Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2414: The sun shines brightly towards Mount Tai

Song Qingli left with the Datang cruiser. He couldn't go up the mountain in this situation, so he could only wait by the river for Li Longji to return to Luoyang after Fengchan finished, and then see if he would go back to Chang'an.

His family was with him, and the officials who were in contact with him on weekdays were checked and they were not infected.

He will work remotely through telegram in the future. Currently, he is in treatment, supplementing nutrition, resting more, and relaxing.

The family made his shroud and waited for that day to come.

Tuberculosis, coughing up blood, can it be cured? Undoubtedly, unless he is young, he may have a chance to survive, but it is also very slim.

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The family was very moved when they sent a telegram, sent a nurse, and gave medicine.

I never thought that after coughing up blood, His Majesty came to see the situation and brought Li Yi, the great Tang doctor.

The genius doctor said, no problem, guaranteed to be cured.

Sure enough, he is a genius doctor. At this time, he dares to say that he cannot die.

My own Datang cruiser is used for war, how does it feel better than the house at home? Can it fight sea battles?

The ship sailed towards the mouth of the Yellow River. Song Qingli took a breath of oxygen and asked Li Yi, who was wearing a mask, "How did this ship win the naval battle?"

"Speed, weapons on board, only we fight the enemy, and the enemy has no chance to fight back."

Li Yi continued to auscultate, and he was not afraid of coughing up blood. He was only worried that the other party was old and his nutrient absorption was not good enough.

Song Qingli is seventy-four years old this year. In fact, even if he dies, he will be considered a longevity in the Tang Dynasty.

The key is how to die, the body function declines, the organs fail one after another, and the death is normal.

Tuberculosis died, feeling wronged, obviously still alive.

He has three sons, the eldest Song Cuiying, the second eldest Song Yuanpei, and the third eldest Song Puwei.

He also has an elder brother named Song Tingli and three nephews Song Yanran, Song Ciyu and Song Yingsi.

In history, after his death, the posthumous title given to him was not good, but his brother's son Song Ciyu refused to agree, and went to the court to ask for a change, called Yi Que.

Finally, the posthumous title was changed to 'Jing', which proved that he was good.

Li Yi also believed that Song Qingli was very good, and he lived a few more years, which proved that the Tang Dynasty valued the meritorious ministers.

Song Qingli didn't know what he thought in Li Yi's heart. He only felt comfortable breathing oxygen, and his lung function was affected.

He thought for a while and asked, "Bring Datang's musket over and shoot at the side of the ship?"

"When you really need to use the Datang cruiser, it won't be the muskets made by Zhuangzi. In fact, we have a new automatic rifle, which can attack continuously, chug, chug.

If the Tang cruiser hits the enemy, if there are many enemy ships, I will send a cloud bomb to the largest ship. After the battle, all other ships will surrender. "

Li Yi took out the auscultation head, wiped it with alcohol cotton and said.

"What is a cloud bomb? It hits people badly?" Song Qingli couldn't imagine it.

"Our largest ship in the Tang Dynasty, the deck is touched, and there are not many people who can survive, so it is estimated that they will not be used."

Li Yi calculated the data and thought that a large number of people would be killed after hitting a big boat.

"Okay, with this weapon, Hai Jing!" Song Qingli smiled.

"I'll send you a menu later. You can choose three kinds of vegetables, three kinds of meat dishes, and one kind of soup. You can choose what you like to eat."

Li Yi is about to leave, so he will tell Song Qingli first, and give you the recipe for your own consideration.

"Can you still speak for yourself?" Song Qingli felt the same as a restaurant.

"Yes, I'll do it for you after you choose, don't choose too many, I don't have that much time."

Li Yi nodded and emphasized at the same time.


"Just call Xiaoyi."

"Xiao...Xiaoyi, did you do it yourself?"

Song Qingli was embarrassed, he knew Li Yi's status in the Tang Dynasty.

