The bus broadcast the reminder to the station, and the whole vehicle was lined up to get off in an orderly manner. The number of people is not low, all of them come to visit the tomb, including the families of martyrs, retired magical girls who participated in the war, and teachers who brought students to volunteer.

Different people maintain peace together, even the children do not say a word, and the war a year ago really left people scarred. Wound healing is difficult, lost relatives cannot be resurrected, the remnants of the magical girl of evil thoughts are still active, when will the world fully return to normal operation.

Among those who came, they met many young men and women with injuries and physical disabilities. Many of them wear the unique uniforms of the magical girl army, are they active duty and reserves?

The Martyrs' Cemetery has a reservation system because there are many people visiting graves in these days; while active duty and reserve forces can enter directly without reservations. After all, this martyr's cemetery is mostly a victim of the magical girl army, and it should be reasonable to allow the magical girls to come and see their brothers and sisters at any time.

At the door, everyone lined up silently and neatly, not daring to make a loud noise. If someone quarrels in such a place, it will be collectively disgusted, most of them have experienced the pain of a whole year of war, the death of some victims, and even become an eternal scar in the hearts of local residents.

"Hello, are you a magical girl, or a pre-registered booker?" I

didn't speak, clenched the hairpin in my pocket, and transformed into a magical girl in full view.

As if surprised by what was on my shoulder, the registrar was stunned for a moment before reacting.

"Then, can you register your troop division?"


The registrar's pen fell to the floor, I bent down to help him pick it up, and he said thank you excitedly.

"Teacher, why is the administrator uncle so excited, the pen has dropped. Is that magical girl big sister very powerful?" the child didn't know me, a little puzzled, and asked curiously to the leading teacher.

"It's her..." The teacher was inevitably excited, and took the initiative to step forward and want to shake my hand.

"Hello. "I accepted the teacher's invitation to shake hands without changing my face.

"Thank you so much, you are our hero.

"It's over, I'm not a hero, I didn't even protect my brothers in our regiment." Now, except for me, all the people of the Cangtian Group are lying in the Martyrs' Cemetery. "

I myself did not recognize my identity, as the leader of the Cangtian Regiment, I completed the final task and made the final preparations for those nine people. However, in our group, I was the only one who came back alive, and I didn't even retrieve the body of the child's father. It is precisely because of this, I do not want to recall the so-called battle exploits, but only miss my brothers.

Naturally, at that time, I did not expect that there was a second person who came back alive, that is, the father of the child whose body was missing.

"That's hard, too. I read reports that you were besieged by eight times as many enemy troops, and in the end, you alone destroyed two regiments of magical girls. You are our hero. "

The teacher is still praised, but I don't think it's surprising. There was a big gap between magical girls and magical girls, and most of the people who besieged me at that time were young people who had just become magical girls for a long time, and their combat effectiveness was not strong. At that time, I myself had been a magical girl for nearly three years, and naturally I would not be weak, and I could deal with them.

Because of this, I felt defeated, obviously the group of magical girls were not strong, but I did not protect the people in the group, just to protect myself. Even, because of the exhaustion of mana, he was almost kidnapped by the surviving enemy army.

Holding Wu Li, the two of us slowly entered the cemetery, and according to the number, came to the location of the Cangtian Group.

The neat rows of tombstones, like soldiers in life, stand straight on the ground, and after death, that spirit still protects everyone.

Crystal tears slipped across Wu Li's beautiful face, and she missed her brother.

I pulled out my backpack pastry, which was her brother's favorite. After being broken by the magical girl in the morning, she bought a new one and gave it to her brother in the tombstone.

When I opened the lid, the fragrance of the pastry was amazing, but unfortunately, the people who liked the taste were no longer alive.

When Wu Li finished crying, she took out a tissue to dry her face, nodded to me, and we could go to see the person I missed.

I looked all the way to the past, all the familiar names, a year ago, as if I still remembered it. The people in memory are gone, I hope to make their relatives have a better life.

In front of the last tombstone, there are familiar people.

The child's grandmother, and the child's aunt, holding the people in the tombstone, favorite sunflowers, quietly gave it to him.

Inside the tombstone is a crested grave, with only his hair and clothes from his lifetime. It was my responsibility, he did not leave a body after being engulfed by the explosion; at that time, because of the emergency of the war, I did not have time to bring a handful of scorched ash.

