Bringing System to Great Tang

Chapter 1013: High merit and worry become a new pregnancy

Zhang Xiaosong led the team to join forces with Ashinaxian, Ge Lulu, and Anxi Jiedu.

The other soldiers looked at him, showing admiration.

It was this person who turned a battle that should be a defense and defense into a battle of destruction and annihilation.

Once he led 10,000 soldiers to shake the Western Regions, now he is carrying 10,000 elite horses, catching and destroying who.

He was also a jinshi, so he was able to fight well, and the ministers and the emperor would be worried.

A person who can manage a place and fight a war, he leads the administration in a remote place, and if he says the opposite is the opposite.

The big generals looked at each other and didn't know what to do next.

They worry about Zhang Xiaosong, and they are afraid that the court will find a reason, such as finding out the corruption of Zhang Xiaosong and arresting him.

Zhang Xiaosong is needed locally. Who dares to come if Zhang Xiaosong is there?

The army he took was less than five hundred sacrificed and wounded.

After some time, everyone is stable, will he organize manpower to beat others again?

Because now the grass has come out, it’s not so cold, and then the food will be harvested and the army will be sufficient.

"Zhang Mou still said that, this time he won't take any money from Zhang Mou."

Zhang Xiaosong said with one knee in the direction of Chang'an.

He was grateful, grateful to Li Longji, and grateful to Li Yi.

When things came out inevitably, Li Yi insisted on protecting him, even if he had never seen him once or passed a piece of paper.

Li Longji is even more rewarding, asking if things are enough, not enough to make up, making you greedy.

If you have to meet Mingjun, why don't you die on the battlefield?

"Wow," Zhang Xiaosong knelt, and the others could only kneel with him.

Ordinary soldiers are just excited, not so many twists and turns.

After winning the battle, killing so many and catching so many, the enemy will not be able to organize manpower to fight again for a long time.

It takes people to fight, and it is impossible to get 20,000 today and 20,000 tomorrow.

Datang has only five or six hundred thousand soldiers, no matter how much it can support.


"Come and see, you are recovering well. One is diet. Don't eat too much or spicy food. Don't touch the ones that are prone to allergies."

Li Yi didn't know what was happening at the border, he was changing Li Tan's dressing.

He used surgery to remove the scar from Li Tan. There was hyperplastic tissue in the area where he had grown, and he cut it off.

What is left is the wound, and the wound can no longer grow.

Fortunately, Li Tan is not a hyperplastic physique, otherwise he needs to use more hormones.

"I know about perspective, and I also learned a little shading. It's better to draw with charcoal, but it's hard to control the ink."

Li Tan, who is only twelve years old, has worked very **** painting recently, and he wants to surpass.

"Our Chinese paintings actually pay attention to light and shade, but they can't be pure ink, but they can also have perspective and shadow effects."

Speaking of Li Yi's traditional Chinese painting at that time, using various brushstrokes, the things he painted were not only more realistic, but also brought charm to the realism.

Just look at it and you know that this thing comes from China.

Chinese traditional painting can't be drawn with any other techniques. What can be drawn in oil painting can't express the image of ink painting.

Some real landscapes look like traditional Chinese paintings. This is the charm of ink painting. In this respect, it is also realistic.

Li Yi dealt with Li Tan's face and discussed painting techniques with Li Tan by the way.

Li Tan, a grumpy child in the palace, is now a good baby because of a wound on his face.

He is willing to chat with Li Yi. He feels that Li Yi knows what he thinks and can take him to play with him.

I just don't understand. When I told the people of Yulin Feiqi that the proprietor's brother was playing with him, everyone always showed a look of fear.

These people must have ghosts in their hearts, otherwise, why would they be afraid that the proprietor's brother would take it for fun? Yes, there is a ghost!

"Dongzhu Li, if you were a king, what would you do? You can't be the king of the prince." Li Tan was a little confused now.

He is the prince’s eldest son, but obviously he can’t be the prince. What will he do in the future?

He regarded Li Yi as the proprietor's brother in his heart, but he didn't say anything.

"You see, I'm not even a king now. Do I do less? People, what I want to do is not in identity and position, but in how much power and ideas I have.

For example, if you are a king, you want all the people of Datang to live a good life one day. If you want to eat meat, you will eat meat all the time.

You have to think about how to grow grain to increase the yield. If there is more grain, there will naturally be more meat..."

Li Yi talked about dreams and solutions for Li Tan and gave many examples.

There are planting, breeding, medical, education, public security, transportation...

"I'm still painting now. When I finish painting, I will think about other things. I'm still young." Li Tan felt that he was not worried.

It turns out that there are many things that can be done without having to be a prince.

Yes, his uncle Song Wang is very good now. He is in charge of the Workers’ League, Yimeng, Navy, and Seafood. I heard that he has sent someone to Zhongjiao, Qiongzhou.

"Okay, keep it, don't touch it with your hands, keep itchy, and try to control the expressionless face and talk less."

Li Yi gave Li Tan a new hug and gave him a doctor's order.

"Yeah." Li Tan didn't dare to speak, and nodded sternly.

When he went out, he saw his brother playing in the sand and his nose was running out. He wiped it off and went to the studio amidst the laughter of the little guy.

Queen Wang looked out in the shade not far away, smiling.

She knew that Li Yi had a way, both adults and children could take care of it.

She stayed on Zhuangzi in the recent hot weather. She was worried that her child would get sick from the fever, and the ice tray would not work. It would be as easy to get sick as damp or wet.

At the same time, there is herself, she has a child again, and she doesn't know the man and woman for the time being, she just had one.

She was worried about something wrong, and it was better to be in Zhuangzi in the palace.

Li Longji naturally knew the situation, so he didn't go to work this afternoon and went to the harem.

It was dark at night for a while before he came to Zhuangzi, and he was rather haggard.

Li Yi saw Li Longji's appearance and made mutton pot to make up for Li Longji.

Li Yi cooks the vegetables himself, he doesn't need to make up.

"I don't know when the wartime at Border Pass will come to an end." Li Longji straightened his waist and rubbed his waist with his hands.

Muscle pain and excessive exercise.

Li Yi ate the cabbage and swallowed it: "I won't know until the Turks, Tubo, and Tuqi have the food harvested ~ If you don't fight after harvesting, will you stop fighting again?" What does Li Longji know? meaning.

It is generally grain harvesting, and only when you have military rations, you want to do it.

Two months earlier this year, Datang has now taken advantage of it, with small losses and large gains on both battlefields.

Li Yi shook his head: "It depends on whether the winter is going well. The snow in the three places in winter is too big, and there are many dead animals. They will take people to fight Datang.

One is to consider whether we can make some profit, and the other is to transfer the internal conflicts of the tribe.

Tubo’s Zamp, he is smarter and has been fighting against Datang, winning, and establishing prestige.

If he loses, there is no other way. He can ask Princess Jincheng to write a letter and ask for peace, which is another kind of prestige. "

Li Yi is trying to understand some things about Tubo. Comparing historical data, if Tubo's Zanpu is not smart, he must have a powerful think tank.

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