"I don't worry about others doing it. You have contributed to the Tang Dynasty, so of course you should take good care of it." Li Yi nodded.

He actually wanted others to eat it together. He made it in a large pot, and he took a shovel, except for the steamed ones.

"No fault is enough, I don't dare to take credit." Song Qingli's eyes were red.

"I'll have someone bring you a newspaper and put it on a shelf. You have a drip on your hand, so it's not easy to support the newspaper."

Li Yi said and went out, he cooked the dishes himself, and also reassured the hearts of others.

Even the treatment and diet, he is fully responsible, and others have more confidence in Song Qingli's recovery.

"How?" Li Longji was talking to the little robot outside the "hospital", and when he saw Li Yi coming out, he hurriedly asked.

"There are other small inflammations, deal with them together, and there will be no accidents."

Li Yi sprayed his hands with alcohol and tapped the little robot's head with his fingers.

"Don't order, if you order too much, you'll be stupid." The little robot's lights flashed.

"Don't do it if you're stupid." Li Yi tapped his little robot's head again.

"What does it have to do with me, I didn't say it." Zero Sansan muttered.

At noon, Li Longji and others ate the meal selected by Song Qingli, and after eating, they went to the deck to watch Song Qingli together.

Song Qingli estimated that psychological factors played a role, her condition was much better, and she felt that she could live.

He sat in a wheelchair, continued to inhale oxygen, and watched the waves rippling.

"Xiao...Xiaoyi is right, relying on the speed to bully other ships."

Song Qingli always felt that it was not good to call Li Yi Xiaoyi, because Li Yi had a high status and his age was not important.

"Qingli, when your body recovers, your position is important. You can think about what to do when you are resting."

Li Longji looked at Song Qingli's complexion, and firmly believed that the other party could live a few more years, and then there would be in line with Datang's strategy for Bohai and Silla.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, this minister will definitely get better." Song Qingli made a guarantee.

Others pretended they had not heard His Majesty's words, and Zhang Jiuling said, "Don't be in a hurry for the celebration. When you get sick, it's like a mountain, and when you get rid of it, it's like a thread. There is a way to be tough and soft."

"Yes, Xiaoyi has been bothered." Song Qingli remembered that it was up to him whether he was good or not.

"It's windy on the deck Go in and rest."

Li Yi pushed the wheelchair, sent it back, blew and coughed again.

Coughing up blood, everyone looked uncomfortable.

When the sunset becomes charming against the backdrop of the sunset, the yacht arrives at the place, and tomorrow will change the land route, and the Taishan Fengchan will begin.

At this time, there is no need for Confucian people, nor for Taoism and Buddhism.

Feng Chan is in charge of the Qin Tianjian. The team arrives at night and climbs the mountain early in the morning.

Everyone was very excited. They drank some wine during dinner and rested on the yacht.

A lot of people came. On the shore, they helped build the road before. The food was delicious and delicious. Today, there is a lot of food, which is allowed to be packed.

The next day, the weather was fine, and yesterday there was a sunset.

The team went ashore and marched mightily towards the foot of Mount Tai.

Li Yi's ambulance was there, and the fixed-wing drone was circling.

The distance is less than 100 miles in total. Historically, one day cannot pass, and the team travels slowly.

The current road conditions are good, major families and people are willing to build roads, and Mount Tai is an important location.

The carriages came one after another, and the rest of the people rode on horses, and no one walked. After more than 40 kilometers, there was no need to do anything else.

Li Yi is checking the information, Li Longji Taishan Fengchan was in the thirteenth year of Kaiyuan, and there should be six years before it is called the prosperous era of Kaiyuan.

There were a lot of bizarre things on the road. It was windy, sunny, rainy, sunny again, encountered something special, and it was all messed up.

There are records in the data, but the real situation is not known at all.

"I don't know if there is a strong wind today? It's okay to feel the wind." Li Yi muttered.

"Is there a strong wind?" Li Longji heard. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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