The child's grandmother spotted me and waved at me, missing two fingers. Those two fingers, along with her husband's life, disappeared in the attack of the magical girl of evil thoughts.

The name of the victim is written on the tombstone - Zhang Wu, the owner of the tombstone and the father of the child.

My sister also found me, walked straight up, hugged me, and greeted me.

My fate with them came from the attack of the evil magical girl, that time, I fought off the evil thought magical girl and saved them. Taking this as an opportunity, her brother had the idea of participating in the magical girl army and took the initiative to sign up for the Cangtian Group.

Unfortunately, he is not a magical girl suitable physique, and he cannot use the power of a magical girl like me, and can only use magical weapons. In itself, the enemies of the magical girl army are all magical girls, and the danger of non-magical girls participating is not weak, but he does not care about these. In retrospect, I betrayed his trust in me.

Oops, my sister smelled of oil smoke mixed with a pungent smell of garlic.

Usually, I may feel that the smell of oil smoke belongs to the fireworks of the city. But now I, to be precise, the body of a magical girl, can't stand this smell.

The nausea could not be suppressed, and the contents of the stomach, wrapped in stomach acid, flowed out of the esophagus.

My sister, who was quick to see it, quickly took out a plastic bag and helped me catch the vomit so that I wouldn't stain the place.

I'm really sorry brothers, I didn't protect you, but I almost soiled your sleeping place. I silently apologized in my heart and wiped the dirt off my lips with a tissue.

After tidying up, I looked up to find that my sister was looking at me with doubtful eyes, and her gaze moved down my body to my lower abdomen. The look in her eyes, which I recognized, was the look of discovering a secret.

The child and his aunt are very clever, plus the lie detector she has learned, many things cannot be hidden from her. In the past, if you wanted to hide the truth from her, the best way was to turn away and not give her a chance to ask questions.

"Are you pregnant?"

I habitually reached into the pocket of my skirt, which was a pregnancy test list, habitually nervous, to let the baby know.

While I hesitated to tell me, she pulled the pregnancy test slip out of her pocket. On the front of the list is my name, Cangtian, and below is the information about the diagnosis of pregnancy.

"Captain Cangtian, there is no need to be sorry for us when you are pregnant, right? She

almost got the right answer, and I let out a long sigh of relief, thankful in my heart. This action was sensitively captured by her.

"My mom is going to be a grandmother?" realizing

that I was discovered by her, I didn't hide my shocked expression, which was my biggest weakness. One year of war has not completely changed my joyful problems. Observing my external reaction, she also understood.

"My brother's children, the family will be in charge, there is no need to hide it from us, right?" my sister patted her shoulder, seemingly minding my choice.

"Can you give me some time, I haven't thought about it yet. There are some things that only the people of the Magical Girl Force know. I'll tell you everything when I'm done weighing it up. I

wanted to say something more, but I noticed a familiar figure in the distance.

No way, he was dead, engulfed in an explosion before my eyes.

The heart advised himself so, but the body pushed away his sister and took action on his own.

Not him, it can't be him. Warning himself in his heart, his mood became more and more panicked, afraid that the result would be disappointing, but he refused to give up before he learned the result.

Human psychology, really strange.

The physical strength of the magical girl far exceeded that of ordinary humans, and in just one minute, she caught up with the target of speeding away.

"May I ask you are. I grabbed him, and the boy looked sideways at me, and he must have wondered what strange woman was pestering him.

Surprisingly, the side face is very familiar, and it is a look that I will not forget. Everything I wanted to say was held in my stomach, and I couldn't come out, so I swallowed it back abruptly.

He's still alive, my brain is down, and I don't know where to start with a thousand words. After a long silence, I spat out a sentence: "You, still alive."

Instead of answering my question, he took my hand away and said, "You recognized the wrong person." "

It's impossible, I won't admit this face to death. I was constantly thinking through my mind about the possibilities, whether he had amnesia or the lost twins in the hospital?

I said. My sister's voice sounded behind me, as if to give me full strength, "Xiaowu, she can't see it when you lie to her, but I can recognize my sister at a glance." You don't have amnesia, so lie to the about the child, she's pregnant, your child.

Xiao Wu's pupils touched, but he still stepped back, did he make up his mind to stay away from us?"

"Sorry, sister, regiment leader. I can't come back yet, I hope you understand.

