Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2418: Hades and Hades

After dinner, Li Yi took the two outside to see the scenery. The sunrise on Mount Tai was beautiful, and the sunset was as beautiful, especially among the sea of ​​clouds.

Princess Yongmu looked at it and said: "Li Lang, let's play you... copy the Spring Talk Huayueye?"

"Okay! You play the pipa, I beat it, I play the Xiaohe, and Xiaolan plays the drum."

Li Yi has everything, if you want, I will accompany you. He originally wanted to say that he played the drum, but suddenly he thought of something and changed it to he played the flute.

"Li Lang, you play the drum, and I will play the flute." Xiaolan didn't want to play the drum, so she wanted to change it.

Li Yi: "..."

I just wanted to avoid some things, and as a result, all the good things have been misdirected by the people of my time, okay, you blow it.

Then the music of 'La~LaLado~Come La Swoosh~~Swoosh~Swoosh~Dorami...' sounded.

"Who is playing music? Are you not afraid to disturb Haotian at such a moment?"

When Concubine Doulu heard the movement, her face sank.

As a woman, to be able to participate in Feng Chan in this capacity, she was excited, nervous and in awe.

"Back to the empress dowager, it is Dongzhu Li, Princess Yongmu, Xiaolan."

The **** ran out and came back to report.

"It sounds good, so I promised Haotian to enjoy it together."

Concubine Doulu changed her words instantly, giving you Haotian face, listen.

She felt that her grandson-in-law could hit the sky, stomp the ground, and beat the air in the middle.

If it is said that there is a strong wind at night, it will be a strong wind, and if it is said that it will rain, it will rain, and when it will stop, he will just ask.

The other ministers reacted in the same way.

Li Longji and Li Chengqi felt itchy when they heard someone playing music. After knowing who it was, they did not dare to participate.

Everyone thought that Li Yi was playing for that person, and it was not bad that he could hear it.

"Brother, this son-in-law is a gift from God, my brother is very satisfied."

Li Longji praised Li Yi for being good in all aspects.

"Brother Yi said that you should be Feng Chan, and naturally you should be Feng Chan."

Li Chengqi said from another point of view, Yidi asked you to come to Fengchan, and Datang guarantees that it is good.

"When we go back, the local officials of the Tang Dynasty will improve their treatment, even the village officials."

Li Longji thought of one thing, some officials in Datang were waiting to be assigned, and they would not go to bad places.

After being admitted to the imperial examination, like Wang Han, he took his diploma and went home to stay.

With this jinshi card, you can find someone to be an official at any time and pick and choose.

Only the forty-two students of Zhuangzi of the Li family and the 220 students of the second phase were obedient and could go wherever they were told.

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Go to the village to assist the village chief, and work hard to manage the village well.

Brother Yi asked, how can you govern a county if one village is not well governed?

Jinshi Ke Jiadi counts as a fart? This year, how many first- and second-ranks of the jinshi division in the village households are still doing their original work?

Song Dejia ranked first, and then he was still the steward of Zhuangzi.

Local officials are treated better, those who pass the imperial examinations earn more, and their living standards improve, so why not go?

Then revise history, it is precious, don't expect to get real power one day, resolutely refuse to give it, revise history for a lifetime! If you want to be a real official, go to the village and start from scratch.

"It should be." Li Chengqi understood, the third brother wanted to improve the treatment of local officials and encouraged everyone to go down as officials.


That night everyone rested early and had no food to eat.

Get up early the next day, watch the sunrise, and then you can hold the ceremony.

Li Longji took out the "Inscription of Ji Taishan" that he had prepared in advance. Someone was in charge of carving it. It was the same stone, but the content was different.

After talking to Haotian, he hurried down and went to another mountain that still existed to find the back soil.

The back soil is in Sheshou Mountain, which is actually the place where Sheshou Mountain and Haoli Mountain are connected.

It was said that the Hades of the Underworld was in this location, and later this place was dug up and taken away, and the Sheshou Mountain was dug up for stones, and the whole mountain was gone.

At this time, Li Yi could not find a familiar location. At that time, he lost one mountain, and the other mountain changed greatly. At that time, there were gun towers and machine gun muzzles of bunkers on the mountain.

Li Yi frowned, looking for clues.

"Brother Yi is looking for something?" Li Longji asked casually.

"A lot of people actually died here. When I came back, this position should be... er! Nothing, I said I came here in a dream."

Li Yi said and reacted, what's the use of me telling Datang people about this?

Others nodded secretly after hearing this, and understood, Underworld, you sometimes have to come here to check the book of life and death, but you are not walking on the road of the earth, so you can see a lot of dead people.

For a while, people who felt that this place had a gloomy feeling suddenly calmed down and were not afraid. We have powerful people sitting in the town. Going up, isn't it a mountain!

Li Longji kept tossing until the afternoon, and the whole set of Fengchan ceremony was only part of the end, and the rest was handled by others.

The scene of the process is grand. Li Yi just looks at the scenery. The drone in the sky shoots it. After going back and making it, he is playing it for others to see.

A large group of envoys from the Fan states were terrified. They were not afraid of the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, but they were afraid of Li Yi.

You can ask if the weather is sunny or not.

The post-Turkic people understood that it was no wonder that their tribe could not beat the Tang Dynasty. People could fight with others, but how could they fight with non-humans?

In the evening, the people who helped were waiting for another meal.

They didn't go down the mountain. There was a big screen for them to watch the process, including rain and double In fact, they did not need to look at the big screen. They also saw it, and it was raining. Fortunately, there was a place to hide.

Eating barbecue at night, as for doing this just after Feng Chan, will it offend anything? Don't be afraid, whoever refuses to obey will come over, Li Yi will roast a sheep himself and find him.

Li Yi was very depressed. It was Li Longji who awarded Zen, not me. Everyone misunderstood.

Li Longji changed his outfit and watched Li Yi roast sheep cut down the meat: "Brother Yi, forgive the world and exempt the people where Mount Tai is from renting for one year, okay?"

Li Yi picked the tender meat and put it on a plate for Li Longji: "Taishan Henan Road, the rent is no longer paid, the tax is unavoidable, and there is no problem in amnesty."

Li Longji suddenly realized, yes, yes, there is no rent charge here: "In that case, here's an edict."

He was happy that the whole process of Feng Chan went smoothly, and it didn't matter if it was windy or rainy. He knew in advance that others would expect the enemy to fight first, and he would expect the heaven to come first.

The double rainbow is so beautiful, it was given to me by God.

"The roasted one is not as delicious as the braised one." Princess Yongmu dipped herself in dry ingredients and muttered.

Li Yi got up and motioned for others to come over and bake: "I'll bring you a braised one in a pressure cooker, add cooked meat, and it will take ten minutes."

As he said he was looking for something, he brought the roasted mutton without seasoning, cut it into pieces, and poured it into the pressure cooker along with other seasonings. There was boiled mutton soup next to it. Pack some, seal it, and bake it on the fire.

Princess Yongmu looked at others carefully, did she say something wrong?

No one dared to say that she was rude and pretended not to know.

Li Longji smiled: "The pressure cooker researched by Yidi is good. I heard that it is in the plateau, and it is beneficial to use it."

He said looking at Chidai Zhudan, Chidai Zhudan was in the plateau. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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