Bourne: Command and Conquer

Chapter 645: , start anew

Chapter 645: Starting anew

 Tozaburo Notani is dead?

Not surprisingly. He would have been almost dead.

It is estimated that after arriving at the garrison headquarters, this guy still refused to confess. Maybe even a few words of ridicule.

 Be stubborn even when death is imminent. Just want a quick death.


 There is no doubt that if Zhang Yong wants to leave one day, he will also face great danger.

 If you find that the content is incorrect, please use a browser to access it!

 Appears to be kept secret. In fact, Virgo is aware of it. I may lose my tail. By then, it may be really hard to control.

 Zhang Yong tidied his clothes.


 Neither fish nor fowl…

 “Have any other bodies been found?”

"can see."

The Japanese invaders seemed to be really mentally ill.


"come over."

  No wonder Virgo didn’t seem to be in a very high mood when I had to report to him.

 The Japanese invaders had planes, huge ships, and cannons.

 The Chinese army only has land artillery. The maximum diameter is only 150 mm. They were also closely watched by Japanese aircraft and almost all were lost. not so useful.


 Although the name of the unit is not specifically marked above, there is no more detailed explanation. But he saw it at a glance.

Except for Zhang Yong’s orders, no one else’s orders will work.

 “Be careful what you say in front of the commander.”

 Commander Qian also sat down. Pointing to the sand table. Be blunt.

 Zhang Yong followed Zhou Yang.

 Among the people under him, are there any nails specially arranged by Virgo?


 Only exchange space for time. Waiting for the Japanese invaders to occupy the plain areas, they began to fight in the mountains. Only then was it possible to use the mountainous terrain to gradually engage in a war of attrition and tug-of-war with the Japanese invaders. Eventually the Japanese invaders were defeated. In fact, the Japanese invaders were indeed defeated. overwhelmed. put all one's eggs in one basket. Take risks out of desperation. Eventually it will perish.

 “The Japanese pirates seemed to be asking for something.”

 “There will definitely be a war between China and Japan.”

 “Are we going to take the initiative to attack and regain Hongkou?”

never mind…

 “You come with me!”

 It means that the combat effectiveness is not good.

 He must do this.

 A huge cannon of more than 300 mm!

 One artillery shell came down, and a platoon of the national army suffered almost all casualties.

There is also all-weather suppression by aircraft.

 The one who made the plan was Commander Qian. Or call him Director Qian.

 At the garrison headquarters, he only has one boss. It’s Commander Qian. He only recognizes Commander Qian. Commander Qian’s thighs are the most huggable. His character is also pretty good.

Different road non-phase plan.

 In this era, words such as loyalty and kindness still hold great weight. Being ungrateful and bullying one's masters and destroying one's ancestors is an act of madness.

 But why did it fail in the end?

  Mao suit is the spirit. But what's going on with a bunch of bald heads?


 He could indeed see it at a glance.

 Being laughed at…

 For example, Cao Mengqi, Zhong Yang, Wu Liuqi and others. Although, they are all very talented and very brave. He is also very active in doing things. However, they all already bear the mark of the Fuxing Society. Their thoughts have been brainwashed by the Fuxing Society.


 Zhang Yong didn’t dare to tell the truth.

 It seems that I can go to the police station to transfer people!

He is the leader of the special operations team of the Fuxing Society Secret Service and the leader of the secret investigation team.

 Here comes the problem…

The Songhu War of Resistance was initiated by the national army. The goal is to eliminate the Japanese marines stationed in Hongkou. The total strength is about 7,000.

 This nail may be a character like that in Feng Ji. Usually unremarkable. You don't notice him at all.

 But Yang Hu can.

 To punish yourself, just give the order directly. There is no need to use villainous means.

I suddenly thought that my secret investigation team should immediately order hundreds of sets of tunic suits!

  A dark tunic suit looks energetic.


This made everyone at the garrison headquarters very frustrated.

They all feel that if they use 50,000 people to fight 7,000 people, they will definitely win.

 Is it just for demonstration? I feel like things are not that simple...



 “Can you see anything?”

 Is it because the national army’s execution capabilities are not good enough? of course not.

 Concentrate three armies, six divisions, and 50,000 men to attack the 7,000 Japanese invaders. The strength of the troops was seven to one. It can be said to be very stable.

 Fortunately, it should not be a threat to oneself. It's not necessary either.

"Catch those **** and punish them severely on the spot."


 Suddenly enlightened…

“So, even the Japanese spies are well prepared!”

 However, at a critical moment, he may give himself a shot.

 The security inside is tight.

The reality is very cruel. The 50,000-strong national army could not defeat the 7,000-strong Japanese invaders.

