Bringing System to Great Tang

Chapter 219: This proprietor is a bit silly

     one hundred households, six hundred and twenty large and small.

   The adults threw all their weapons to other people in the Zhechong Mansion. In addition to sweaters for children under ten years old, other sweaters were also given.

   The small child was held in his arms and moved slowly.

   They dragged down Yulin Feiqi, otherwise Yulin Feiqi could go back before the new year, one person and three horses.

   But they don’t want to wait any longer. One is thinking about living a good life, the other is not having a good year. If there are good things at home, how do you divide it? They were all from Zhechong Mansion, going to battle to kill the enemy together.

   Let's just go, don't look at other people.

   "When we get to the place, will we be bullied?" A thirteen or four-year-old boy rode a horse, tied his sister to his chest, and asked aloud next to a Yulin Feiqi.

   His sister showed half of her face and looked curiously with both eyes.

   "No one is bullying, they are waiting for you. There are too few people at the Zhuangzi who will fight, and the villagers are worried about being robbed." The Feiqi man said with a smile.

   "How much does it cost to go to school? My dad said, after the New Year, he will give me a lot of money to send to the county school."

   asked the boy again, he was going to go to school if he hadn't heard before and was not going to fight.

   "I don't need any money, I will make new clothes when I go to the place, drink milk in the morning and eat eggs, eat whatever you like at noon and night, every meal has meat, oh, it's cold now, and every meal has vegetables."

   "Does the proprietor hit people?"

   "The proprietor does not beat the children, but if you do not study well, the proprietor will teach your parents a way to beat the children. Don't worry, it just hurts."

   "My sister is a baby girl, can I teach her after she has learned it in the school? In the autumn, she said yes, when I go to school in the coming year, I will come back to teach her."

   "The girl is five years old, right? Go to school together, without you teaching."

   "How much pen, ink and paper money?"

   "No money, the proprietor will give it."

   "Isn't the proprietor stupid? Give everything."

   "Yes, the proprietor is stupid, Li Yi lacks heart and soul."

   "Xiaogang, I heard what you said, so I told Dongzhu Li when I turned around, asking Dongzhu Li to take you to play." A flying horse next to him said threateningly.

   "Don't Brother Lin, I didn't say anything." Xiao Gang shivered.

   "Speak to the proprietor about this."

   "Brother Lin, I will wash your clothes once."

   "When I can be bought?"



   So there is harmony again.

   The boy and the soldiers next to each other looked at each other. What happened? Saying that the proprietor is playing with him, why is he so scared?

   Military households in other parts of the team also asked about the situation, what was going on in Zhuangzi.

  Habayashi Feiqi tells the truth.

   The soldiers couldn’t believe it.

   After arriving at Zhuangzi, he would directly give heavy armor, crossbows, and military horses to the court, regardless of the court?

   The farmers live in the building and don’t need to burn the fire. Sometimes the windows in the house need to be opened to keep it from being stuffy and too hot?

   When eating, I went to a place called a canteen. There were dozens of dishes, and there was no shortage of meat. In winter, you can eat cucumbers, celery, and eggplants?

   The little dolls will go to the school in a beautiful dress, and if they are sick, the proprietor will treat them personally. Just breathe?

   I will give monthly allowances every month, but I can’t spend it, I have no place to use it, I can only save it?

   Work four hours a day, rest at other times, or study literacy and arithmetic.

  Clothes and shoes, as well as furniture used in the home, do not need to be considered, all will be distributed.

   There is a big bathing place, you can wash it every day, it's not cold at all.

   The same kind, piece by piece, the soldier was frightened.

  Impossible, if it weren't for Yu Lin Fei riding by the side, they would all plan to go back, for fear of being deceived, these people would lie to them to sell.

   "Camp commander Fan, tell the truth, did we have a way to survive in the past?" Wang Yimin rode a horse to Battalion Commander Fan Fan's horse and stared at each other's eyes.

   "I heard something, don't you believe it?" Fan Fan asked with a smile.

   "Which dare you to believe it? It's a liar, he is a proprietor, can he change money to support me?" Wang Yimin explained with his own understanding.