Do you understand that you joined

the evil organization?" I regained my senses, pulling out the badge I had touched on him, the symbol of the evil magic organization, a scythe of death. If I am extremely emotional, I will not be the leader of the Cangtian Group. The gaffe just now made me not calm down, which really made my sister laugh.

Zhang Wu sighed and shook his head: "I have my bitterness, believe me, I am for my family." I..." I

thought Zhang Wu would explain the reason, and we didn't want to believe that he had gone crooked, and he definitely had his own bitterness. But his words were interrupted, the disgusting woman.

"There's no time to say, you've already been spotted, and the magical girls are gathering here. Your purpose hasn't been achieved yet, have you?" interrupts

the conversation by the wanted witch, holding the tome in her hand, her witch prop - the plunder record. Every page of the plundering record is information about magical girls whose abilities have been plundered by her, and she can use them at any time. Therefore, the Plunder Witch is known as one of the most evil witches.

"Got it?" asked Zhang Wu with concern whether the plundering witch had achieved the predetermined plan.

The plundering witch showed the latest page, is she?"

"I got it, very good ability, but it's a pity that this pregnant woman with a broken arm is going to be in a coma for more." "

The Plundering Witch doesn't seem to mind the safety of the other party at all, and doesn't consider how dangerous it will be in a short period of time after a pregnant woman is robbed of her magical ability.

Her performance has already made me angry, and the magic is rushing in the blood, ready to give it her all.

Child, mother and you say sorry, the side effects of giving your best will make the child lose the qualification to be an ordinary person. But now, Mom has no choice but to prevent one of the most wanted criminals from escaping from the Raiding Witch.

"Don't be so nervous, I didn't want to fight you here. Why don't you play with the monster first?" the free-spirited plundering witch snapped her fingers, and a monster fell from the sky.

No, it must be stopped from destroying the Martyrs' Cemetery!

The Plunder Witch has taken the opportunity to slip away with Zhang Wu, damn it, let you go this time. Next time, I'll beat you up, I swear in my heart.

The best way to stop the monster from destroying the scene is to drag it away and move it to a place where no one is.

The hairpin formed by the condensation of magic quickly appeared in my hand and was thrown out by me like a dart. The goal is the fate of the monster.

This monster was formed by humans, and it is estimated that it was captured by evil organizations for experimentation. Sorry to change you back into powerless, I will let you die without pain.

The monster is shaped like a centipede and has a hard shell. But monsters, like people, exist where the bloodline through which the magic of the life gate gathers, which is the life gate.

I flicked the hairpin as I ran closer to the centipede monster, restraining the fear in my heart.

In fact, I am not a courageous person, and I have had a physiological fear of insects since I was a child. Trembling hands and feet, rapid heartbeat, cold sweat, and stagnant brain are all phenomena when I see insects, not to mention such a huge centipede.

But there is no way, my brothers are sleeping here, and I will never allow the monsters to disturb them.

There is my magic on the hairpin, and when it hits the flesh and blood of the monster, it will exert destructive magic. Detonating at the same time as destroying magic will chain damage the bloodline of the monster and cause an explosion of the core.

For this type of enhanced monster, the core will not explode, at most it will be temporarily fixed. And that's just what I need.

"What to see?" I flew into the air, throwing the hairpins of my hands at the centipede's tentacles.

The hairpin carried the magic of destruction and pierced it solidly. It was not defended because of the thick and sturdy shell.

It's time, snap your fingers, trigger a hairpin, and explode your mana, causing a lot of damage to the enhanced monster. Here I can't give my full strength and need to transfer it.

Taking advantage of the hard straightness after the explosion of the enhanced monster, an amazing teleportation array appeared in midair. With only one person summoning such a huge teleportation magic array, there are only dozens of witches in the first few dozens, and I happen to be one of them.

The magic array descended, taking me and the powerful monster with it.

People in the same place, finding themselves saved by the witch again, the happiness of the rest of their lives after the disaster, making people happy, a short break from fear, is always reassuring.

"Now, we can have a good time. "

I stand on the top of the mountain, looking at the centipede monster entrenched on the mountain, which magic should I use to dispose of it?

In this way, not only the sacrifice of civilians can be reduced, but also the economic losses of the city can be reduced.

The magic array appeared in front of me, I reached out and stroked it, and a thick pillar formed in front of me, which was my witch's weapon, Optimus Prime.

