Bringing System to Great Tang

Chapter 1088: Drizzle in the night cold

"Bring the system to Datang(

The night in Jingzhao Mansion was still sultry, and light rain began to fall along the bank of the Yellow River in Jiuqu.

The air pressure in the place where the air was thinner became lower again, and the soldiers of Datang were not in good condition. In addition to breathing heavily, they also had to resist the cold of the rain.

Guo Zhiyun held his binoculars, and couldn't see the flames on the other side, it was pitch black.

"Tubo will not sneak attack tonight, neither side will see it." Wang Junkui stood beside.

The two sides looked across the river. When it was not raining, Datang's team was familiar with the riverside terrain.

See where the ferry is suitable, and see where it is steep.

People are not likely to come to a steep place, and the enemy is more likely to come to a place that is easy to ferry.

The generals checked and considered where they would cross the river from where they would lead their troops instead.

How to fight after coming over is a feint, or more breakthroughs.

"It will be more than two months, and the weather will be cold. I hope that more cotton and leather garments will be delivered later."

Guo Zhiyun is planning the battle in winter, and there is nothing to say at the moment.

His team is resting, recovering, adapting to the current weather conditions, and then attacking after finding the opponent's loopholes.

The team is cutting wood to make a raft. There is no need to row upstream, as long as they get on the raft and rush across the river to the opposite bank.

"I can't hear the movement, do they wait in the rainy night, or take advantage of the opportunity to mobilize the people?"

Wang Junkui wondered how Tashi Kure would be laid out. Tashi Kure lost a large area and must want to regain it.

Guo Zhi turned into the camp and took off his hat: "You will know if you look at their horses tomorrow morning, or it may be a misunderstanding."

"When the raft is built, no matter how they are mobilized." Zhang Zhongliang, who has not been out, drank hot tea and used the light of a kerosene lamp to study the map.

Twenty hot air balloons were released in the last two days, and all of them were lucky enough to fly back. They drew some topographic maps and the camp behind Tubo.

Yesterday, a hot air balloon dropped an explosive package and exploded a camp. The Tubo people below were panicked.

It was not the largest camp that exploded, but just passed by a small camp, set fire to it, and dropped it.

"Sleep, nothing tonight." Guo Zhiyun looked for a place to rest.

Tashi Kuge on the other side of the river did not sleep, he was injured.

A small camp next to him who did not live in the big camp was bombed. He was standing outside, wearing ordinary clothes.

The blast lifted a stone, and a small piece hit his knee. It turned green. Now it hurts when touched.

He was drinking the medicine and the medicine left by Guan Lin. He felt that after drinking this medicine, the pain would be weakened, good medicine.

The medicine did not taste good, but he drank it in small sips, tasting the special bitterness.

Thousand households grilled meat in his camp, and the thick-skinned tent cut off the light from the fire, so you can't see it outside.

"I hope the rain won't last all night." Qianhu cut off a piece of meat with a knife, dipped it in salt chopped with a stone, and said when he brought it to his mouth.

He was worried that the soldiers would get sick, and Xiao Yu was cold. At present, everyone was eating the things brought by the tribes who came with them.

In an emergency transfer, many inconvenient things were thrown away, set on fire, and not left to the enemy.

Including dried firewood saved, wooden fences made and other household items.

Everyone is waiting, waiting for Tubo to send over to carry on the baggage, so that they can continue to hold on to the Yellow River, and at the same time, look for opportunities to fight back.

Said to fight back, it was a sneak attack, and it was impossible to pull out the entire army of Datang at one time.

There were more soldiers on Datang's side than on his side, and morale was in full swing.

Tashi Kure squinted his eyes to enjoy the medicine. Hearing Qianhu's words, he smiled at the corner of his mouth: "Don't be afraid, I feel strong and can judge their plans."

His current state is in line with the XI Poison situation, his thinking is indeed quick, and he is in good spirits.

Some people in the film and television circles that Li Yi did at that time like to find inspiration in this state, or use it to lose weight.

"The commander knows?" Thousand households stopped.

"If I were them, I would cut down trees behind to make a raft, and then rush down diagonally to the upper reaches of the Yellow River to transport troops."

Tashi Kuge said his judgment, yes.

Qianhu showed a trace of regret, he thought he had any special thoughts, who didn't know about it.

"We, instead of going upstream, we will mobilize our troops to the lower reaches, we will mobilize infantry and some cavalry, and go out for sixty miles behind.

The other cavalry was here to show them, waiting to choose a good day, the infantry ran for 60 miles at night, lightly loaded.

Our other teams crossed the Yellow River forcibly and fought against a military village in Datang.

At night, the military village was not clear about the situation, so he could only send soldiers back to report the letter, and at the same time, he was ready to beat us by the river.

At this time, he ran lightly for more than ten li, and cooperated with him to seize the military village from the position of crossing the river downstream. "

Tashi Kuge slowly said his thoughts and plans, the infantry would be very tired, but once they win a game, the morale will return.

Others know that Datang is not invincible, as long as they think of ways.

"Okay, I'm willing to take the infantry to rush." ​​Qianhu clenched his fist, he wanted to fight, he suffocated his stomach, and became angry with Guan Lin.

Now he has no medicine, but no one who knows how to see a doctor.

He looked forward to one day to catch Guan Lin and bring it back to clean up.

"Don't worry, if you can judge where Datang's army crossed the river, it is better to hit them" Zhaxi Kure waved his hand and continued to taste the medicine.

At this time, more than two hundred miles north of them, a unit was advancing in the rain.

"When you move, eat something when it's cold. Don't stop. We didn't carry the camp. Once we stop, we can't bear the cold."

Zhang Xiaosong's soldiers rode horses and shouted everywhere, and more people walked with horses under them.

They exercise and eat to make themselves less cold. When the wind blows, there is a horse blocking them.

The dynamite bag and the Sky Monkey’s horse were wrapped up to prevent the gunpowder from getting wet.

The sergeants walked with their heads down, not fast, and from time to time they ate some food.

They are used to it, and with Zhang Xiaosong, they will be able to withstand any harsh environment.

The rain is nothing. When the rain stops and the daybreaks, you can have a good rest.

Zhang Xiaosong looked at the faces of the soldiers around him, pursed his lips, and said nothing.

He didn't know how many enemies he would encounter when he went deep alone, and he didn't even know whether he would go back alive.

But his 10,000 elite soldiers, with good weapons, can solve at least 450,000 enemies.

Death is worth it, worthy of your majesty's trust.

Just as I brought 10,000 soldiers to fight in the Western Regions, when I went there I never thought that I could fight like that.

Step by step, persistence will win.

After more than an hour passed, the rain stopped, there were puddles on the ground, where there was grass, and I slipped accidentally.

The sky was still cloudy, and Xingyue could not be seen, but Zhang Xiaosong looked in the direction where the Tashi Kuge team was.

Tubo and Datang faced each other across the river for a long stretch of road.

"Guo Zhiyun should be looking for someone to cut wood and make a raft? I'll wait for him for a few days, five days. After five days, I will lead a raid. I hope Guo Zhiyun will know what to do."

Zhang Xiaosong ordered the team to stop and rest, muttering to himself.

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