him.

 “I only want money, not my life.”


"As long as you are obedient and cooperative, I won't embarrass you. When I become successful in the future, I will definitely repay you twice as much."


 Wei Dongbao remained silent.

 Zhang Yong, an idiot like me, didn't even believe a single punctuation mark in his opening remarks.

 How can things be so simple?

 Zhang Yong also knew that the other party did not believe it. But it does not matter.

Since everything is here, the oil must be squeezed out of the stone. Otherwise, he would really fry the opponent's skin and bones, and then throw them to the dogs.

 After all, you are also a spy, and you don’t even have hundreds of oceans. Too shabby too. What's the point of living? Go to hell!

 “I count to three…”

"one two three…"


 Wei Dongbao screamed.

 It was Zhang Yong who stabbed his thigh with a knife.

Excuse me. He doesn't know how to use torture. There are no torture devices here either. I had to start with three swords and six holes.

What does the three-knife-and-six-holes show on TV look like? Looks like it's going to be pierced?

 Alas, he was not strong enough. Can't be worn.

 “Don’t, don’t…”

 Wei Dongbao took a breath of air. Desperately begging for mercy.

 The feeling of pain made him want to roll on the ground. It's a pity it's useless. He couldn't move. Even rolling is impossible. I could only breathe hard.

 Lower your head. He watched helplessly as the dagger was inserted into his thigh, and blood gurgled out.

“Three cuts and six holes, this is the first cut…”

 “How is it? How does it feel? Does it hurt? Can you bear it?”

 “If you can bear it, one more blow. What do you think?”

 Zhang Yong is polite and slow.

 It seems that the effect is normal, and the spy did not give in.

 Sure enough, this low-level spy has a high tolerance for pain. Because they themselves are living a hard life.

 Pull out the dagger…

 Blood flows faster.

 Raise the dagger…

"Wait! I said it!" Wei Dongbao suddenly spoke.

 “Speak!” Zhang Yong still held up the dagger. I'll get stabbed again at any time. The target is the other leg.

 However, Wei Dongbao became silent again.

 Zhang Yong shook his dagger. Have someone push Wei Heren over.

 Put the dagger into Wei Heren's hand. Let him do it.

 Wei Heren:? ? ?

 Wei Dongbao:? ? ?

 The expressions of the two men suddenly became strange.

Wei Heren was shocked and frightened. How dare he use a dagger to attack Wei Dongbao?


"you dare!"

Wei Dongbao cursed angrily.

Wei Heren is just a dog they bribed, how dare they take action?


 He wants to tear each other apart.


The dagger in Wei Heren's hand trembled.

 Zhang Yong took out another dagger. He shook his head towards Wei Heren.

 The meaning is very simple.

Either you go and stab Wei Dongbao.

Either I will stab you, Wei Heren.

Which one do you want?

 Choose by yourself.

Helping, Wei Heren had no choice but to grit his teeth and raised his dagger towards Wei Dongbao.

"you dare!"


Wei Dongbao's anger is beyond words.

However, Wei Heren gritted his teeth and really dug in. Now that things have happened, he has no way out.

 As a result, the piercing was not deep enough, and it was pierced sideways, and a large piece of flesh was cut off. Immediately there was a flood of blood.



 Wei Dongbao was in pain and angry.

 The whole person fell into painful hysteria.

However, it was impossible to struggle as the whole body was tied tightly.

 His body was tense. The pain made him feel like he was going to heaven on the spot.

 “No hurry. Take your time.”

“Come. One more strike. Come again when you are sure. The strike must be fast and ruthless, without hesitation...”

 Zhang Yong taught from the side.

 Wei Heren tremblingly raised the dagger again.

 Wei Dongbao:…



 He finally gave in.

 He could not bear such punishment. So unprofessional.

 He can endure physical pain. But he couldn't bear the psychological pain. The one he wants to kill most right now is Wei Heren.

 “I said. What do you want to know?”

“Money. Money. Dora. Dollars. Understand? You are Japanese and you should have accumulated a lot of money..."

"I do not have money…"

 “Really not?”


 Wei Dongbao took back the words that came to his lips.

But I saw Zhang Yong nuzzling at Wei Heren. Wei Heren raised the **** dagger again.


Can you please change someone else?

 Can you bring in a professional person?

Three swords and six holes, just pierce through! It can't be penetrated, and the flesh is cut off, it's terrible...    "Where is the Black Island Dragon Chief?"


 “Yes. I want to seek alms from him...”

 “Baga! Impossible!”


 A scream.

 Wei Dongbao had one of his ears cut off.

 The person who took action was Cao Mengqi.

 The one who winked was Zhang Yong.

 The main thing is to be ruthless. A surprise.

Three knives and six holes are just appetizers. There are more advanced ones to follow. How about whittling a personal stick? I learned it from The Deer and the Cauldron...

 “Cut off the ears…”

 “Cut off the nose…”

 “Cut off the arm…”

“Cut off all the protruding parts of the body. Call it a human stick. Do you want to try it?”

 Zhang Yong is good at teaching.

 Wei Heren could not help but tremble all over. Terrified.

 Wei Dongbao gritted his teeth. angry. Incompetent rage. My gums bleed from biting down. Anger seemed to explode from Tianling Gai. But it didn't work.

 “Baga! Didn’t you say you only want money?”

 “Did you give me money?”


 Wei Dongbao was suddenly speechless.

 What the other person said made sense, but he was speechless.


 “Where is the Black Island?”

"I have no idea."