   "Money? Ha ha! Money, what do you want to say." Fan Fan laughed twice.

   went on to say: "You struggle to make money, Dongzhu Li...he deliberately doesn't make a lot of money, which is troublesome.

   But you guys went there. Suddenly there were a lot of women and older children who could work. Li Dongzhu estimated that he would come up with new things to make money. "

   "The proprietor has a business?" Wang Yimin thought, otherwise he wouldn't be able to grow the money.

   "Have you heard of soy sauce?"

   "Three thousand dollars a catty of soy sauce?"

   "Three thousand here? Changan two thousand, who earned the middle one?"

   "Captain Fan had eaten?"

   "There was a period of time to eat every day, and then...don't play or play in a certain noodle shop, don't mention it."

   Battalion Captain Fan Fan, who has a psychological shadow, is reluctant to remember, but at the same time he is a little proud. That time, he survived.

   "Is it delicious?" Wang Yimin has never eaten soy sauce.

   "Don't think of that thing as three thousand dollars a catty. It's worthless. You can eat or not."

   "Then why do others buy it?"

   "Someone writes poems specifically, and they still spread them in Pingkang Fang." Fan Fan knew the reason, and everyone supported it. Li Yi also restricted the number.

   "That means we, are the proprietors of our military households rich?" Wang Yimin got the key information.

   "It's us, the proprietor of Li is also the proprietor of our Yulin Feiqi. As long as he doesn't want to rebel, we are willing to help him."

   Fan Fan said with a smile. Looking back on his days at Zhuangzi, it seems that the training of the devil was not very scary. Oh, I can’t think about it.


   "Have you all bought it?" Li Yi from Zhuangzi asked after turning around and returning to the vegetable shed.

   Vegetables are afraid of freezing, so they must be traded in an insulated environment.

  The people who came here also brought cold-proof tarpaulins and other tools, and when they turned back, they wanted to send them to their homes or homes.

   "It's over." The shopkeeper Liang nodded to Li Yi.

   "Do you want soy sauce? One thousand yuan per catty, ten thousand catties, who wants it?" Li Yi suddenly became generous, reduced the price by half, and the supply suddenly reached 10,000 catties.

   The amount of 50 days on weekdays is released at once.

   People who discussed with others to buy soy sauce before: "..."

   "Li Dongzhu, you can't, we just finished buying." The one who bought the soy sauce was about to cry.

  " If you bought soy sauce before, get a bottle of Li Yi said.

   "Lee, we support you." The one who bought the soy sauce smiled in a blink of an eye.

   "Li Dongzhu, do it again and sell again." Others who didn't buy today asked for it.

   The glycerin at this time is the same as Li Yi's lipstick at that time. People with identity do not put a little glycerin on their lips when they go out, and their identity is inferior.

   It's not the same with other oils. It's okay for a short time. After an hour or two, everyone will see it, unless you continue to smear other oils.

   Wipe raw soybean oily, cooked soybean oil is dried, and the absorption rate of lips is poor.

   The balm oil has a smell and will condense on the mouth at the same time.

  Only glycerin is the most natural.

   Everyone went to discuss again, who wants how much soy sauce, it’s almost the New Year, and some people have to taste it even if they don’t want to eat it on weekdays, unless the economic conditions are too bad, that can’t be helped.

   16 taels per catty, one tael for one hundred dollars, it can be sold.

   After the negotiation, the distribution is done, the soy sauce is taken away first, and the money is not enough, I will send it back.

  Wait for them to leave, Li Yi asked the steward: "Is the 10,000 catties of soy sauce prepared for the palace proper?"

   "Pre-installed, one catty small jar, ten thousand, used to reward officials." Song De responded.

   At this time, he doesn't care about soy sauce anymore, so he will give it, especially to the palace.

how long it has been? So far, no one with a big background came to look for things. Isn't this the result of sending things out?

   Soy sauce is worthless, so I made two hundred big jars.

   "During the afternoon game, I told my eldest brother that if General Gao would not come, he could only ask his eldest brother for help." Li Yi decided to make others happy this year.

   By the way, make more money, the dealers should pay bonuses, even if they take the money, there is nowhere to spend it.


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