Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2318: National political balance in the meantime

Latest website: The stars at night suddenly disappeared, and the sky was lightly snowed.

Under the lights of the examination room, the snow foam fell rustling.

Some candidates are very excited, but they feel comfortable when the air pressure is low.

It's like raining heavily outside the window and breathing with the window open. The air has a high water content and the lungs are comfortable.

Including people who are happy on a cloudy day, the sky is gloomy, breathing is quickened, and there is a sense of excitement.

There are also people walking in the rain with umbrellas, but they can’t wear raincoats, and there is a lack of feeling.

"Wake up, go to the small single room to rest, it's not good here, it's too damp, it will affect your performance tomorrow."

"Do you want soup? I think you shouldn't write any more about your state."

"Check your body and listen to your heartbeat and breathing."

"Your complexion has changed, your thinking is slow, go to bed quickly."

"I'm fine, I'm sober."

"Look at my hand, five fingers, how many are three subtracted?"

"Er chant!"

"Wrong, it's six, hurry up, rest."

"The three fingers in the middle?"

"The three fingers beside you are eight, you are still wrong."

"Yeah! I really can't do it anymore, sleep! Where to go?"

The nurses and the patrol test were observing in the examination room. Those who were unable to do so quickly persuaded them to leave. The small room for the examination can sleep, but it is snowing, so move quickly.

Now it belongs to the examination of the imperial examination, not the examination of special forces.

Last year there was no such treatment. This year, many things have been added, such as medical skills and relatively difficult arithmetic.

Candidates take a long time to answer questions, even in subjects such as Ming Jing and Ming Jing, the number of questions has increased.

Both math and medicine are required for the test, but the number of current affairs policies is different.

Current affairs policies are actually quite difficult in Datang, where the information is underdeveloped. Fortunately, there are newspapers that have written out the general situation.

But newspapers are not necessarily easy to use, just like Li Yi's network is developed enough, right? ask a question.

Why is it necessary to quarantine for 14 days instead of one month after so many imported epidemics?

Current Affairs Policy asked this question. How many people can answer it?

This has to be discussed from several aspects. One is that the original situation of the virus was formulated by the original one. It is not easy to change, and there are academic persistence factors.

Then there is a comparison, domestic and foreign, other countries are like this, this is called political factors.

Then there are people's physical and psychological endurance capabilities.

It was seven days in the beginning, Sunday, or how did Sunday come? Rest every seven days.

In the Tang Dynasty, there was a ten-day rest, called Xiu Mu, which was basically once every nine to ten days.

The time of scientific confinement should not exceed fifteen days, two weeks, exactly fourteen days.

How many days do you see in administrative detention? Under normal circumstances, fifteen days.

That's why there is an official quarantine for 14 days and a home quarantine for 14 days, which is more than many people can't bear.

This is human emotional and physical and psychological feedback. Unless the person who is isolated is the author who writes on the Internet, it does not matter. Six months will do. Just give me food and drink.

Oh, there are cigarettes. I only drink fresh beer because it is cheap, has a short shelf life, and has fewer processes, and the price is lower than that with a long shelf life.

This is the current policy, ask you why, you have to understand.

But the examination for Xiucai is different. Ask the strategy, if you understand that this matter is not working, you have to show me a solution.

How can I do this? Where do I know to go? I analyzed this and it is not easy, okay?

Therefore, the current affairs policy asks the reason, the strategy policy asks the solution, the difference between Jinshi and Xiucai.

Those who can be admitted to the Xiucai Division are all talents of the Prime Minister, unlike Tongzi Division who could cheat before.

However, even if Xiucai is admitted, he is only a seventh-rank official with real power.

And Guo Ziyi's martial arts exam is from the sixth rank, how strong is this? Looking at the history, it’s really not in vain to give someone a grade six official after the exam.

He and his family supported the Tang Dynasty of that era.

Now Guo Ziyi is staying outside the sleeping place of the three children, showing live footage.

He is responsible for protecting the children. A heavy machine gun is placed next to him. He and his brothers stand guard and no accidents are allowed.

Qingdai, Guizang, and Zhuozhuo were asleep.

The bed they sleep on is their own bed, moved over, even the pillow and the cartoon pillow they hug.

Some people were addicted to watching the live broadcast and watching other people sleeping. When the camera went on Guo Ziyi, some women screamed.

In fact, there are some men screaming. Guo Ziyi of this class ignores him, don't find him, or I will kill you and I am not interested in you.

At dawn, the snow didn't stop.

Candidates go to the toilet, wash, eat, and prepare to continue answering questions.

The three children in the live broadcast were surrounded by people. They needed to take a bath, dry their hair, and put on small white coats. The master came.

"Master, we can actually handle it." Qingdai said to Li Yi.

"You think too much. I don't care if you can cope with it. I'm waiting for you to finish your answers quickly and go back to work in the hospital."

Li Yisi didn't understand the thoughts of the little apprentice, and only took the imperial examination for the Jinshi course. I will prepare the meal for you, so don't waste time.

"Little Master Qingqing, don't cry, the world is so painful, and many helplessness are attributed to loneliness.

However, it is difficult for the years to stop, who is stopping in my heart when I look back.

The flying dust can't cover up my whispering and tearful eyes in my loneliness.

Some people say that the sunrise on the top of the mountain shines on the distant road.

The moment of care between you and me, the fog of the soul cannot be lifted in the confusion, so...bless each other! "

Qingdai's little robot was lyrical and leisurely beside her.

"Next time you talk to me, you will have a clear rhyme, otherwise you will come back to the furnace."

Qingdai nodded her little robot's head with her finger. How can you feel so much?

"I know! Qingqing, my lord." The little robot was stubborn at last.

I'm going to rhyme. Do you care if I am flat or flat?

What happened to me? You see, Ling San San accompanied the proprietor, provoking all the way, didn't he also survived!

The people watching the live broadcast laughed. It was so fun. The relationship between Dongzhu Li and his apprentices is really good.

In the morning, newspapers began to be sent to various places, mainly about the issue of setting up medical centers on platforms in the future, and there was a round of consultations by imperial physicians in the imperial medical office.

Hurry up to the place by train, and then run down the river to the canal.

This is the real strategy. If you change individuals, you have to pass the Xiucai Division for this strategy alone.

It doesn't involve Li Yi's apprenticeship or Qingdai's medical Song De on the other side wakes up in the middle of the night, answering his own questions, and Shiwuzhi slowly answers.

The camera met his test paper, and the people outside saw his response, silent and thoughtful one by one.

Song De is not as agile as the three children, he is steady, he is in charge of the entire Li Family Zhuangzi.

All reinforcements and resource allocation from Lijiazhuangzi go through him.

Therefore, at this time, he answered the ten questions about the policy, and he didn't have any brilliant solutions.

He turned the topic of current affairs policy into his own daily routine, how to arrange logistics, mobilize resources of various workshops, and cooperate with the operation of the imperial court.

He answered fairly well, not out of line, and not invaded.

"The proprietor who wanted to come to Song Desong to be in charge should cry to death."

Concubine Doulu looked at Song De's answer and said with emotion.

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