Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2340: People's livelihood is picturesque, pardoning prisoners

With the warmer weather, the entire Henan Road is busy.

People who are ready to keep bees and change their hives to start making new hives.

I have already learned to keep bees. This year, I want to raise my own bees, but those who are unwilling to continue to work for others will discuss with others to sell their own flocks of bees.

Jingzhao House, Wang Wei, Wang Bo and the big families in Henan House built silk sheds in the area where they lived, preparing to raise sweet potato seedlings.

Older people in Henan Province get the thorns on the dry branches of saponin, and then sell them to Lijiazhuangzi or other pharmacies.

The people who planted winter wheat clear the river, ready to water the wheat seedlings at any time.

In areas with pressure wells, everyone should pump out the turbid water below and repair parts, especially gaskets.

People from the government found families with martyrs, asked what help they needed, and sent protective cream by the way.

Children who do not live in the school put their schoolbags on their backs in the morning, and go out together in each district, lining up to sing as they walk.

Rich people take the train to go shopping in the big supermarket, where everything is fine.

For example, the Chinese cabbage that has been preserved until now last winter, the outer gang is broken down layer by layer, leaving only the tender part in the middle.

Remove the leaves and roots of the green onions and remove the old skin. The scallion white looks ready to bite.

In addition, chives, cabbage, and thorns are only one long cucumber, and three-inch small eggplant.

High quality means high price, rich people are willing to buy them, and they buy a lot of them.

Li Yi sat at a small table with Princess Yongmu and Xiaolan, and ate shredded radish, oyster and tofu soup, plus flower rolls and a lot of side dishes.

Li Longji and others also found a table to sit, facing in one direction, and the daily life of the people this morning was played on the front screen.

After the fixed-wing drone completed its mission to search for Manichaeism, it began to catch bad guys and help people find lost chickens and ducks by the way.

Li Longji and the others were in a good mood, a scene full of vitality.

"This is the Tang Dynasty, look at that place, the smoke curls up like a fairyland."

Yao Chong pointed to a place on the screen and said that there was a lot of smoke there.

"Damn it, the water is leaking! The second-floor house is leaking, hurry up, lower the height and shout and let someone help."

When Li Yi heard the word "Wonderland", he glanced up and immediately sweated profusely.

After several consecutive maneuvers of the drone, the altitude was instantly lowered to less than 20 meters above the ground.

'Go away, go away, here. ’

'Boom blah blah...' The rapid gong sounded.

The people nearby moved in different ways. Some rushed towards it directly, while others turned to look and grabbed someone else's pole to rush.

Turning around at the door of his own house, he went in and took off the water gun hanging on the eaves.

The person who was fetching water from the tank slackened the reel, and hung the pole lightly on both sides, and ran out of the steps that six relatives did not recognize.

Some people carried ladders, some newlyweds took out their own quilts and put them on, the daughter-in-law splashed water on the basin, and the mother handed a few wet towels.

Then I saw the man bend at the waist, tap the front toes of his feet on the ground, and swoosh out. He came to the thorns outside the yard, twisted his body and rolled over. The moment the wet quilt was placed on the fence, he entered.

Two more nearby drones rushed over, adjusted their wings, took off and landed vertically, and the fog lights came out.

The man bit a part of the edge of the quilt with his mouth, pulled out a rope from his waist, swung it and tossed it, and the rope flew up, with a grappling hook in front.

As soon as the grappling hook was locked, he clambered up.

The man turned into the burning place on the second floor again, and after about seven or eight breaths, he jumped out and jumped down from the second floor.

Land with your feet back and forth, lean your body on your right knee, your right butt, your back, your back, your left shoulder, your left elbow, your right elbow, your right shoulder, and lie down, there is a person in your arms who is so frightened Crying baby.

"Next." When he shouted, he threw the baby to the person next to him, turned over again, bounced with his hands on the ground, ignored the quilt, ran to the rope, and went up again.

After a few breaths, he rushed out with a woman in his arms, bent sideways against the railing where the rope was, and climbed over the railing and fell to the two of them.

In the process of falling, his legs were tucked one by one, and his head and feet slid down.

Seeing the ground, he made an 'ah' on his waist, leading the woman to turn.

Bang, he landed on his back and groaned again.

The others rushed over to carry the woman away, while dragging him away.

"There's no one in that room, I don't know anything else, alright, let go. I just fell on my back and got angry, oops!"

The man was dragged out for more than ten steps, and finally took a breath.

"No, no one." The woman who was taken down also regained her ability to speak, and was confused by the smoke just now.

"Good job!" "Amazing!" "Is this an action that a human can do?" "I saw flying over the wall today."

The people around him praised and applauded.

"Fight the fire, put out the fire quickly." The drone shouted.

"Oh!" Everyone reacted, yes, put out the fire.

"The comparison of the documents for the arrest of the sea was successful. Name: Ke Donglin; place of origin: Huazhou, Henan Prefecture. Crime: robbery of five rich and wealthy households, and nowhere to be seen."

A voice came from the big screen of the Lijiazhuangzi canteen, telling everyone who this person was, the Snitch.

"I'm wrong, cancel this sea arrest document." Li Yi said.

"It's a mistake." Li Longji nodded, and the other ministers nodded, no problem.

From the situation, we already know that they just got married, and they stopped doing bad things, and they were stealing things, not killing people, and they didn't die because of stealing things.

Today he saves people, which means that he has made a change, and what is the purpose of arresting him again?

"That's wrong. The minister thought that this son should be praised today, in order to correct his heart."

Zhang Jiuling spoke and rewarded him, he did the right thing.

Wang Xing, the supervisor of Huangzhuang above Lijiazhuangzi in Bashui, also dug up other people's tombs. What is the crime? As a result, a baby survived.

The money that this Donglin stole was enough to catch him and kill him?

"Let him know, don't think that what you have done can be hidden from the sky, the sky is full, and you can't lose it."

Li Yi added, it's okay to let this person go, but you must ask the other party to understand why they let kind! "Bi Gou approves.

"Call Zhuangzi, and Xiaoyi sees him."

Song Jing suggested that there is a deterrent effect, Xiaoyi is a fairy, tell Ke Donglin, if you do something again, the fairy will take care of you.

The firefighting continued over there. The woman was in a daze with her baby in her arms. She was frightened just now and didn't know what to do at the moment.

If there is no baby, she will cry, and with the baby, she must be strong.

The baby cried a few times just now, but now he buried his face in his mother's arms, and his little hands clung to his mother's clothes.

"What about the family who walks the water?" Su Ting watched as the wooden two-story building was pushed down and collapsed.

"It's also a newly married family. The baby looks under one year old, and the big red happy words on the wooden pillar are still there."

Princess Yongmu looked at the screen and said that they were all newly married, and they had been saved by generations of other people's families, and a two-story building had been saved.

"The wood is good, do you know the Jiaowei Qin? The wood there can definitely make a good piano." Li Yi gave a method without thinking.

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