 “Forcing questions?”

 The arrow points to a blue circle.

 I only hugged Commander Qian’s lap. Just understand.

There are quite a few…

 There is nothing that the Fuxing Society cannot do without offending others.

 Virgo can also offend others.

 Because this is the only place where there are stools.

 Do you know the meaning of these two words?


  When Chiang Kai-shek captured his savior, he wanted to kill him, but even his wife couldn't stand it. Finally, together with Hu Zongnan and others, they released the people. Otherwise, in "Bright Sword", no one can cure Li Yunlong.


 Can’t even read the files. I'm still bleeding!

 It seems to be from the street stall magazines at the back.

The issue is…


 In addition, he and Commander Qian also share the same hobbies.

 After all, his secret investigation team has not started working yet. The more than 30 missing officers have not yet been completely found.

 He was brought out by Li Boqi. He is considered Li Boqi's student.

 Since you have come, you have come. Whether you understand it or not, you have to do it.

 It can be said that as long as it is a person arranged by Virgo, it is impossible to be 100% clean.

 At the beginning of the war, these three armies resolutely carried out their orders. Fight bravely.

 No one can break it easily. No one even dared to break.

"But the murderer was very impatient. It didn't take long to extract a confession before he killed him."

 Although it is currently a ragtag group of people. However, once they are sorted out, they will really become their own soldiers.

"Come in!"

 The answer is yes. And Zhang Yong couldn't find it.

Why did the Japanese spies kill them?

 Then there is no more.

If the people you brought out betray you, you are a traitor.

 There was no other way but to ask Zhang Yong to take action again.

 However, if you bring someone out by yourself, you will definitely have to pass the psychological test if you want to kill yourself. It's like it's impossible for him to kill Li Boqi.

 They were killed. The body was then hidden.

 Suddenly a thought came to my mind.

fine. He is now wearing a Chinese tunic suit. It can be considered a uniform.


"The Japanese invaders are probably aware of it. So, they have been very crazy recently! They dare to demonstrate against us. They arrest our people. They also kill our people. These bastards! Can't let them go! Zhang Yong!"

 I don’t know how to investigate crimes!

If you make any mistakes, Commander Qian will forgive you. You won't be thrown out directly.

 Commander Qian was standing in front of a map and meditating.

 Zhou Yang opened the door. Take Zhang Yong in.


 Seeing the map in front of Commander Qian, there were many red arrows.

“Team Leader Zhang, long time no see. I thought you had forgotten Deputy Commander Yang!” Liu Bo was obviously smiling.

Neither have that ability.

"We must take a preemptive strike. Drive out all the Japanese invaders stationed in Hongkou."

 How can Virgo be able to hide this from Commander Qian if he is so careful? Commander Qian will give Virgo a chance to intervene in the attendant's room? Don’t even think about it!

 Good, good, good.

 The national army concentrated its three most elite armies, six divisions, and about 50,000 people. Trying to get a quick fix. As a result, things backfired. No success. The war is stalemate. Then the Japanese invaders frantically increased their troops. Artillery and giant ships also came to support. Then the Japanese invaders gained the upper hand. The national army was forced to invest more troops. The Japanese invaders also invested more troops. Then the Japanese invaders landed from Hangzhou Bay. In the end, the national army was defeated and Songhu was lost. Then Jinling was lost. It can be said to be a complete failure.

 Commander Qian is also a master of making money.


 There is no choice.

 But now, no one seems to realize this cruel reality.

 So, you can only recruit and train yourself.

But Deputy Commander Yang, haha. Dangerous anyway.

 Judging from the information of later generations, although Commander Qian did not have very outstanding talents. But he is a kind person.

 Only those who have been brought out by themselves are relatively clean. The danger can be minimized.

 What are your hobbies?

 Make money.

Turning to look at Liu Bo, he said, "Adjutant Liu, long time no see."

 If you don’t understand, just don’t understand.

 “I don’t dare. I don’t dare.” Zhang Yong answered perfunctorily.

 …To go too far.

Just kidding!

While Virgo was still nursing, Commander Qian was already on the battlefield.

 This is the plan of the national army to take the initiative to attack and try to eliminate the Japanese army in Hongkou.

 Is there a problem with the plan?

of course not.

 Commander Qian was very happy.

 Just start a new one by yourself!

 Those people I led before were all trained by the Fuxing Society. Their thinking must have been influenced by the Fuxing Society.

 Because there is a huge generational difference in the combat effectiveness of the two sides. Note that it is a generation difference. The difference in combat effectiveness is one or two generations. The two sides are not from the same era at all. The Japanese aggressors' fighting power was three-dimensional. The combat effectiveness of the national army is limited to the ground.