Carrying Optimus Prime on my shoulder, I jumped up a hundred meters and jumped towards the head of the centipede monster.

The two-meter-long Optimus Prime borrowed the power of my waist and abdomen to be thrown at the centipede monster by my shoulders and arms. The centipede monster sprays mana, and the green corrosive mana slows down Optimus Prime's power, causing it to lose more than half of its aggressiveness.

The roar reached the foot of the mountain, but unfortunately there were no spectators. Optimus Prime plunged directly into the centipede's head, causing the centipede monster to let out a strange wail. In response, it slammed into me like a steel behemoth on a construction site, and smashed me into the mountains.

As if thinking that it was successful, the roar of the centipede monster carried a trace of joy, and the head injury healed quickly and returned to a state of no injury. However, the rapid recovery of damage comes at a cost, and I can feel that the mana in its body is losing at a high speed.

I got up from the pit and grabbed the tail of the centipede. Mana flows throughout the body, and strengthening magic is applied throughout the body.

"Do you know why an ordinary magical girl can deal with a human reinforcement group?" After

strengthening, the limbs are full of strength and can exert a thousand times the strength of the original physical body. Knowing that the centipede monster could not speak, I asked to myself.

"Because even ordinary magical girls, their mana-enhanced flesh can resist powerful artillery. The future war is artillery battle, and only the magic cannon can break the magic shield. After

talking to myself, the ground under my feet was cracked by my terrible power, and the centipede monster was lifted by me as I wished.

Twisting its body to break free, the centipede monster was still firmly grasped by me, and the next moment, it experienced what it was like to fly.

If there were people in the mountains at this time, they would find a huge creature covering the sky and flying towards the sky.

Throw Optimus Prime into the formation, it's time for it to show its true body, my witch weapon.

"Witch magic, Optimus One Prime!" The magic

array appeared above the head of the centipede monster, the real Optimus Prime was hundreds of meters in diameter, and the centipede monster was in front of it, as if it was about to be pressed by the table leg of the small centipede. Accelerated by the huge weight of Optimus Prime, the centipede monster fell again at high speed.

If you let it hit the mountain, the mountain will be razed to the ground, I won't let this happen.

The right hand raised its hand, and the palm of the hand faced the falling monster overhead, which was another magic array. I didn't need to look up, I was still calm, amazing magic power rushed out, and the magic array continued to strengthen and expand, expanding to hundreds of meters.

The centipede monster fell on the magic array, like a steel behemoth crashing into the building about to be demolished, echoing in the mountains with a loud noise, enough to make the nearby people temporarily lose their hearing.

Optimus Prime crushes the centipede monster until the monster core is revealed, which is a huge mana pouring out. The monster core tugged at the monster fragments, as if still thinking about repairing the monster's body.

There is no one nearby, so it's okay to show your true face.

I took off the white mask on my face, revealing half of my hidden face. The corners of the eyes are veins and tendons, the skin is blue-black, and the eyes of the eyes, under the background of the skin, the evil charm visible to the naked eye does not look like the eyes of a real gentleman at all.

People always have evil thoughts, strong magical girls, most of their desires are good and evil. The skin of my face is a sign of the power of my evil thoughts.

The blue-black expansion on the skin, a quarter of the face, invaded by the signs of evil thoughts, is very terrifying from afar. It means that I am starting to use my full strength and release it.

Part of it merged with my thoughts, and my mental state became visibly unstable. Fortunately, there was no one nearby, and there was no smell of blood, otherwise I would not have been able to control it.

Massive mana unleashed, Optimus Prime and Magic Array slowly closer. The mana core was squeezed by the impact of the mana on both sides, creating cracks and eventually being crushed into powder.

The magic turned into a shockwave, leveling the trees and summits of the entire mountain, as if it had just been bombarded.

The magic array in mid-air disappeared, and just now it absorbed most of the core mana, and the shock wave was just the magic power that escaped.

After absorbing the magic power, the flesh is rosy, the body is comfortable, and the fatigue of the muscles slowly disappears. I haven't had this comfort for a long time, it's really addictive.

Throw away this thought in your heart, this comfort is not addictive, because slaughtering magical girls can also have this feeling.

Calm my mind, take a deep breath, and I open the teleportation array.

In front of Wu Li, I returned to the cemetery and made an OK gesture.

"Where is the magical girl who has been robbed of magic?" I didn't let my guard down, I just solved the monster, it was not time to relax.

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