 “You don’t want another ear?”

"I really don't know. He is a royal noble. I am not qualified to know his whereabouts."

"Okay. I believe you this time. So what is the task he gave you? Where is the funding for you?"

 “I don’t have any funds.”

 “The emperor does not need hungry soldiers, do you think I will believe it?”

 “My cover identity does not require funds.”


 Zhang Yong was desperate.

 It seems that no oil can be squeezed out of this stone.

 Alas, it’s over…

 It’s all work in vain…

what to do?

 What else can be done? I can only ask about business matters.

 Herbal medicine. I hate such poor Japanese spies the most. It did him no good at all. No motivation at all.

 “Who is the traitor in the Military Senate?”

 “What military senate?”

“Don’t tell me that you have nothing to do with the Military Senate. The No. 107 tram you take to work passes by the Military Senate.”

“I really have nothing to do with the Military Senate. It’s not my goal.”

"what is that?"

 “Farmers Bank.”


Zhang Yong was stunned.

 Farmers Bank?

etc. Whose property is this?

 Need to think about it. oh. It seems to be from the Chen family. right. It's from the Chen family.

 Chiang’s Central Bank. Songjia Construction Bank. Kongjia Bank of Communications. Everyone is racing to claim their own territory. Each has his or her own way. Those who are harvested are ordinary people.


  Why are the spies keeping an eye on the Farmers Bank?


"Then what?"

“Record the daily operating data of Farmers Bank. Then report it once a week.”

"anything else?"

"there is none left."

"there is none left?"

 “This is my mission.”


Zhang Yong wanted to stab him to death.

                    Matt. What kind of mission is this? What's the use of looking at the Farmers Bank?

 Record daily operating data to analyze the economic situation? Is this guy simply an economic spy?


Economic espionage?

Huh? It seems to be a new type!

 Not all types of spies are for political and military purposes.

 Economic espionage is also one of them.

 Especially in peacetime, economic espionage is more active.

 “How to record data?”

“We have developed two business managers who will provide daily operating data.”

"what name?"

 “Teng Xiangwen, Li Yuanzhou.”

"Then what?"

 “There’s no more. That’s it.”

"Haha. Then why is Wei Heren standing here? What's going on with the legal currency metal master?"


 Wei Dongbao was silent again.

 Zhang Yong did not take action. He is in no hurry. wait.

Wait for the other party to think painfully.

 Every second is torture for Wei Dongbao.

 He can lie.

However, he cannot deceive others. Because Wei Heren is here.

 This is how confrontation is used.

Your bones, Wei Dongbao, are indeed relatively hard. However, Wei Heren is not tough! As long as Wei Heren knew about it, everything would be teased.

 “Who are you?” Finally, Wei Dongbao said cryptically.

"Liu Heizi." Zhang Yong continued to lie with his eyes open, "I came from Shanghai."

 “Is it difficult to admit that you are Zhang Yong?”

“Although Zhang Yong and I look very similar, I am really not Zhang Yong. People often confuse the two of us. In fact, I am also very confused.”


 Wei Dongbao was defeated.

I have seen thick-skinned people. I've never seen anyone so thick-skinned.

The other party is obviously from the Special Branch of Fuxing Society. He has received relevant information. But the other party refused to admit it even to the death.

He also made up the identity of Liu Heizi to deceive people. I really think they are stupid.

However, Zhang Yong insisted that he really had nothing to do. Perhaps Liu Heizi's identity is easier to accept.

 “I am a member of the Tao Agency...”

 “My name is Fujino Sanyoshi…”

 “I am a bead-stringer…”

“On the route of Tram No. 107, there are many insiders we bribed. They will send information to the bus from time to time.”

“In addition to Agricultural Bank of China, there are also Bank of Communications, China Construction Bank, Agricultural Bank of China, etc.”

“All we want is economic data.”

"The issuance of legal currency seriously threatens our interests, so we have to obstruct it. We decided to steal the metal master. This matter was personally presided over by His Excellency Black Island. However, after the metal master was stolen, there was no It fell into our hands. There were some mistakes."

"After the mission failed, His Excellency Hei Dao immediately left Jinling and returned to the Japanese-occupied area of ​​​​Hongkou, Shanghai to avoid any accidents. He is still in the Japanese-occupied area of ​​​​Hongkou. Unless it is absolutely safe outside, otherwise, he will not come back. "

 Wei Dongbao finally confessed completely.

 There is no point in continuing to hide it. Because the other party already has enough information.

 “Peach trap?”


 Zhang Yong frowned secretly.

   What do you mean, these **** devils have so many secret services?

Of course, these are not important.

 The important thing is that other secret service agencies have a lot of money. This peach organ of yours is a new one, so it can’t be that it doesn’t have any oil or water at all.

“Who is the head of your secret service?”

 “Your Excellency Black Island.”

 “Where are the key members?”

“This confidential information will not be made known to me. If you want the names of the insiders, I can provide them.”

“The insiders are not in a hurry. Where are your agency’s funds?”


 “Don’t act stupid. I need money now. Do you understand?”

 “At the Bank of Communications.”

 “How to take it out?”

"Only His Excellency Hei Dao knows. I am not qualified to know."

 “Okay, insider name.”

 Zhang Yong handed the other party paper and pen angrily.

 Hurry up and write it down.

  I can’t get any oil out of you, so I have to replace you.

These traitors are all at the level of business managers, so they should have some leverage.

 Otherwise, I really don’t want to do it anymore!

 (End of this chapter)

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