Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2390: boy cut off foundation

Li Yi took out a handful of hazelnuts, split half of them into the other hand, and clasped them tightly together, and with a click, many hazelnut shells shattered.

"Here, choose Ren, let's shoot it again. This is a hand-made hazelnut. In fact, it is a leaky hazelnut."

The little girl hurriedly picked the hazelnut kernels in it, and held it in her palm after picking it: "Brother Li Yi, is it useful for women to study literature?"

"Where did you learn?" Li Yi continued to clasp his hands, and another hazelnut shell was slapped open.

"I've finished studying the Analects, and now I'm just learning Spring and Autumn." The little girl waited and continued to pick.

"The master said to Yan Yuan, 'If you use it, you will do it, and if you leave it, you will hide it, but I have a husband with you.'" Li Yi opened his hand.

The little girl's movements slowed down: "Zi Lu said: 'If you have the three armies, who will be with you?' Adults too.'"

"It's very good, so I learn it and seek it out, what's the deal with men and women? The housekeeper is not one person; when it comes to things, how can there be one member?" Li Yi nodded.

"Thank you, big brother, I know!" The little girl was happy.

She has finished studying the Analects of Confucius, so she can understand, and she is the one who can make suggestions, even at home.

"You can also be an official in the future, because... uh... If you look at the workshop, many women work and earn no less money than men.

They are all women's workshops, it is not convenient for men to enter, and women need to manage them.

If many women in a village have something to do, the male officials are equally incapable of saying anything, which requires female officials. "

Li Yi could not find it in the Analects of Confucius, so he had to speak in vernacular, otherwise he would have to borrow the Analects.

The little girl has just learned Chunqiu, and he can't use the words of Chunqiu.

It was different when it was replaced by his three disciples, who could just cite scriptures and understand them all.

When the three majors of Boys, Scholars, and Scholars are given for nothing?

"Brother proprietor, I'm nine years old this year and ten years old next year. Can I take the children's exam?"

The little girl's big eyes showed a hopeful look, wanting to get a positive answer.

"Learn Chunqiu, study hard, and then read more newspapers. If you don't know about medical books, ask your sister Qingdai, she can teach mathematics too."

Li Yi turned his head to the minister next to him, and replied to the little girl.

In fact, he just said no, and just glanced at it, Bi Gou and the others pouted.

Do you think about children's subjects, you can pass it if you think about it? If you finish learning the Analects at the age of nine, and once you learn it in a year, will you be able to pass?

In the first two years, you will now be valued and take care of you as much as possible. That is called auspiciousness.

It's a pity that Zhuyu is in the front, and the requirements of the Children's Section have changed, and the examiner does not dare to ask casually, how far do you think you are?

Take the imperial examinations for the entry into the scholar's department, learn the Spring and Autumn Period, and paste the scriptures next year in the Spring and Autumn Period.

Then memorize medical books and learn arithmetic well. He is so smart that he can get a second if he can't do it.

Don't think about the boy, there will be no boy in the world from now on.

The little girl was very smart and bit her lip: "Sister Qingdai and the others have passed the children's subject, no one can pass it in the future, right?"

"The same is true of the Jinshi Division. In the future, there will be female officials, and the focus will be on training." Li Yi can only answer this way.

"I see, the Tongzi Section is no longer about passing the first classic, plus the ten questions of the Analects of Confucius or the classic of filial piety, but all of them must be mastered, so that the examiner does not dare to ask more questions, right?"

The little girl understood, blinked her eyes, and tears fell: "It's all their fault, what are you asking? It's your Majesty's solution."

"Don't cry, don't cry! In the beginning, the Tongzi Division was not as strong as the Jinshi Division. They were all children. I'll arrange for you Sister Qingdai, Brother Guizang, and Sister Zhuozhuo. Can we get a first-class student in the Jinshi Division?"

Li Yi quickly comforted, don't cry, isn't it just an exam! We specialize in practice.

"Can I still go to Zhuangzi?" The little girl clutched Hazelnut and wiped her tears with the back of her hand.

"Yes, I will take you with me when I go back, and come back every ten days. Your family will not allow it. I will discuss it with your family."

Li Yi made a guarantee, your family has built a swimming pool for the school in Heqing County, and you must take care of it.

The little girl suddenly laughed again: "What are you discussing? Big brother, if you say yes, my family dares to say no?"

"Okay, follow along and study hard!" Li Yi is satisfied with this girl, her emotional intelligence is high!

The surrounding ministers suddenly felt that it would be alright to give this girl a chance to be a boy child. She was really smart, although she was a little worse than those three evildoers.

"Class, class!" Someone shouted again.

"Big brother proprietor, I really don't need my family to prepare things?" The little girl was going back.

"Go to class, don't be distracted." Li Yi waved his hand.

"I'm leaving!" The little girl turned around and ran away.

"See? Education can't keep up, and many smart children are buried, especially girls who are influenced by ideas."

Li Yi put away his smile and said to Yao Chong and others.

Guizang and Zhuozhuo were all geniuses selected from the school.

Datang is so broad, how many smart dolls are there?

Do these dolls learn medicine, physics, and chemistry so quickly?

"Don't worry, Xiaoyi, the regiment's staff will be dispatched immediately. It is a normal local county school."

Yao Chong assured Li Yi that he didn't think that Li Yi looked down on him when he was young, and he was an immortal method.

"The political affairs hall will also send someone." Su Ting looked at the other three prime ministers and agreed to Li Yi.

"Lishi, look." Li Longji instructed Gao Lishi.

Li Chengqi thought about it: "The Tang Dynasty Fund is going to increase its investment. I don't expect all the children to be so strong. It's enough to come up in the echelon."

"Remember to set the rules, no matter how good the basic education is, after ten or several decades, you can't leave homework for your parents to help with."

Li Yi added, he remembered something.

Previous teachers didn't ask the child's parents to help grade homework because the parents wouldn't.

Later, the basic education was awesome, and the teachers simply taught the parents about the homework in primary and secondary schools. Anyway, you all understand, right?

So some parents have to study again, forgetting the previous ones, your teacher is too pitiful, it was not like this when I was in school!

I couldn't learn when I was in school. When school was over, the teacher just wanted to print the papers, so he left me and gave me a lecture.

At that time, I hated the teacher to Everyone else has left, you keep me?

Now think about it, good teacher! Can you keep my child? I thank you all.

As for what kind of papers you print, tell me, I will print them for you, and my family will run a photocopying agency. The big ones will cost less, so I will pay for them.

Li Yi once again sighed with emotion that he was so savage, that he was reluctant to give up day and night.

Thinking of him to cook, many people want to eat today.

The fish needs to be fried first and then dealt with later. He adopts the most foolish way to fry the fish, burn a large pot of juice, and pour it on one plate.

Snake meat is fried, fried in a large pot, and simmered in hot soup.

Anyway, how fast it comes, the taste and taste are worse.

Blanch some wild vegetables and wash others.

The unboiled wild vegetables are eaten with egg sauce, and the blanched vegetables are eaten with tomato sauce. It is sweet and sour. Children like it is justice. Adults can continue to dip in egg sauce.

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