Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2380: IQ online with the ship also

The latest website: "Ask separately, ask for details, take a polygraph."

Li Yi is relieved, no one is specifically targeting him. Of course, don't listen to the other side's words.

The polygraph results cannot be used as evidence in his time, there are errors.

In Datang, it can basically be qualitatively determined by testing it several times.

"What are you doing now?" Princess Yongmu felt that the matter could not end.

"Retrieve Lin's boat from Quanzhou. There will be surveillance from the sky when it arrives. Fifteen Xinluo people will leave a record when they change boats."

Li Yi didn't plan to go to the pier to eat, and the yacht to catch the boat.

Lin made several trips to overseas trade, knowing that he should pay taxes, evaded taxes, and framed others.

After the family of Quanzhou Jinjiang Zhang came into contact with the Japanese island, they mainly had to pay taxes, just because they needed to develop themselves, they were temporarily exempted from tax, and they will be counted together in the future.

His family ran the line of the Japanese country and went to Lanbao to help.

The Zhang clan in Jinjiang, Quanzhou is reassuring, what is the Lin clan? To escape tax evasion, dare to harm one's own people.

If I don't clean it up this time, the Lin family will trade in Silla in the future to establish local power.

Is it true that the Datang trading ships will have to look at his family's face in the future? I can't kill you.

The yacht withdrew the springboard, left the shore, and chased upstream.

The drone gave a positioning, and the other party was heading to Heqingdu, that is, the old Mengjindu when Li Yi was, and Mengjin when Li Yi was different.

Lin's boat went upstream, and it has not reached the place yet, more than four miles away.

The yacht starts, and the drone flies around.

Chen's people were on the yacht, watching the lights from the drone, the searchlights of the yacht, and felt the speed.

The same idea was born in their hearts: the Datang cruiser always flew so low?

"Did you hear that? That's what happened."

The little robot that accompanies Li Longji speaks, and it has been acting as a microphone, transmitting the original sound directly.

The county magistrate of Heqing County, Lin Qingwei, wiped his sweat. If anything, the current event is enough.

It is said that under his own rule, someone attacked, and he failed to warn the world in advance and was not well protected.

"Qingqing, there is no need to worry." Li Longji could see Lin Qingyi's fear.

Qingqing is Lin Qingmei's word, green in blue sky, clear in sunny day, hearing his name and words makes me feel good.

Lin Qingyi's Lin and Quanzhou Lin's family do not belong to the same family, what does it have to do with him? Who can still dismiss the county magistrate for fun?

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Lin Qingai let out a long breath.

"You shouldn't be caught, and tell them to come and go a few more times."

Bi Gou's face was ugly, as if someone had cut flesh on him.

Even so, his intention was to let the other party go, as if he didn't know.

Every time you smuggle, you make money, and you can clean up after you earn more.

"To convict him is no future trouble, not to raise chickens and lay eggs."

Zhang Jiuling disagreed. In fact, he remembered the matter of cheating the Yan family in Guangzhou.

The Yan family went to bully the Yi merchants and obtained a lot of benefits. Finally, they closed the net, gave the Yi merchants an explanation, and told the Yi merchants, look, we have cleaned up.

As for the money lost by barbarians, we don't give it, we just clean up people.

The court made a lot of money from it, and by the way captured the Yan clan, deterred the local Huang clan and other clans, and used Huang An's power.

At that time, there was no way to do it, and the Yan family had a huge local power.

Now that the Datang team has become more powerful, there is no need to use the same method to solve the problem.

From the ferry port here, to another ferry port in Heqing County, it is twenty-three miles away.

Lin's river boat was four miles away from the dock, and the yacht was chasing it.

The waterway of the Sili Yellow River is against the current, and it takes two quarters of an hour to walk at night, and a quarter of an hour when the wind is good.

From the ferry, that is, west of the Yellow River Bridge and further west, you need a tracker.

And the speed of the yacht...

"Slow down, turn around, Datang cruiser inspection, Quanzhou Lin's ship, we order you to slow down and turn around. Those who don't obey will be killed."

When Lin's river boat was still two miles away from where the ferry dock was, the yacht caught up and the drone shouted.

"Can they run?" Chen's leader looked expectantly.

He hoped that the other party would be disobedient, such as throwing things into the river, jumping into the river, or even pretending to turn and fleeing downstream when the current was downstream.

"Shouldn't it be possible?" Li Yi wasn't very sure. Some people's brains were not easy to use at critical moments.

People who can go to Silla to play smuggling are obviously both intelligent and emotional, the Datang cruiser shouts, and the ship adjusts the sail and rudder.

When it is adjusted, the sail is lowered, and with the force of the current, it goes back, parallel to the yacht.

Fei Yulin rode on the yacht and threw the rope at the other boat. The people on the boat found a place to tie it, and Fei Yulin rode over it.

"Alas!" Chen's people sighed, the other party is too obedient, why don't you resist and struggle?

About a quarter of an hour later, the two boats returned to the previous pier, tied ropes and set up a springboard, and the people on board walked ashore one after another.

"Call them on the yacht, arrange manpower, and treat them like the people of the Chen family."

On the yacht, the springboard was automatically set up, and Princess Li Yila Yongmu and Xiao Lan went ashore.

"The handsome and wise proprietor, have you seen it? A place that is too poor knows how to fight."

The little robot Zero Sansan followed behind, and Princess Yongmu and Xiaolan's robots lined up with it.

Princess Yongmu's little robot: "It's good to change things from Silla, ginseng, bezoar, charcoal, pearls and tortoiseshells from other places are not good, pearls for medicinal purposes will become less and less valuable in the future, and tortoiseshell medicinals have substitutes. "

Xiaolan's little robot: "Ginseng bezoar is good. Silla's ginseng has high medicinal efficacy and is convenient for compatibility. Let's make Bezoar Angong Pills."

"Why don't you still use pearls! With musk, I caught a lot of male musk deer. The incense collection is so cruel, I dug it out bit by bit, or squeezed it out by pressing hard in a circle around it at the same time, which is called the isobaric method."

The appearance of 033 is compassionate and compassionate. Today's musk is raising musk to get incense, and the bezoar is also natural bezoar.

Now there are more bezoars, because there are many cattle and they are raised naturally, and the probability of producing bezoars is high.

In the case of meat-eating cattle, the skeleton should be lengthened first by breeding. During this period, the body of the cattle grew rapidly and lacked thinness.

After the shelves are urged to fatten again, they will be slaughtered after UU read

In order to increase the muscle of the cow, cow protein powder is fed, and some protein powder is taken from the body material of the cow, so the mad cow disease is fed.

"It's better than killing the musk deer. The strong prey on the weak, people are more important than animals."

"Today's musk deer is like this, what will happen to Zihecha tomorrow?"

"There is sheep fetal ointment. People are prone to histamine reaction after eating it."

"That's called rejection, and it's used for organ transplants."

"It's not all transplants, there are other protein injections in vitro, such as mosquitoes, leeches, bee venom, snake venom..."

The three little robots followed and discussed all the way, not looking at them, but only listening to the content. They were all full of talents.

The key is that their voices are cute, and they make people feel happy when they argue.

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