"After the war, you better retire early, I don't want my successor to attack you one day." You know me, and if my brother makes an unforgivable mistake, I will really punish it. After all, when a witch makes a mistake, it will affect the normal life of many people. The

Peace Witch sat down again, indicating that the two could continue talking.

"Okay, I'll listen to you, if you want, I'll find a way to keep my family from opening a meat farm."

"If you don't open the meat farm, your parents and your people won't agree." Since you haven't got your hands dirty yet, it is recommended that you stay away and work and live like a normal girl. It's not easy to go to graduate school, you don't lack money, don't bury your normal life and future at that time. "

The eldest brother is still a little indecisive, and he feels that he can persuade his brother in the past. It's a pity that from my experience as a heavenly witch in the future, it is of little use to most of the brothers who have been touched.

"Yes, but can you be my sister's boyfriend?" Sister

Rose stretched out her red-dyed nails and wanted to pick on the chin of the male flesh of the Peace Witch Big Brother, but was dodged by the Peace Witch Big Brother and slapped his hand away hard.

"I have a girlfriend, and aren't we friends? "

Big brother Peace Witch, in terms of emotional relationships between men and women, he is as dumb as me. In fact, some of Sister Rose's performances are obviously interesting to the eldest brother, and after the eldest brother disappeared, her feelings were slightly empathized to me.

But I rejected it at the first time, after all, I have a child, and I can't be sorry for the child's father. Besides, I can't accept this kind of woman.

"You've been awarded a star, and you're so loyal to ordinary people's girlfriends, it's good, I like you for that." Sister

Rose seemed to be a little hot, unfastened the collar, and unfastened it a little down, already revealing the edge of her underwear.

"What do you want to do?" the

eldest brother was alert to her behavior and reached out to stop Sister Rose's hands.

"Aren't you afraid that I will shout that there are hooligans to slander you?" Sister

Rose smiled mischievously, seemingly not caring.

"I'm sure you're not that stupid. You won't be stupid enough to deliberately do something that offends me. Moreover, you should know that if someone dares to slander me, it is not me who is solved, but those who have the courage to slander me are solved. "

When the eldest brother said this, he was very serious and factual.

"Indeed. Sister Rose gently approached her eldest brother and said close to her ear, "I'm also a woman, why do you refuse me thousands of miles away, just because my family does this, or because you come from an ordinary family, not even a magical girl, can't help your little girlfriend at all?" The

peace witch pushed her away, she came closer to speak, her breath blew to her ears, itchy, a little uncomfortable.

"I have my girlfriend and I can't do anything to be sorry for her. He

said while stroking the butterfly knife in his pocket, which was something that Big Brother's girlfriend liked.

As if knowing that it was impossible, Sister Rose gave up directly and sighed: "Well, forget it, at least give me face, let's finish eating at the birthday banquet." "

Okay..." Sister Rose is the co-friend of the eldest brother's favorite hand-to-hand combat magical girl, which is rare in comic conventions, and he still doesn't want to make the relationship with the cobin too bad.

Taking out the red cigarette box, the rose witch does not smoke electronic cigarettes or women's cigarettes like other girls, but likes Hanako. Put it in her mouth, take out the lighter smoothly, Sister Rose lit the fire and took a deep breath, like an old smoker addict.

Brother Peace Witch is a bit like me in some ways, not very fond of the smell of smoke, waving his palm, fanning away the smoke.

"What's wrong, don't you like the smell of smoke, or don't you like girls smoking?"

"Isn't it common to smoke a cigarette when I am stressed during wars?

Big brother, he seemed to have thought of something, raised his head and asked her: "The ocean witch smokes, did you bring her badly

?" "Hmm?" The rose witch had a ??? expression, what was the matter with herself.

"No, big brother, the sea witch is a civil engineering department, smoking is also normal, how to tell me to bring bad."

"She didn't smoke before, and after she became a witch, because the lily witch knew you, and after hanging out with you for a while, she started smoking."

"She was under a lot of pressure because of the fight, so she was taken by me to smoke a few cigarettes occasionally, and she didn't have much addiction to cigarettes." Besides, she was originally a boy, even if she became a girl and gave birth, what happened to smoking. Can't you think that she has learned badly just because she smokes, right?" The

rose witch was a little speechless, she always thought that the peace witch brother was not so conservative, but she didn't expect that ordinary people have stereotypes, he can't completely avoid it.

"She gave birth to a daughter, and she is a single mother, and her daughter is basically carved out of a mold with her. Even for boys, smoking is not very suitable, after all, smoking is harmful to health.

"It's not a big problem, she's not worried about what you're worried about." On the contrary, it is another three witches that you need to care more about, the sky witch of 003, the order witch of 004, and the fantasy witch of 005.

Two of the three, like the Ocean Witch, became pregnant out of wedlock at a young age, and the child had no father, so she could only be a single mother. The three sisters of the Cangtian Order Ocean, a child's father disappeared, found and died again.

Do you think it is appropriate for a child whose father died in the war, and another who cheated and did not even get married, and the child who has no father is the same as some group of people of specific skin color in a mountaintop country?"

The eldest brother sighed, at that time he did not expect that the father of my child, Zhang Wuhe and his sister, were still alive.

The eldest brother knows that it is not easy for a single mother, especially like the Order Witch, with a son, it is difficult to remarry. Because sons are difficult to be raised by new fathers, many people are reluctant to find a son when they are looking for a single mother to marry.

It's good that someone like the Order Witch has something to offer, and no one has someone to provide for a single mother who can only earn her own hard work, which is very difficult.

Alas, educate them more, don't rub guns with boys casually.

"To be honest, they were all boys before they became witches, and they should know what certain boys are like. I don't understand why they believe some boys' nonsense, and some sweet words obviously deceive little girls, but they can still be deceived. The

cigarette in Sister Rose's hand was half burned, and white smoke was silently rising into the air.

Like many barrel meals that use hormones, they are easily depressed because of hormonal disorders. Peace

Witch Big Brother analyzed.

"There's no way around that.

"Let's go, you people are in a hurry." "

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