Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2334: I can't help but look forward to everything

"Master Gu is well, Lao Zhang is well, Li Dongzhu is well!" Wan Cheng glanced at Li Yi and immediately saluted.

"Brother Wan is well! Please come inside."

Li Yi responded, greeted each other enthusiastically, and hurried in.

"Wancheng! Is the family arrangement in order?"

The old man looked at Wancheng kindly, what a good boy!

"I don't have anything in the house. I lend the pots and pots to the neighbors, and the rice and salt are sent to the neighbors. They ask the neighbors to take care of the yard for me.

The chickens raised in the house are also entrusted to the neighbors to take care of them, and the duck neighbors just put them together with his house.

If I can go back earlier, I will take it back and raise it. If it is too late, the neighbor will kill the meat.

There are a few people in Beitianfang in Gongxian who need to take care of them. I was worried that the people in Beitianfang could not be separated, so I hired a car and sent them to Beitianfang in Luoyang.

In this way, when I study at Li Dongzhu Zhuangzi, I can also go out to see them and give them acupuncture and massage. "

Speaking of the back, Wan Cheng clasped his fist to Li Yi with a grateful expression.

Li Yi replied again: "If Zhuangzi is not well received, I hope Brother Wan will let you know."

I thought in my heart: You actually brought some people, but you still want to go out and contact me if you have nothing to do?

Wan Cheng put his own medicine box in the courtyard where the ancient head lived, took a hurried shower, and joined the party of eating and drinking.

"I met Brother Wan today, and I was so happy to bring the wine. Brother Wan and I drank it." Li Yi looked excited.

The little robot ran to get the wine, and the wine in the glass bottle was clean without any impurities.

The people and the robots at the table all poured a glass, and then removed the glass that everyone used to drink, so they can't mix it with each other.

Li Yi didn’t taste it slowly. He drank a big sip: “This wine is made from the grapes I transplanted in the second year after I arrived in Chang’an. Happy, share with you."

He said, everyone drank it all and tasted it carefully.

"Brother Wan, I know everything you have done, let's have a toast." Li Yi asked Wan Cheng alone.

"A few trivial things are not enough." Wan Cheng followed his cup and watched Li Yi drank it and hurriedly did it.

The little robot fell down again, and Li Yi sipped at this time: "Brother Wan drinks slowly, and the wine becomes drunk when he is in a hurry."

"Well, what I drank just now is really full-bodied."

Wan Cheng's face was reddened, and he drank two cups of liquor before.

"Brother Wan likes to drink, and there are in Zhuangzi, but it can't be the same, I can't bear it!" Li Yi said with a smile.

"This kind of clear wine is not ordinary." Wancheng praised again that the filtration technology is good.

Everyone was eating and chatting. For about five or six minutes, Wan Cheng's eyelids began to droop.

"How can I finish drinking this wine..." He wanted to say that his whole body was weak, but his head drooped and his body slid down.

Li Yi's eyesight was quick and his hands were quick, and he held him back: "Brother Wan, Brother Wan? Come here, Brother Wan is tired from the journey and is in poor health after drinking. He is asleep, so please help him to rest."

As soon as he finished speaking, four male nurses pushed over, lifted Wan Cheng up, and pushed away.

Old head and Feng old man: "..."

Both of them didn't believe that Wan Cheng was drinking two glasses of white wine, two glasses of wine slept, and the speed of sleeping was too fast, and the words were not finished yet.

And it's not drunk, so drunk you can mutter a few words, move your hands and feet, first become drunk.

The two looked at each other as if they didn't know, and continued to talk about the hospital and the library.

Pushing people away over there will have to artificially induce vomiting, otherwise the general anesthesia is likely to cause the food in the stomach to flow back and block the respiratory tract.

In other places, people started to close the net and arrested those who were watching.

After a meal, the two old men took a walk and talked about what they had done over the years.

Li Yi went to find Wancheng, it was time for a showdown, and let Wancheng hand over the list of all Manichaeisms.

Qingdai led her family around, explaining the functions of each area.

"The amount of water in the Yellow River is gradually increasing. Guo Zhiyun sent a telegram saying that the steam engine is easy to use and he wants to use it to drill wells in the northwestern region."

Others have eaten, rest, stroll, and play.

Ministers still have to work. Li Longji held a small meeting to talk about recent events.

"It's smart, they thought of using the steam locomotive to drill wells. Isn't there a karez?"

Li Longji had the impression that Li Yi gave a large number of digging tools.

The speed and efficiency of local people's digging of kaner wells has increased, and the drilling method is not easy to use.

"Find places that are not easy to dig, and give local people more places to rest. In the future, the Silk Road will be completely opened up and supplies will be convenient along the way."

Su Ting continued to introduce the content of the telegram, and the generals had ideas.

"Difficult!" Li Longji shook his head.

Only Lijiazhuangzi produces steam engines, and Lijiazhuangzi’s staff are working hard to build steam engines, ships and trains.

Other steam engines need to be arranged in important places for grain production, plain areas.

Like Henan Road, Guanzhong Road, Hebei Road, and the grassland, the northwest has a small population. Choose places to grow cotton. In other locations, there will be no grass if there is no water.

Walking where there is a water source, the delayed steam engine benefits cannot be made up by the Silk Road right now.

"The minister responded to the news and told them to wait for a few years." Su Ting wrote down.

"People from some big families who have passed the exam want to get seeds this year. They said they would invest and give them new seeds."

Song Jing mentioned another thing, once Li Yi promised.

The big family contributed money and effort to build roads and small handicraft workshops in the village.

People from Qingdai's family came over, first took the land to Chang'an, and then took the train. The land condition was good, and others took the money.

The income of the people in the counties next to the road has increased significantly. It's the beginning of the spring and they are anxious to plant the land.

"Be given." Li Longji didn't say it was difficult this time, so he planted for others, and harvested others' seeds after planting.

Ordinary people now give seeds, and the care is guaranteed to be no better than a family with more money and more people.

"Your Majesty, lie to us that those people sent from other countries want to go back and bring things back."

Zhang Jiuling said with a smile, lied to Li Yi's head. You have never seen Gang Rou lied to others.

"Order them to tell the if you want to go, normal trade."

Li Longji had forgotten about this, thinking of it, he felt it was no big deal, and Datang's overseas trade team was about to set off.

"It's better to take them all the way to their place. The fleet is divided into several groups along the way, the closest ones will come back first, and then send out one after another."

Zhang Jiuling suggested that when he was in Guangzhou, he knew that nearby places had high grain yields, as well as spices, cinnamon and pepper.

As for pearls and tortoise shells, they can be used as decorations and medicines.

"Yeah! Jiuling arrangement." Li Longji agreed, looking at Bi Gou, it's up to you.

Bi Go took out a stack of paper from his sleeve, Li Longji frowned? Why? There are so many things?

Why didn't you say it a few days ago? Gather together?

"Your Majesty, according to Xiaoyi's method of managing the villages, ask someone to sum up several plans. Can they be printed out and sent to various places?"

What Bi Gou said that made Li Longji relieved was not a bunch of problems that needed to be solved.

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