Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2410: No mercy for the frontier

The yacht suddenly speeded up, just like when it came, and the return was abrupt.

"This is the speed of the four propellers, why limit me?"

Li Yi felt the fierce sea breeze, thinking that an aircraft carrier as big as others can exceed 30 knots with the same four propellers.

After muttering, Li Yi went to Li Longji with a big basket, and he wanted to push the process of annexing Silla.

If Silla doesn't win it, this position is disgusting, and it takes all the effort to do anything, and a piece protrudes from the sea. Can I build a canal for you now?

Li Longji is grading the memorial. Now he is very diligent and has very little worry.

He used to calculate because he couldn't trust anyone, but now he doesn't worry about anything as long as he is near Li Yi.

Focusing on political struggle is different from focusing on political construction. Li Yi is his strongest backing, but he is completely assured.

"Brother Yi, wait a minute, I'll be done soon."

Li Longji picked up the last three memorials and gestured to Li Yi, and continued to look down and write.

Gao Lishi personally brought the chair, Yang Sixu carried the small table, and the maid brought tea.

Li Yi clasped his fists and sat down to drink tea without making a sound.

When Li Longji finished his work, put down the pen, and leaned back, Li Yi asked Gao Lishi: "My general, I want you to take off my shoes now, can you take it off?"

"Because of what?" Gao Lishi wondered.

"Shame on you." Li Yi replied.

"Take off." Gao Lishi nodded.

"Sit, don't stand, humiliating you is humiliating myself. People, respect each other."

Li Yi was sure that it was absolutely false that Li Bai asked Gao Lishi to take off his boots.

Unless Li Bai drank too much and was unconscious, Gao Lishi asked someone to arrange a sleeping place for Li Bai and help him take off his boots.

"That... Li Dongzhu, your third brother has dealt with it." Gao Lishi did not dare to sit.

"The third brother is thinking about something. I also have something to do. Let's talk together in a while, sit down! I brought a bunch of sea cones and fried them. I'll share some with you."

Li Yi opened the lid of the basket and took out a large pot of spicy fried sea cones.

This thing is eaten as a snack. When it is spicy, there are a lot of medicinal herbs.

Everyone knows that the spicy food specially made by Li Yi does little harm to the body. It is used with medicine and has a strong taste, and it is not that much.

They peeked at Li Longji, and with such a big pot, you can't finish it all by yourself.

"Look at what I do, Brother Yi brings it and you can eat it, it's not that you can't eat it."

Li Longji closed his eyes and rested. Hearing Li Yi's words, he naturally thought of other people's reactions.


"The third brother said, hurry up and eat." Others hesitated, what should they call them? Li Yi took over.

So everyone took away the basin, and there was a basin below it, and there was a mess of seafood in it.

Li Yi brought it out, went to Li Longji's table, and put it on.

Li Longji opened his eyes and held the pot: "Go down and eat, set up a small table, set up two small chairs, and burn the liquor."

He hates sitting on the dragon chair to eat, it's uncomfortable.

"Third brother, shall we drink yellow wine?" Li Yi hurriedly said when he heard that he was drinking white wine.

"Listen to Brother Yi, it's not noon yet." Li Longji agreed, what should I do if I drink too much at night?

The two ate spicy seafood and took a few bites. Li Yi looked at Li Longji, and Li Longji looked at him too.

"Third brother, you should talk first, solve your problem, and I'll talk about mine."

Li Yi decided to deal with the easy first, and then the hard ones he wanted to talk about.

"Never mind! It's just one thing for my brother, and each prefecture reported it separately. After summing up, the waters of the Pearl River have too much precipitation this year.

The local government requires the construction of the embankment, fearing that the rain will be more abundant next month, and the two sides of the main stream will not be able to bear it. "

When Li Longji talked about the memorials sent by the locality, everyone was very afraid of the entire Pearl River waters and surrounding areas.

I used to be afraid that there was no way to do it, but now I want money, pile up sandbags, and fix the embankment with net stones.

Li Yi began to lose his mind, but his eyes were dull and he entered the state.

He is checking whether there are any problems in the Pearl River Basin this year, checking county records and county records of the entire basin.

The county annals he checked were comprehensive, not the county annals after that turbulent era, when many of them were burnt.

Including the genealogy of other people's families, they were thrown into the fire forcibly, and they showed a special pleasure.

"Nothing this year, but I mean, someone got lazy last winter, check."

Li Yi waited for a full two minutes before rubbing his eyes with his hand.

"Check!" Li Longji was more straightforward. Brother Yi said that there was no problem today. To check last year's situation, he must check.

Because he paid, he gave benefits to local officials in his own name.

You take my welfare and don't do things, bully me?

Can you tell me how powerful you are in the local area? I sent Yulin Feiqi to see it.

Li Longji believed what Li Yi said, saying that there will be absolutely no major events in the Pearl River waters this year.

"Very good, I'm guaranteed to make money. The watershed before was not less concerned with the court asking for money."

Li Yi is also relieved, the people have no major problems, it is the officials, clean up the officials!

After he finished speaking, he started to eat seafood and drink rice wine.

Li Longji took a few bites: "Brother Yi, you..."

He remembered what happened just now, and Yi Di meant that it was easy to solve first.

Problems in the Pearl River Basin are easy, but not easy?

"Third brother, this is the case, today, His Majesty misses Da Zuorong in Bohai, and should order Da Zuorong to come to Chang'an.

Let's go back after arriving at Mount Tai. If Da Zuorong's speed is fast, he should also go there.

Feng Chan is actually a ceremony. After the Feng Chan is finished, we have to find a way to promote economic development locally.

Bohai's gate art was studied in the Tang Dynasty, and the great martial art was ambitious.

If there are rumors that Da Zuorong is in poor health after arriving in he will die soon, what will Dawuyi and his supporters do? "

Li Yi said that what he was going to do, he thought of some strategies through the history of Vladivostok.

Therefore, what Li Longji said, he checked the information, there is no problem, if there is a problem, he will deal with it.

And his operation, history did not.

If Da Zuorong, who should be dead, goes to Datang, Li Yi can guarantee that the other party will live a few more years.

Rumors spread again, and Da Wuyi is in a hurry!

Da Wuyi is in Datang, and if Da Zuorong also comes over, Dawuyi and its supporters will definitely be ready to move when they hear some news.

When people's hearts are unstable, with a little push, Dawuyi is likely to do things that are heartless.

At that time, Datang had Da Zuorong and Damenyi in hand, and this was the reason and excuse for the war.

And how many people are there in the Balhae country? History records that he belongs to more than 100,000 people in his own country, but the records are not necessarily true, and you have not gone to the census.

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Does Datang still have mountain people who are native or not? Do you have a data model correction?

But it is true that more than 60,000 people in the surrounding area came to Datang. Will Dawuyi start a war with this?

That is, he has become an 'emperor', he is in power, and he beats the people around him.

Datang has a reason to send troops, and at the same time let Silla cooperate, will Silla cooperate or not?

Li Yi would not do this in another place, but there is the Northeast, which must be won, as well as the Korean Peninsula.

Li Longji's brain was buzzing, and sure enough, the matter that Brother Yi came to discuss in person was more serious than the matter he handled. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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