The big boy in front of me, with a quick reaction, let go of me and activated the teleportation device in his hand.

"Wait for me to come back and take care of our children. "

The child's father's eyes were full of reluctance, but he still disappeared in place, and I didn't plan to catch up.

The gate was slammed open by a huge force and slammed into the wall, and the lime on the wall was knocked out of the visible marks.

"Cangtian, you're not hurt, are you?"

I shook my head, not fighting.

The visitor had long white hair, which she tied up with a ribbon and made a bow ponytail behind her head. The body is a white dress, and the white cotton socks on the feet are paired with white sneakers, giving people a youthful and energetic sense of sportiness.

She is a student who graduated from this university and is currently the sky witch of Haotian Nine Stars.

"Are you going to just let them go?"

I sneered and shook my head, I really thought that people like me who had experienced life and death would be soft-hearted, but it was too naïve, "That girl who wrote a small composition on the Internet is useless to the sister of Resurrecting Zhang Wu, and I have already sent someone to cut off her beard." The

sound of high heels echoed in the corridor, and a black atmosphere witch walked in and threw xxn, who wrote a small essay to slander male classmates, to the ground.

The girl is usually pityed and cherished jade, so flung like this, she fell all over her body and refused to get up.

"You are also a girl, why do you treat me like this for the sake of men!" the girl who wrote the small essay pointed to the atmosphere witch and accused me through gender issues.

The atmosphere witch was originally silent, hearing such a strange accusation, she snorted coldly and threw a broken hand in front of her.

On the severed fingernails were her best friend's manicures, the bone blood vessels were revealed in a cross-section, and the blood represented that the injury had not been long ago. Throwing out the atmosphere witch after breaking her hand, she took out the bow of the violin, and there were drops of blood dripping on it.

Looking at the atmosphere witch dumb sister, she touched out a dry towel to wipe the bow, I probably guessed what happened.

"One less hand doesn't affect her girlfriend's resurrection of Zhang Wu's sister, so you broke off one of her girlfriend's hands?"

"Little girl, the monitoring has seen it, and you also know that you have wronged others. If you still refuse to publicly apologize and admit your mistake, toast and eat and punish wine, I think his sister Earth Witch may have to talk to your parents. To raise this kind of xxn, parents have to understand what their daughters are like and educate them well.

"In her case, she obviously lacks her father's seven wolves, otherwise she would not be able to do a small essay operation that rapes a woman." The Sky Witch took my words.

xxn's expression was obviously unconvinced, but he was still afraid to let go. Many of the xxns raised by their parents are afraid that their own affairs will be known by their parents, resulting in the loss of living expenses.

Of course, what happened two hours later was beyond my expectations. I didn't expect that such a xxn would die tragically in this form, which can be regarded as seeking benevolence.

I handed my phone over and motioned for her to quickly take a video to clarify. This chick began to delay time again and didn't want to shoot, for fear of being rushed by netizens, don't be wronged before.

Seeing her like this, I was on fire, and it was a big deal to receive a punishment.

"Sky Witch, if I violate discipline later, remember to punish me." Without

waiting for the Sky Witch to react, xxn's palm was pulled behind my back by me and twisted with some force. xxn's scream, accompanied by pain, came out with the sound of bones, and immediately begged for mercy and promised to make a clarification video.

Her face will be clarified later, and she can't bring injuries, so let her arm be injured a little, otherwise she will not eat and punish the toast. The news of the Internet will ferment, and the sooner the rumor is debunked, the less influence the rumor will have. In order to prevent her from procrastinating, this is the only way.

The Sky Witch shrugged, thinking in her heart who dared to punish you. The nine generals of the Magical Girl Force and several tough witches are old friends, they are the strongest of the active witches, and 001 and 002 are your good big brothers.

As for xxn, to put it ugly, it is considered to slander military families plus participation in evil organizations. What you just did is not particularly excessive for the participants of the evil organization, and everyone knows who to support.

The clarification video was issued, the raging counterattack began, and under xxn's account, the person who sprayed her was hot. There is no way, if you do not understand the cause and effect of the matter, you will slander others, and naturally you have to face public opinion.

Related to this, her girlfriend account was also sprayed by many people because she supported her and actively found someone to forward content that slandered her little brother. Oh, deserve it.

"The matter is settled, how will she deal with it?" the Sky Witch crossed her waist, seemingly worried about something.

"Are you worried that someone in the school won't read the Internet and don't know that she is slandering others, okay, talk to the dean, at a public meeting, let her clarify to the whole school." "I gave this xxn a chance, but unfortunately she didn't want it herself.


forgot, after you were conferred, the original dean was transferred and promoted. The current dean of this university is the original head of your biology department, and the head teacher when you were studying. She seemed to have forgotten, so I reminded her.

"Ah, it's Teacher Wang, that's not a big problem, my word is a thing." The

Sky Witch snapped her fingers, Teacher Wang was very familiar with her, after all, the head teacher.

"Can I not go..." xxn began to beg for mercy with a crying voice, "I have jade jade disease, you will aggravate my condition like this..."


be honest, xxn's slandering of using female identity consumes women's credibility; women who are so engaged by them and really need help will not be believed in the future. Including jade jade disease is also, real jade disease patients, their disease is abused as a shield by people who are not sick, it is really double harm.

I patted my little brother, and between his eyebrows, there was the heroic air of an earth witch. He can relax, and next, I can relax for a while.

I originally thought so, but my thoughts were interrupted by alarm bells. The atmosphere, the sky, and I was almost conditioned to be a wake-up call, an alarm for the invasion of an evil magical girl.

Close your eyes and feel a steady stream of magic points appear on campus, mixed with the screams of teachers and students in fear.

When we came to the scene, there were dozens of monsters in front of us, detected from the demon power, and the strength was similar to that of the witch goalkeeper. Behind the monsters, there are evil magical girls, about a hundred people, and there are ten witches inside.

Leading the way is the old face, my defeated subordinate, the wanted witch, the title Huang Tian.

"The sky is dead, the yellow sky is standing, the age is in the jiazi, the world is prosperous!

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