Bring the Farm To Wear Chronology

Chapter 557 Parallel Time and Space: Paying Taxes

Chen Xiayue is happily pasting the silent wallpaper. After she pasted the white wallpaper with dark lines, she thought about it and then placed an order online to buy that beautiful wallpaper, but she thought about it and looked at it again. Take a look at the wallpapers in the system store.

The wallpapers in the system mall are all made by Chen Xiayue in another time and space with pictures of interstellar scenery, orc prototypes, Warcraft, magic continent scenery, etc. Those are more beautiful.

The more Chen Xiayue looked at it, the more it was a pity, but she still likes the white wallpaper in the room. If the walls in the bedroom are colorful, she may have nightmares when she sleeps, and staring at those patterns at night may imagine something horrible .

So forget it, even though she was very fond of these beautiful patterns, she didn't plan to buy them and stick them in her bedroom.

Chen Xiayue thought about it again, it is true that it is not allowed to post in the bedroom, but it is possible in the living room outside. The small 50-square-meter shop and the upstairs are also 50-square-meter two-bedroom and one living room. Chen Xiayue can paste wallpapers with beautiful patterns on the wall of the living room.

Chen Xiayue bought a starry sky pattern wallpaper, this starry sky pattern is really beautiful, it is the kind of picture that is immersive in the vast sea of ​​stars, Chen Xiayue likes it very much, so I took it out and posted it on the living room up.

After Chen Xiayue finished pasting the wallpapers of her room and living room, it was already past twelve o'clock in the evening. She was so scared that she hurriedly washed up and went to sleep, otherwise she wouldn't be able to get up early to open the door tomorrow.

However, even though Chen Xiayue went to bed before twelve o'clock, she still didn't get up until nine o'clock in the morning the next day. She washed off the sweat from the heat of the night, and Chen Xiayue went to open the door after washing up.

And at this time, it was almost ten o'clock in the morning.

Chen Xiayue reluctantly opened the door and sat behind the cash register. By the way, she went to the small shop next door to buy a noodle soup. Although it was almost ten o'clock, the neighbor would still give it to her if she asked her. Make a noodle soup.

"You didn't open the door so late? Didn't it close early last night?" The proprietress of the shop next door brought the prepared noodle soup to Chen Xiayue and asked suspiciously.

"Although the door closes early, I accidentally swiped my phone until it was past twelve o'clock." Chen Xiayue said embarrassedly.

"Playing games, or reading novels, accidentally it was half past twelve, and then I went to bed late and woke up late." Chen Xiayue was really embarrassed, she still needed to study when she was in school, so She didn't indulge herself so much, but she was really indulgent after graduation.

During the time she returned home, apart from making plans to open a store, the rest of her time was either playing games or reading novels or watching videos, and she also stayed up all night chasing anime for two consecutive days. She really indulged herself.

The proprietress next door smiled knowingly when she heard this, "That's right, I accidentally forgot the time when swiping my phone. I also had this experience."

The proprietress is only in her early thirties. After opening the fried noodle shop, her income is not bad, so her family background is also quite good. Of course, she can play with her mobile phone as she likes. She also has the tendency to forget the time when watching short videos. experience.

"However, you should exercise restraint. Go to bed early at night. You can also play with your mobile phone while looking at the store during the day. You have to open the store early, otherwise you will lose all the customers." The proprietress said earnestly.

"Yes, I have to change it." Chen Xiayue nodded, and then said to the proprietress, "Thank you, proprietress, by the way, my name is Chen Xiayue, I just graduated from university, and I am only twenty-two years old."

"My name is Yang Xixi, and I am thirty-two years old." The proprietress said with a smile, "You just graduated from college? Why did you come back here to open a shop?"

Yang Xixi never went to college. After graduating from junior high school, she went to a technical secondary school. After studying for five years, she worked for several years and met her current husband. Then the couple struggled together, and finally got the house two years ago. The shop was sold out and opened a fried noodle shop.

"My major in university is not bad, but my grades are not that good, and I didn't find a job after graduation. I just wanted to go home and open a shop, so I can support myself." Chen Xiayue said with a smile.

Yang Xixi nodded and said, "That's right. Although college students are quite rare here, there are many college students in other places. It's not surprising that you can't find a job you want after graduation."

The proprietress Yang Xixi chatted with Chen Xiayue for a while, and Chen Xiayue chatted with the proprietress while eating the noodle soup. She washed the dishes and handed them to Yang Xixi after finishing the noodle soup. It happened that she was also busy and stopped chatting with Chen Xiayue.

Chen Xiayue took a look at how Yang Xixi and his wife got along in the store next door. It was similar to many rural couples she had seen, but she could feel that Yang Xixi and his wife had a very good relationship.

This kind of relationship is quite enviable, but Chen Xiayue didn't want to say that she wanted to experience such a relationship, isn't it good to be single? Isn't it good to be free? Why chain yourself up?

After eating and drinking, Chen Xiayue continued to play with her mobile phone at the cash register, and occasionally sold things when a customer came over.

However, after she sent away a customer who bought a bottle of soy sauce and a bottle of cooking wine, Chen Xiayue looked at the money she had collected with a bad expression.

[System, the things I sell to other planes can't be exchanged for RMB, how do I pay taxes? 】Chen Xiayue said with some displeasure,【So many things are sold and there is no RMB for a dime. Do I have to pay tax with my savings? 】

She is a good citizen who abides by laws and regulations, and things like paying taxes must never be avoided. But most of the goods she buys are sold to people from other planes, but how can she pay taxes if she can't get RMB?

Just like in the last days, the first guest she received last night was also from Huaguo, and they also used RMB, but how could the money in the last days still be useful? And can the money of the last days be used in the 21st century?

Besides the end of the world, what if there are other planes? For example, ancient ones, interstellar ones, money from these planes cannot be used in the 21st century.

So, what does she pay taxes on?

[Host be safe and don't be impatient, the problem of paying taxes is easy to solve. 】The system said calmly,【The host only needs to exchange things from other planes for money. If gold jewelry or antique calligraphy and paintings are exchanged for RMB, then can they pay taxes? 】

[Gold and jewelry can be exchanged for a lot of money in your plane, right? It's 350 yuan per gram, and you earned it when you exchanged it, didn't you? 】

[Could it be that you don't plan to use the money to pay taxes? 】

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