 The Garrison Command is not good at detection. If you want to continue the investigation, you have to find yourself.

 The so-called kind people are those who will not plot against you.

 He is now a little agent. Just do your part.

 It seems that he is also a member of some joint investigation team.


 He thought he had to explain to Zhang Yong!

 Unexpectedly, Zhang Yong actually saw it. That's good. That's good.

 What is the specific content. He has forgotten.

 Learning to solve crimes is really not his strong point.

 In short, people die. The clue is broken.


There are quite a few titles.

 Zhang Yong is also very depressed!

 Investigating a case is a very professional matter. Use it for your own gain.

   No one would believe it even if I told you.

“It’s easy to kill someone, but difficult to quarter them...” Zhang Yong suddenly said.

  Anyway, these thirty-odd officers should all be in danger. The chances of being alive are low.


 Virgo took away all his subordinates.

 Zhang Yong sat down by the sand table.

Zhou Yang nodded angrily.

 There is a large war room inside. Maps were hung on the walls all around. There is a huge sand table in the middle.

 Because this is the basic battle plan for next year’s August 13 Songhu Anti-Japanese War.

 Zhang Yong admitted it frankly.

 After understanding this, Zhang Yong suddenly felt much better.

 Go through the corridors.

 Suddenly I thought of that group of bald men...

 The so-called family scandal should not be publicized…

 When people reached their heads, they didn't get any clues.


The Japanese invaders were supported by cruisers with a maximum gun caliber of 203 mm. Later, more than 300 mm battleships came to support.

 As for Liu Bo, I can only say, I'm sorry, I'm not familiar with you anymore.


If the formation is dense, half the company may be blown up.

 He once suggested that people from the Fuxing Society could be used to join the secret investigation team. But he was rejected by Commander Qian.

 It just so happened that during this period, a large sum of money went missing. Being poked out by political opponents. The commissioner was very angry and ordered an investigation. In the end, it was Commander Qian who carried it through forcefully. He admitted that he had misappropriated it. As for the real destination of the money, it is actually with Madam.

However, when he came to the garrison headquarters, he could not refuse.

 There is no problem with the plan.

 Killing some captains, lieutenants, etc., that’s called lunacy...

 To put it bluntly, you just pull the mountain by yourself!

The key point is that Zhang Yong believes that Commander Qian is not such a villain who engages in conspiracy.

Objectively speaking, at that time, no Chinese army could win against the Japanese invaders in the plains.

 This is the rule. It is also an unspoken rule.

 Commander Qian is the confidant of the committee members and must consider many aspects when doing things.

 Killing Yang Hu would be called a demonstration.

 Facing the combined firepower of land, sea and air, pure land infantry cannot withstand it.

If the body was simply dumped, it should have been discovered.

how to spell?

  Can't fight.

 Or don’t want to think about it.

 Zhang Yong walked over doubtfully.


 There were soldiers with guns and ammunition everywhere.

Even people like Cao Mengqi, who wanted to break away from the Fuxing Society and lead the army, were actually controlled by the Fuxing Society's ideology. He just talks, but actually doesn't dare to take action. Because he knows very well that Fuxing Society can only be entered but not exited. Once you leave, the result will be death.

 The person assigned by Virgo is an undercover agent. Killing yourself has almost no psychological burden.

 “Oh? Did you see it?”

 Look back and work hard to reorganize the team.

Li Boqi didn’t dare either.

 So, the final death is unclear.

 I think it would be better to go to the police station for this kind of thing. There are more experts in solving crimes over there.

 Commander Qian is also a man of good face. What's more, it also involves the face of the appointment.

 Without the protection of Fuxing Society, he would have been killed by many enemies. Li Boqi's enemy is probably similar to Zhang Yong.

If he breaks away from the Fuxing Society, he will definitely be hunted down.

"Yes. The report we made said that every corpse showed signs of forced confession."


 Zhang Yong frowned.

If the historical trajectory does not change significantly, Commander Qian will be in charge of the Air Force for a period of time.

 However, he couldn't change the current complicated situation.

 However, the Garrison Command has given itself great authority. Allow yourself to recruit independently.

 I am selectively dizzy...

   Madam is a female after all and cannot come forward directly. Therefore, Commander Qian actually serves as the director and secretary-general of the Aviation Committee.

 However, Zhang Yong also understood. It is impossible for the garrison headquarters to go to the police station. On the one hand, it is a matter of face. On the one hand, there is the issue of confidentiality.

 There is an essential difference between a traitor and an undercover agent.

 Zhang Yong solemnly agreed.

  【To be continued】

 (End of this chapter)

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