Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2321: The most refugee sigh

The latest website: "Isn't it a terraced rice field?" Wu Yi thinks about it.

He read the newspaper and felt that his county’s terraced fields are better for growing rice.

As a result, I have to grow Chinese pepper, which can’t fill my stomach.

"What is planted as a whole depends on the arrangement of the court. We came here to let everyone have money first.

My task is to unite the villages, call them naturalization, and lead them to a good life.

When the court did not require any crops to be grown, I had to choose cash crops. "

Baibu talked to the other side about the relationship between the place and the imperial court. There are only more than one thousand households in the entire prefecture.

For other things, a little bit of farming is enough to fill your stomach.

As for cash crops, one is oil crops and the other is seasonings.

For the time being, the oil is not easy to arrange, the seasoning is the main ingredient, and the amount of pepper is the largest.

Even people in the north who can’t grow pepper, love to eat pepper noodles.

Pepper cannot be grown locally and cannot be planted. Learn from the land of Shu, and plant a large amount of pepper. The daily consumables are the same as salt.

"Oh oh oh!" Wu Yi suddenly followed the rhythm.

"It's a good strategy to let the men and women in the three villages intersperse and match." He found that the men and women have good feelings with each other.

"Just follow the script, the proprietor has given a lot of methods, just one of them."

Baibu didn't tell lies, today's action was arranged according to the booklet.

A lot of details are written in the booklet, including why.

The men and women in the same village have little choice between men and women, close relatives!

The people selected are handsome males and beautiful females, and they cooperate with each other to do things, so why not just communicate!

"Is there a pamphlet?" As the county magistrate, Wu Yi instantly found the key words.

"Yes!" Baibu nodded. There are several pamphlets, specifically telling how to solve the contradictory relationship between the local stockade and the village.

"I... can I... learn?" Wu Yi showed a look of shame and expectation.

He was embarrassed to ask directly, but he still wanted to solve the conflicts in the village because of the talents of other people's Lijia Zhuangzi!

"No, but you can learn by observing. If you give things to you, you can give them to others. Then this method won't work."

Baibu shook his head.

Once it spreads out, people will be dumbfounded when they see it. It turns out that we have been calculated all the time!

In particular, the booklet contains a large number of strategies for mountain people and local stockades, so that people can see that good things will turn into bad things.

At this time, the sentence is: people can be made by them; if not, they can be known.

Switching to Chang'an and Luoyang, it becomes: the people can make it, let it go; if you can't make it, know it.

There are more sentence explanations, no matter which kind, all contain preconditions.

Why can the people of Jingzhao and Henan provinces let them know something? Because they live well and know why they live well.

If they know it, they will support this regime even more.

Where living conditions are poor, you have to hide things. Don’t let them know something. They will press these things into their hearts and resist.

What was the purpose of this sentence? Of course it is a fool, not to let the people know what the situation is.

The sitting position is different, and the angle is also different.

To put it bluntly, it's very simple. If you can grasp the direction of public opinion, and the people still recognize you, you just let them know.

You are too weak and you are afraid that the people will rebel, so don't let them know.

When I changed to Li Yi, I just let you know, and you know when you know, what else can you do? Believe it or not, I have a hundred ways to detain your son?

Of course, this can be explained as a local problem, and then it's gone.

You still have to let you know about the national level. You know, can you try one more thing?

"So? Do you have leisure to drink today?" Wu Yi wants to learn, this is too good.

"We made food, and hope that Wu Ming Mansion will condescend." Baibu knows the world.

So everyone was happy, including sitting together to talk about ideals, talk about... the future men and women.


"Sure enough, the current affairs policy is the most difficult to answer. No matter how much you have prepared before, once you go to the examination room, you will be at a loss."

At noon, Li Yi pushed food to find his apprentice, and said to Princess Yongmu and Xiaolan who were next to him.

His previous experience was there, and he studied hard after arriving in Datang.

Others can't do it, they all follow a similar pattern from an early age.

The imperial examination is not the college entrance examination. The college entrance examination is much simpler than the imperial examination.

High school students take the college entrance examination, even if they get the status of the champion.

Suddenly ask you: your own country and international relations, comprehensive financial considerations, geopolitical analysis, the reasons behind the failure of the Japanese monetary easing policy, the national debt of the countries that face international currency issuers, and the relationship between onshore and offshore currencies.

How many can answer the number one scholar in the liberal arts and sciences of the college entrance examination?

After being the champion, there are several ways to enter the system, one is your identity, the other is the exam.

The former is easy to be reported as a problem, and the latter will pull down other aspects of you.

No. 1 in the college entrance examination, asking you how to solve the labor exodus in your area, can you answer it? Combine the reality with the answer, don't dream the same kind of answer.

And this is the content of the Tang imperial examination, not as simple as the college entrance examination.

How many students are admitted to the undergraduate degree? How many were admitted to the imperial examination?

If the Imperial Examination of the Tang Dynasty were placed in Li Yi's time, it is estimated that 99% of the people would have to kneel and cannot understand the questions. In fact, everyone is about the same age.

In addition, a few tenths of a percent of the candidates have to be picky about entering key universities.

"Master, I am not afraid. Even if I can't find the way, I can return to you."

Li Guizang spoke first. In fact, he has the heaviest attachment to Li Yi.

He has no family, Qingdai is from a medical family, Zhuozhuo and his adoptive parents are kind to him, and now his mother is also pregnant with a child.

Li Guizang only has himself. If he is not guided by the newspaper's education and enters the Beitianfang, he may be the local black club or be killed someday.

His attachment to Li Yi was no less than that of Qingdai and Zhuozhuo who had been saved. Li Yi taught him something, he didn't care too much, he only knew that he had a home from then on.

This is different from most of the teachers in Li Yi's time. The reason for saying most is because there are still a small number of rural teachers who take their children back to their homes to look after them, but they do not have a staff.

After that, the local education department gave a high-sounding explanation and pushed out its responsibilities.

They don't know, what everyone feels when seeing this situation is not the pain of an educator, but the death of the country.

Fortunately, there is no such thing as the Tang Dynasty. All local masters, teachings, and mountain leaders dare not do it, nor can they do it, because they are influenced by Confucianism and are afraid of being pointed out by thousands of people.

"Confucianism actually has a role in this aspect. I have to convert it into Tang ideology. Let's eat!"

Li Yi brought out lunch, braised pork with tofu and green beans, tomato and egg soup.

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